First time low budget

Re: first time low budget..

hey thanks for the help again l8tnight,,

well i picked up some nutes today ,, let me know if these will work peeps,,

this one for veg,, 20-20-20 with micronutrients

this one for flowering,, 15-30-15 with micronutrients

THe directions on veg say:
for gardens: 1 1/4 tbsp to 1 gallon water (4ml to 1L)
for houseplants: 1 tsp tp 1 gallon water (6ml to 5L)
feed every 2 weeks for fast growing plants and 4 weeks for slower ones

the flowering one says:
for flowering garden and house plants: 1 tbsp to 1 gallon water (3.5ml to 1L)
for flowering houseplants and african violets: 1 tsp to one gallon (6ml to 5L)

so where should i start,, like maybe just 1 tsp to gallon for now and work way up in like 4 waterings to full strength??

i hope these nutes will do and will stop the yellowing tips on some of the plants

sorry bout bad quality pics people,, i gotta get it figured out cause im gonna need help when comes time to determine sex,, lol,,
can plants show there sex when still in veg?? i thought i read that last night?
Re: first time low budget..

I think your browning tips are from to much nutrients. Try cutting back a little on your nutes... Those damn coffee containers are a bitch to transplant out of, to many indents and crap on the inside.. Start out at a 1/4 strength and work your way up...They are only three weeks old, not sure why you started feeding them in the first place....Go easy on them...
Re: first time low budget..

i havent started feeding them yet,, well actually ya,, just one jobes pant spike in each
12-5-4 ,, i thought they needed nitrogen ,,
i thought about that when i used the coffe containers with the indents too,, but was all i had at the time,, lol,, hopefully will be able to get them out without mangling them too bad,,

so i should not start feeding them yet then??
when then??

and there are only two with yellowing/ browning leaves,, the other three have no yellowing what so ever,, so i dont know,, lol,,
Re: first time low budget..

There is no need to foliar feed with nutes at this point. Maybe a little with plain water, but no harsh chemicals... They need to recover from the burn, not receive more nutrients!
Just make sure that you use 1/4 strength and work your way up from there. Young plants are very sensitive to nutes... Those plant spikes are no good man, If I were you I would refrain from using them with cannabis. Its a harsh chemical nutrient and there is no way to dilute them. Try and get some FoxFarm, it will do you a world of good.
Re: first time low budget..

Dr. he hasnt used any nutes so i dont see how they would need to recover from burn he has nitrogen defficiency so wouldnt him using some nutes help his plants?
Re: first time low budget..

i already started to foliar feed my plants and give them some nutes and they are coming along good so far.... i dont know how it got around that he already nute fed lol
Re: first time low budget..

ya i know the spikes no good but i thought just for a bit till i get some nutes, cause i thought they need nitrogen,, obviuosly dumb beginner mistake again,, lol,,
i just pulled them all out ,, i will just continue misting and watering with water for now ,, so those nutes i picked up will work?
and when then should i start to feed ,, not till flower with the high phosphorus one,,
and just forget about the veg nutes??
plan on flowering when about a foot tall,, if they ever make it,, lol

and can some plants show sex while still in veg??
like would i have to watch to make sure no males while still in veg??
or not till flower have to worry??
Re: first time low budget..

L8tnight, I think you missed something in there.

i havent started feeding them yet,, well actually ya,, just one jobes pant spike in each
12-5-4 ,, i thought they needed nitrogen ,,

I think your browning tips are from to much nutrients. Try cutting back a little on your nutes...They are only three weeks old, not sure why you started feeding them in the first place....Go easy on them...

Yellowing leaf tips are a sign of nutrient burn. Weather he used nutes or not, his plants are suffering... The last thing he needs to do is foliar feed with a heavy dose of nutes!! Foliar feeding is in the beginning is just fine as long as its diluted. :ganjamon:
Re: first time low budget..

i guess doc is kinda right i did use those spikes like 3 or 4 days ago,,
and i guess they are really not good,, so maybe that did do it,,
but come to think of it the one with the bad yellowing i did not give a spike too???

i think i take your advice l8tnight and try some foilar feeding at 1/4 strength and see what happens,,

thanks again for the input guys,, im sure it must get annoying answering all us newbies questions time and time again,,

but it is appreciated.. just so much info and so much conflicting info,,
Re: first time low budget..

oh shit i didnt know you had spikes in them? yeah your right i did miss that part sorry for the confussion, yeah if you want try the 1/4 strenght nute foliar feed check mine out they turned out fine ill post pics up of mine later so you can see how they are doing with the feeding,
Re: first time low budget..

i think i take your advice l8tnight and try some foilar feeding at 1/4 strength and see what happens,,

thanks again for the input guys,, im sure it must get annoying answering all us newbies questions time and time again,,

The only stupid question is the one you didnt ask!!
Sounds good man let us know how it turns out. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: first time low budget..

but thankyou for your suggestions doc,,
not that i am not listening to you ,,
i just wanna try the foilar feeding first,,

please dont stop giving me advice cause im not taking it this time,, just wanna try,,
if its hurts them more,, than at least i learnt first hand, and seen the effects of nute burn,,
Re: first time low budget..

ok well i decided to go ahead and try some nutes...

1/4 strength,, foilar feed and watered all plants with 20 -20-20,,
lets see what happens,,
some pics just cause i got new batteries for camera,,
and i need more practice using it,, :)



before foilar feed

after foilar feed

will update in a couple days to see how they took too the nutes,,
Re: first time low budget..

my sense is they will take it in pretty good to me they are already a lil old enough to, i started off mine early and they took it in good by the way did you use 1tbs per gallon? mixed then poured on to a sprayer for foliar feed?
Re: first time low budget..

i used 1 teaspoon for 1/2 gallon water,,(actually used 2L)
ya i mixed in water and then put into misting bottle and foilar fed,,
also they need water so i gave them a watering with the mix too

hope for the best is all i can do,,
Re: first time low budget..

man i hope so,,lol,,
i better keep an eye on them cause only like 1/2 inch from cfls right now some of them,,
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