Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil

Well I through it all back in and tried once more to decarb. At about 250 it started to slowly bubble up. So I let this happen for about 50 min and took it off. I tried 1 ml and slept great but still no high. Going to experiment with dosing today and see what happens. But at this point I'm still a little disappointed in my results.

Hey Seven!

Looking back I see that you used a ratio of 436 grams of bud to about 1000 ml oil. If I'm not mistaken, this is about the ratio Psycro uses.

The FHO Ive made was about half that much oil. I made smaller batches... 220g/ 275 ml and 180 grams/ 225 ml. My very first dose was 7 drops and it was an amazing experience. Within 3-4 days I felt very little from 7 drops and went to ten. Same thing happened. I'm convinced that the THC level is adequate, but for some reason tolerance is built very quickly for me with FHO. Using CCO, I can remain at the same dose for a month with little change.

I sent a bottle of FHO to my friend who consumes much more oil daily than I do and has always had a higher tolerance than me. He started out at 10 drops three times a day and while he felt relaxed and peaceful, he was surprised to not feel the traditional head high he expected. He took 30 drops/1 ml at once and felt a bit of a head high and much more body, but still not what he was accustomed to with CCO.

I don't know what kind of tolerance you have, but if it is anything like my friends, he was just starting to feel a head high at 30 drops, so based on ratio and all things being relative strain wise etc, with your ratio bud/oil you should start feeling it at twice that or 60 drops which is 2 ml. But then all things aren't relative!

I believe it's going to take much time and experimentation before we come to understand better the differences between CCO and FHO. Sharing and comparing our results will help a great deal, but each individuals physiology, cannabinoid profile, terpene profiles, quality of decarb, bud to oil ratios, THC percentages, maturity of THC and other Cannabinoids at time harvested... are all variables that require that we each become researchers and scientists, tracking every detail that we can in order to dial in our processes and dosing.

I'm sorry you don't have a warm and fuzzy about your oil. Confidence in our medicine is so important. I tend to question myself at every turn... did I miss something?... should I have done this or that?... am I getting the best results possible from my efforts?... it's all good though. Knowledge is power and because we are basically pioneers in this, it is just going to take trial and error to learn and improve our craft.

All my best to ya! Hope my experience can help in some small way.

One more thing(and this will be a small novel!)... Something I learned when I owned a heating business is that when trouble shooting a problem, we look so hard to find the origination of a problem that we can get mindset that blocks us from recognizing the real problem. Keeping this in mind has helped me a great deal over the years. What makes the most sense out of the starting gate isn't always the case. Example: I'd spent a few hours believing I had an ignition problem, tested and retested all the components, only to find there was a carbon build-up I couldn't see without pulling burner that was impinging upon the flame. Adjustments made while stuck on stupid had to be readjusted once try problem fixed.

How this applies here is that we focus heavily upon decarb, so naturally it would be one of the first things we look at when something doesn't seem right. But could it's potency have anything to do with one or more of the other variables listed above? Could it be that the characteristics of FHO are just different than what we expect because we haven't ever experienced a true full extraction which includes the plants natural terpene profile? I cannot answer these questions for you OR me at this point. But I aim to figure it out... for me and for those I help treat. It's just going to take time.
Hey Seven!

Looking back I see that you used a ratio of 436 grams of bud to about 1000 ml oil. If I'm not mistaken, this is about the ratio Psycro uses.

The FHO Ive made was about half that much oil. I made smaller batches... 220g/ 275 ml and 180 grams/ 225 ml. My very first dose was 7 drops and it was an amazing experience. Within 3-4 days I felt very little from 7 drops and went to ten. Same thing happened. I'm convinced that the THC level is adequate, but for some reason tolerance is built very quickly for me with FHO. Using CCO, I can remain at the same dose for a month with little change.

I sent a bottle of FHO to my friend who consumes much more oil daily than I do and has always had a higher tolerance than me. He started out at 10 drops three times a day and while he felt relaxed and peaceful, he was surprised to not feel the traditional head high he expected. He took 30 drops/1 ml at once and felt a bit of a head high and much more body, but still not what he was accustomed to with CCO.

I don't know what kind of tolerance you have, but if it is anything like my friends, he was just starting to feel a head high at 30 drops, so based on ratio and all things being relative strain wise etc, with your ratio bud/oil you should start feeling it at twice that or 60 drops which is 2 ml. But then all things aren't relative!

