FiveToMidnight's First Grow - Coco/Perlite - NL - MarsHydro 300W LED - 2015

no mate not at all... I'm not really understanding the silica use now but anyways... Hope your plants come good. You could have had green ones though...

Sorry mate, only just saw your post.
Using the Silica was in hope of giving them a bit of a boost and help them uptake nutrients a bit better, deal with the heat a little better and grow a bit stronger as I thought it may help the issues I have been having.
Not sure if it will or not as I may not have got the best product for the job but we live and learn lol. I have learnt so much this time that I'm pretty confident things will go a lot smoother for round 2.

I have the list of products you use copied to my notes so I can make sure I get some of them before I start next time. Rhizotonic and B52 are high on the list
I too would like to know why certain nutes are in added in a certain order. But I have read in many grows people adding micro, grow, then bloom. That being how they mix their nute because it makes a difference. I difference I do not know of or why of. Hopefully sky can shine some light on this situation.

I add m/g/b only cause that's the order it is on the instructions lol. I never thought about it, just followed the table from left to right
Some nutes will coagulate if they aren't diluted in water first before other heavier nutes are added. It's about the dilution.
5, I'm sorry, but I haven't kept up here. Has anyone suggested flushing your girls with FloraKleen and if so, have you done it?
Well, Camo, I use RO water so the first thing I do is add Calimagic to get a Ph reading. Then one at a time, stirring often, I add whatever is on the menue. I add BioRoot and KoolBloom through out and Bud candy 5-6 weeks of bloom. In my case, I'm using GH FloraNova Bloom, so so it's a one can does all kinda thing. I thought I had things well in hand untill I let something stupid like not cleaning my water testing equipment regularly cause me all kinds of grief! All I can say is, keep you probes clean and calibrated. Its a must! As for how much of what and when, with so many different nutes, they all varry.

Sorry I couldn't be any more help. 2:30 and I gotta be up in the morning. take care, Andy.:Namaste:

UUUUUU!!!! Forgot to mension, after all nutes are mixed and mixed well, you HAVE to recheck you Ph and adjust as needed!!! A MUST!
Ha that good man, I just wonder what the reasoning is for. Also with all other products like bennies, silica, root enhancers, bud boosts, etc. How do you know which order to add all that shit before the m/g/b

I hadn't even considered all of that, damn

Some nutes will coagulate if they aren't diluted in water first before other heavier nutes are added. It's about the dilution.

Ahh ok so mcdive, how do you know which nutes are heavier than others. IE. When in bloom you have all those additives like bud candy, bud xxl, overdrive. Is there a way to know a nutrients high-low

Yes how does one figure this out?

5, I'm sorry, but I haven't kept up here. Has anyone suggested flushing your girls with FloraKleen and if so, have you done it?

Yes I have, just before I kicked over to 12/12.
I'm hoping to transplant in the next week or two so I will flush again then.

Well, Camo, I use RO water so the first thing I do is add Calimagic to get a Ph reading. Then one at a time, stirring often, I add whatever is on the menue. I add BioRoot and KoolBloom through out and Bud candy 5-6 weeks of bloom. In my case, I'm using GH FloraNova Bloom, so so it's a one can does all kinda thing. I thought I had things well in hand untill I let something stupid like not cleaning my water testing equipment regularly cause me all kinds of grief! All I can say is, keep you probes clean and calibrated. Its a must! As for how much of what and when, with so many different nutes, they all varry.

Sorry I couldn't be any more help. 2:30 and I gotta be up in the morning. take care, Andy.:Namaste:

UUUUUU!!!! Forgot to mension, after all nutes are mixed and mixed well, you HAVE to recheck you Ph and adjust as needed!!! A MUST!

