First Grow: Purple Kush


Well-Known Member
Hi there, this is my first grow so I'd like to post my journal and get some tips/advice...and maybe a little validation that I'm doing well ;-) haha

I purchased 3 Purple Kush seeds from USA based website and decided to start 2.


Both seeds in 24hrs or less with wet towel soaked with poland springs 7.1 PH bottled water enclosed in a sealed tupperware.

I then transfer each to their own small pot; one containing Fox Farm brand Fish Food?? Soil, nutrient content unknown, the other containing miracle grow Indoor Potting Soil nutrient content N-25%, P 13%, K-19%.

Baby plants popped through the soil after 2 days.

Vegetative Stage:

Equipment set up---

2×2x4 grow tent
600w LED
Inline fan and air filter
Outline exhaust fan
Outlet timer
PH tester

Light is position little over 2 feet above top leaves and timed for 18/6 light cycle.

I try to keep Conditions in grow tent at 60% humidity and 75 degrees farenheit

1st serated leaves appear after 3 days from first popping above soil.
2nd node appears a few days after 1st node


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The 3rd node has appeared on both 5 days after the 2nd. I observed a slightly yellow discoloration on new leaf growth and hastily decided to transfer to a larger 3 gallon grow bag. I forgot to include in my first post that initially the seedlings were in seedling starter soil NPK 2-2-2

In hindsight I realize they are young and possibly should have kept them in smaller container for a few weeks but they speedily reverted to normal grown leaves after a few days


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I am watering the plants with Poland Springs bottles water PH level 7.1

16 days into veg and there are 4 nodes.

Kush 1 in fox farm soil appears to be growing squatter and bushier than Kush2 in Miracle Grow Indoor.


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2 days after 4th node. A 6th node has first sprouted. I have decided to use the Manifold training technique on the taller Kush 2 and a LST bend and tie on the squat Kush 1 to expirement with yield size .

EDIT: as you can clearly see, Kush2 with Miracle Grow Indoor, though producing new nodes at a slightly slower rate, has grown quit a bit larger even though both plants were started on the same day


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I have topped above the 3rd node on Kush2. Cleaning up all foliage below 3rd node branch. New growth shoots appear to have a slight yellow discoloration so I fed a small amount of Fox Farm Grow Big nutrients. High nitrogen NPK ratio.

Edit: After 2 1/2 weeks, Kush are routinely fed with Grow Big and Micro Nutes (Cal Mag) once every 3-5 days and watered when necessary when soil is somewhat dry one knuckle deep.


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I am now 1 month into veg after seedling.

Kush1 has been bent and tied to see growth shoots from each node can produce a cola. I have left the 2 shoots on each node, trimming away branches and fan leaves. It doesnt look as pretty and it hurts me to cut off beautiful cannabis leaves but I have read that this will increase yield substantially.

Kush2 appears lush and healthy with 2 colas now forming from topping at the 3rd node.

As previously stated in my other posts, I have transferred Kush2 (plus 2 american haze seedlings) to a larger tent and lamp. Specifications: 4x2x5 tent and a 1500w LED. I have also noticed a halt in all new growth as I have stated, again, in other posts. I left for 3 days for Thanksgiving holiday and returned to some nice new growth on the plants. However after transferring them to their new environment I noticed a stoppage in their growth .

Others on this forum have shared with me that possibly my plants are stressed from lighting change and may take a week or so to resume growth.

I should also include that I have added a another humidifier as well as an oscillating tower fan into the new tent.

Kush2 manifold in progress is on the far left in the 3 plant picture.

Kush are 33 days in.
Kush1 looks janky but the growth shoots are climbing towards the light quite nicely which I had hoped for.

I was planning on topping a 2nd time on Kush2 to continue manifold process, however I believe I will wait until growth has definitively resumed at it's normal pace. Will include update on my decision later in the day when I have returned home from work.

How my doing so far guys and girls? An advice on my grow or tips for improving my journal??


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Day 33:

Heres a shot of my LST trained Kush. I think I'll stick with only bending and tying down with this one just to test yield of harvest with the 2 different training methods I am using for each Kush plant. The offshoots of each node grown vertical so I am hoping to get some decent colas from each one. I will continue to tie down each away from eachother and give them their own space as they continue to lengthen .


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About 5 full weeks in.

Growth shoots continue to push up after bend and tie, it looks like theres about 10 soon to be cola so far. I've pulled the main stem a little more horizontal so that the new shoots the grow out will reach vertical for the light.

Kush2 I have topped a second time and tied down the branch horizontal so that new shoots will grow vertical towards the light.

Slight yellow discoloration emanating from the center of new leaf growth so I've fed with some grow big and will see if goes green.

All growth has now resumed to a speedy pace after the little break the took from the tent switch. They're coming along quite nicely. I may give 3 more weeks to switch to 12/12 but my impatience may get the best of me. I am looking for atleast 2ft of height before I switch to flower because I've read plant will double in size. Does that jive with anyones experience ???


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Looks good darn leds arent the most flattering for photos turn the led off and light up your plant with a flashlight for pics if you need to so we can see her pretty green colours!
Looks good darn leds arent the most flattering for photos turn the led off and light up your plant with a flashlight for pics if you need to so we can see her pretty green colours!

Thanks bud, will do. I have timer set so light is off while I'm at work and on while I'm home so I always forget to get normal non-blurple pics.

Would anyone suggest transplanting from 3gal to 5 gal pot at this point? Would that help get my ladies bigger or is it not worth the potential stress holding back growth? I am on a time frame since I'm moving in 3 months so I dont want to delay further...
double in size. Does that jive with anyones experience ???
Yes that can be true. More sativas, then indicas, but it is the rule of thumb. That plants close to double in size for flower. :thumb:

I agree with @SmokeLake blurple photos, aren’t all that appealing to the eyes. But I try not to mess with the main light above them in a dark area (I.e the tent). I always bring the plants out into a well lit area for getting photos. That way the big light above them doesn’t shut off, making them think.. ohh it’s night time!! Zzzzzz

like he said though, it is do able, which Evers easiest for a person really!:thumb:

Would anyone suggest transplanting from 3gal to 5 gal pot at this point? Would that help get my ladies bigger or is it not worth the potential stress holding back growth? I am on a time frame since I'm moving in 3 months so I dont want to delay further...
Yeah, you could... I mean how long have they been in the 3 gals for? If it’s over two weeks, then I would say sure, get those roots ready for the 5 gal, after a couple weeks in the 5 gal. Flip to flower!

how long are these for flowering times? Because you will have to keep that in as a factor as you say your moving in three months.
Hey everyone,

Snapped a couple regular out of the grow light photos to get a better look at the color of my plants and how I manipulated their growth .

They are now at 5 weeks old

Kush#1 was bent and tied down early when her stem was thinner and more flexible. I trimmed all the horizontal branches making room for new growth to receive air and light and leaving growth shoots to grow upwards.


Kush#1 I have topped twice to create a manifold style that I have previously posted a link for. The main stem has thickened up nicely and now I'm just waiting for these colas to form.

How am I doing? Constructive criticism and/or praise greatly appreciated :)


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I apologize for all of the edits. For the benefit of myself and others I am trying to be as detailed and comprehensive as I can possible be.
That’s how you get journal of the month . I’m in if you don’t mind . Girls are looking great !
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