I believe it's going to take much time and experimentation before we come to understand better the differences between CCO and FHO. Sharing and comparing our results will help a great deal, but each individuals physiology, cannabinoid profile, terpene profiles, quality of decarb, bud to oil ratios, THC percentages, maturity of THC and other Cannabinoids at time harvested... are all variables that require that we each become researchers and scientists, tracking every detail that we can in order to dial in our processes and dosing.

I'm sorry you don't have a warm and fuzzy about your oil. Confidence in our medicine is so important. I tend to question myself at every turn... did I miss something?... should I have done this or that?... am I getting the best results possible from my efforts?... it's all good though. Knowledge is power and because we are basically pioneers in this, it is just going to take trial and error to learn and improve our craft.

All my best to ya! Hope my experience can help in some small way.

One more thing(and this will be a small novel!)... Something I learned when I owned a heating business is that when trouble shooting a problem, we look so hard to find the origination of a problem that we can get mindset that blocks us from recognizing the real problem. Keeping this in mind has helped me a great deal over the years. What makes the most sense out of the starting gate isn't always the case. Example: I'd spent a few hours believing I had an ignition problem, tested and retested all the components, only to find there was a carbon build-up I couldn't see without pulling burner that was impinging upon the flame. Adjustments made while stuck on stupid had to be readjusted once try problem fixed.

How this applies here is that we focus heavily upon decarb, so naturally it would be one of the first things we look at when something doesn't seem right. But could it's potency have anything to do with one or more of the other variables listed above? Could it be that the characteristics of FHO are just different than what we expect because we haven't ever experienced a true full extraction which includes the plants natural terpene profile? I cannot answer these questions for you OR me at this point. But I aim to figure it out... for me and for those I help treat. It's just going to take time.

Ran, thank you for all the info. I would say that my tolerance is on the lowish side. I mean, I really only smoke at night and not every night either. It just depends on how I feel. I haven't been liking the head high lately so it's been kept at a minimum. I'm still waiting on my harvest to cure so my other cannabis is not HB so I'm not a big fan of it. Anyway, my plants were quite potent or at least I believe them to have been. Everyone who smokes what I've grown is pretty much blown away but I barely get high and when I consume it it doesn't last long at all. Maybe 10-15 min, even after dong rips. I really think now it may be me. Maybe my brain and or my system is just not able to process properly. Like you said, we have to experiment and track what we do. I have to get better at that myself. Like now, a few hours after taking 2 capsules and still nothing really that I can notice. Now I'm just lost and can't imagine the does I may have to consume. Kinda freaks me a bit lol
Ran, thank you for all the info. I would say that my tolerance is on the lowish side. I mean, I really only smoke at night and not every night either. It just depends on how I feel. I haven't been liking the head high lately so it's been kept at a minimum. I'm still waiting on my harvest to cure so my other cannabis is not HB so I'm not a big fan of it. Anyway, my plants were quite potent or at least I believe them to have been. Everyone who smokes what I've grown is pretty much blown away but I barely get high and when I consume it it doesn't last long at all. Maybe 10-15 min, even after dong rips. I really think now it may be me. Maybe my brain and or my system is just not able to process properly. Like you said, we have to experiment and track what we do. I have to get better at that myself. Like now, a few hours after taking 2 capsules and still nothing really that I can notice. Now I'm just lost and can't imagine the does I may have to consume. Kinda freaks me a bit lol

It may be that theres something going on that inhibits the crossing of the blood-drain barrier. I would take Kingstons advice of using green tea and mangos daily to clean your receptors.

I myself have always had a low tolerance to THC, so very low doses whether smoked or otherwise injested is all it takes for me. That said, when our endocannabinoid system is out of balance, it all goes out the window. In my case, I've used CCO for five years. It's always been effective and just the tiniest of increase in dose put me on my lips! But I cherished every drop of oil. It was expensive to buy bud on the street and not always easy to find. I only took as I needed to treat symptoms rather than being on a consistent regimen. My ECS never came into balance because of this.

Now that I'm growing and using oil every day consistently, how high I get is different, the high itself is different, how long it lasts, its effects... all different. For that reason I reserve judgement on the FHO. Although in my depth I know it is much more therapeutically beneficial than straight CCO, I cannot possibly know to what extent, why, and how to manipulate those effects thru methodology.

I believe that over time, as I incorporate more in the way of healthy diet, supplementation, etc, I will reach homeostasis. Until then, my self-testing can only reveal just so much.
It may be that there something going on the inhibits the crossing of the blood-drain barrier. I would take Kingstons advice of using green tea and mangos daily to clean your receptors.

