First Grow With LED In Small Closet

hehe found the right one .
What an ass, it's his first grow and while yes, plants could be better he's getting great results for being his first time. What's the deal about mistreating others and trying to act all high and mighty when you're just a stoner. I mean, if you want to get all cocky go bother someone who cares.

Really? ITs not being cocky, its being REAL. AND, i dont smoke, lol.. So there goes all that out the window for ya, huh.

All im saying is, EVERY SINGLE LEAVE IS DEFORMED, something is VERY wrong with it. SO, lets let the dude waist time, money, and hopes, just to flower out something he might not get fruits from anyways.
hahaha I save money with gardening, normally I would let TV on whole day but since I do this I do that in after hours and my TV uses the double amount of Watts of what my whole doing all in bedroom cost's me so who is wasting money
if I would see they want more light I could hang my stronger bulbs lower or add more but for now also from calc I did a lot and with every led I was adding, you know I really try my best and I'm good with math I can say so I can use it here with light and other stuff , here a pic of first transplant and starting day of my tempel of peace
Bro I will complete my experiment before building something else and I don't have a lot of space, the better I can give after this grow if successful is 0.5 × 0.5 × 1.10 m*3 , bigger gets more difficult because of also stealth, don't forget I live in Germany and here it's not really allowed like , but I will talk with docs and my lawyer to get legal as possible, I don't wanna loose my apartment, was costing me years to get one...
since some weeks now I use this app in my gardening also , the is being used in gardening for thousands of year's I was finding out...and then we people from this century think we know all...for me the past is important as the future and knowledge ( LEARN say my religion even if I'm not really religious I still believe ) is the first coming for me with importance. ..
Bro I will complete my experiment before building something else and I don't have a lot of space, the better I can give after this grow if successful is 0.5 × 0.5 × 1.10 m*3 , bigger gets more difficult because of also stealth, don't forget I live in Germany and here it's not really allowed like , but I will talk with docs and my lawyer to get legal as possible, I don't wanna loose my apartment, was costing me years to get one...

oooooooh, ok, i see.
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