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Good day guys, firstly, this plant is i weeks imto flowering, it smells spicy, and i don't know if it's a male, or a plant that was pollinated!! Also i have a problem with these worms!!
Please help!!



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Good day guys, firstly, this plant is i weeks imto flowering, it smells spicy, and i don't know if it's a male, or a plant that was pollinated!! Also i have a problem with these worms!!
Please help!!

Hiya rademeyer, good news is , it's definitely a female,a fully flowering female. She's looking nice.
Yes you do have a problem with catapillars. When plants are younger you can spray them to keep the bugs of, but flowering plants like yours can go moldy if kept too wet.
There's lots of info on this site dealing with pests,might be worth having a search. I've never dealt with bugs that big in a flowering plant, maybe someone with more experience will chime in.
Harvest her and plant some more. At 8 weeks into flower and covered in bugs best to harvest what you can. Maybe look into how to bud wash before drying to get rid of any eggs or remaining bugs. IMO
Hiya Frankllinmiller welcome to the community. Links in my signature to help with learning the way around forum. Check it out. If you need a hand with anytbing just type the @ than someones name and you call them to the post.
Welcome rademeyer, Nice cola! GHempster has a good idea. If you wait, the caterpillars end up laying larva in the bud and it causes bud rot. You don't want that. Seriously look at bud washing. Bud Washing
Not to step on yer toes but scroll a bit further in your bud wash link to when Doc Bud steps in. That’s where I link it.
I think his way is better than the OPs way.

I added a 6” air stone in the baking soda/lemon juice bucket, and this harvest plan to add on to the final bucket too.
I always end up with spider mites so I figure it’s help knock them off. Lol.
I can see at least one caterpillar. Look around and see if any of the other types of plants nearby have caterpillars that look the same. In the future you might want to consider spraying your plants and the nearby shrubs and trees. If you are planning on growing in the same spot again you should think about finding out what butterfly or moth layed the eggs that grew into those caterpillars. It helps to know what specie they are so that you can get the best insecticides if you plan on going that route. Some species will lay their eggs in the fall so that the caterpillar shows up in the summer. Don't forget to look into some of the natural repellents or other insects or birds that eat those types of caterpillars.

I just did a google search using the words:
caterpillars on marijuana
and there were some good articles on caterpillars found on marijuana plants with suggestions on how to get rid of them before they cause so much damage that you cannot save your harvest.

On the good side, caterpillars do not lay eggs. They are sexually immature and have to go through the final stage when they turn into a moth or butterfly. Then the moth or butterfly will lay the eggs after mating.

Good luck.
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