I appreciate the explination but I'm still a bit confused as to how one works out what order things should be added. If anyone could explain how this is worked out I'd really appreciate it. No where on any of the bottles I have seen does it explain what order it should be added in except the CaliMagic, it does mention it should be added first.
This is my mentor's explanation of his regimen with GH nutes. He's adjusted some things since he originally showed me how to use the recipes, but the gist is still the same. Below is a link to the Armor Si product label whereon it says to mix with fresh water first and to start at .25ml/L. You honestly might see slightly better results if you apply the silica with a foliar spray (100-150 ppm) as it does take energy and time to move elements from the root zone up into the plant. If you do decide to go this way, I suggest mixing the silica into the RO at a mild strength and not adjust the ph at all. Silica is very base and if memory serves, gets your water up around 9.0 PH, maybe even 10.0, but this adds to PM resistance as PM thrives in acidic environments. I would still also mix in the silica into the feed, and apply some more in foliar application. About once every other day, just before lights off. Just enough to lightly coat the tops and bottoms of the leaves, but not enough to make the room RH spike upwards. This will likely be a balancing act so you may also decide to try foliar feeds next round, but I feel the sooner the silica gets into the mobility of things within the plant, the potassium and magnesium will be delivered to the proper areas more timely for the plant to thrive synergeticly.
This is my mentor's explanation of his regimen with GH nutes. He's adjusted some things since he originally showed me how to use the recipes, but the gist is still the same. Below is a link to the Armor Si product label whereon it says to mix with fresh water first and to start at .25ml/L. You honestly might see slightly better results if you apply the silica with a foliar spray (100-150 ppm) as it does take energy and time to move elements from the root zone up into the plant. If you do decide to go this way, I suggest mixing the silica into the RO at a mild strength and not adjust the ph at all. Silica is very base and if memory serves, gets your water up around 9.0 PH, maybe even 10.0, but this adds to PM resistance as PM thrives in acidic environments. I would still also mix in the silica into the feed, and apply some more in foliar application. About once every other day, just before lights off. Just enough to lightly coat the tops and bottoms of the leaves, but not enough to make the room RH spike upwards. This will likely be a balancing act so you may also decide to try foliar feeds next round, but I feel the sooner the silica gets into the mobility of things within the plant, the potassium and magnesium will be delivered to the proper areas more timely for the plant to thrive synergeticly.

Thank you for the links, that video is really interesting.
I may try the foliar feeding if I can get a bit of confidence up. Sounds quite tricky so I'm worried I would get it wrong. However I may try it in the coming days. That's if they survive the heat wave we're having
Mind of I tag along? I'm new here and working on my first grow. I have two of those lights set up in a closet. I'd love to pick your brain

Please do mate! I'm happy to answer any questions you have but I'm not really the one here who can give you the best info. I'll help in any way I can though. How's yours going?
I'm thinking that my girls look like the have magnesium or phosphorus deficiency.
I have been looking through the plant problem guides provided by you guys and ones I found elsewhere and from the pictures I can see it looks like one of these two issues.
Mainly if you have a look at picture 2 under the Phosphorus Deficiency section on this page A Grouchier Grow - LED 3Wx100 - Hempy - 9 Plants - 3 Strains - Lucas - Mainline

The thing that gets me is that I have been feeding Cal/Mag at 1.3ml/L undiluted for at least a week now and since coming to a better understanding on how I should be mixing the nutes my mix is as follows in order:
Silica - 0.33ml
CaliMagic - 1.3ml
Micro - 0.41ml
Grow - 0.10ml
Bloom - 0.62ml
This is the measurments per Liter.
The reason the 3-Part is such a small amount is due to wanting a ppm reading of 600. The Silica and CaliMagic together give about 370ppm per Liter. So with the remaining space I worked out that I needed to only use 39% of the full mix to achieve 600ppm.

I see some people suggesting to flush or at least water every other time with plain water and epsom salts, any thoughts on that as a treatment?
I have read that it can help with mag def but also read that CalMag does the same thing so I'm not too sure.

Here are some pics so you can tell me what you think. Still losing leaves though, worried if they're even going to make it to harvest now

Number 1

Number 3
I'm pretty sure dark veins on the leaves indicates magnesium deficiency. At this point you need to try something different, because unfortunately what you're doing doesn't seem to be working. I'm not trying to be a dick. I really do hope you can bring them back to health.

Do the epsom salts foliar spray just before lights out. Do not spray the buds directly, but drench the rest of the plant.
I'm pretty sure dark veins on the leaves indicates magnesium deficiency. At this point you need to try something different, because unfortunately what you're doing doesn't seem to be working. I'm not trying to be a dick. I really do hope you can bring them back to health.

Do the epsom salts foliar spray just before lights out. Do not spray the buds directly, but drench the rest of the plant.

I don't take things that people say here negatively even if it is criticism, its how you learn I believe.
But I agree with you, so I appreciate the advise.
Sounds tricky to avoid spraying the buds but I'll see what I come up with
Yeah, I accidentally got the mixture on a few of my buds but it didn't seem to worry them any. So don't stress too much about it.
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