I myself have always had a low tolerance to THC, so very low doses whether smoked or otherwise injested is all it takes for me. That said, when our endocannabinoid system is out of balance, it all goes out the window. In my case, I've used CCO for five years. It's always been effective and just the tiniest of increase in dose put me on my lips! But I cherished every drop of oil. It was expensive to buy bud on the street and not always easy to find. I only took as I needed to treat symptoms rather than being on a consistent regimen. My ECS never came into balance because of this.

Now that I'm growing and using oil every day consistently, how high I get is different, the high itself is different, how long it lasts, its effects... all different. For that reason I reserve judgement on the FHO. Although in my depth I know it is much more therapeutically beneficial than straight CCO, I cannot possibly know to what extent, why, and how to manipulate those effects try methodology.

I believe that over time, as I incorporate more in the way of healthy diet, supplementation, etc, I will reach homeostasis. Until then, my self-testing can only reveal just so much.

I myself started the mango and green tea today. I'll keep it up and see what happens. When I smoke it hits me with in 2-3 hits. That's all I need but for a short time like I said before. My grow is a lighter head feeling but the street stuff makes me feel jittery. So I tend to stick to mine now.

I do wonder how much and often I should add the green tea and mango. I'm not a fan of mango so I had to eat fast lol. But I like tea and can do well making it daily no problem.

Is CCO considered CCO because it's not from a fresh plant? If so I made my first batch from that. Friends sleep great on it and feel relaxed but no high as well. There I wonder if I over decarbed. I'll get it right but I won't go a whole plant next time. Third times a charm they say ..

I should try and eat more but when I do it's more healthy than not or at least I tend to think so. I'm about to take 3 capsules and try it again today. This will be the third dose for the days.
I've read that it takes as little as 48 hours of abstinence to re-set the endocannabinoid system. My experience bears that out.

I've noticed that if I hadn't smoked for awhile and tried a new strain, the effects were quite powerful and uplifting. After a week or so of use that changes. Less intense, less enjoyable really... just stoned.

Ive also noticed that when my body and mind get used to one strain, switching stains brings me that positive high I enjoy.... only to again wane over time.

And finally, when I've taken the oil only as needed where a week might go by without, I never built tolerance. My friend told me over and over it would happen but I had to take it regularly. Yet, no part of me believed I could ever work up to a gram a day. I was wrong. Once I started growing and supply not a problem and I started taking every day and building slowly upward, my tolerance has increased significantly.

While this may seem opposite to your situation, it may not be. It may be same situation coming from two different directions. When I was just an occasional user, effects were very powerful, where they aren't for you. But that may have to do with the number of receptors your cells have compared to mine.

The liver is a good example. Void of cancer, the liver has very few receptors. When cancer is present there is an increased number of receptors. It appears to me that the ECS builds keyways on cells where the need arises. I believe for you it's a blood-brain barrier thing that will rectify itself by cleaning receptors and getting a steady supply of cannabinoids into your system, and the ECS will become balanced to do the work that it and cannabis are designed to do.
So in that case would one recommend not using for 48 hours? I honestly have no issue with that. I also would like to have a friend try it to see the effects on them. This could help at least know if the product is good or not. When decarbing I did have a temp spike to 300 but caught it quite quick as I was on the stove cautiously. But most decarb bubbles were showing at 255-270. This is the best info I have to give. Time and patience will be in my favor I hope ..
I myself started the mango and green tea today. I'll keep it up and see what happens. When I smoke it hits me with in 2-3 hits. That's all I need but for a short time like I said before. My grow is a lighter head feeling but the street stuff makes me feel jittery. So I tend to stick to mine now.

I do wonder how much and often I should add the green tea and mango. I'm not a fan of mango so I had to eat fast lol. But I like tea and can do well making it daily no problem.

Is CCO considered CCO because it's not from a fresh plant? If so I made my first batch from that. Friends sleep great on it and feel relaxed but no high as well. There I wonder if I over decarbed. I'll get it right but I won't go a whole plant next time. Third times a charm they say ..

I should try and eat more but when I do it's more healthy than not or at least I tend to think so. I'm about to take 3 capsules and try it again today. This will be the third dose for the days.

A couple of cups of green tea a day should be fine. Your aversion to mango may be a blessing in disguise and a great excuse to start making smoothies. They are a great way to get nutrition we don't generally get in our normal diets.

What is called CCO(concentrated cannabis oil) here, I've always referred to as FECO(full extract cannabis oil). It's only called those things because it extracts the full cannabinoid profile rather than isolating compounds. If I'm understanding correctly, it sounds as though you may have used already extracted CCO to make an infusion with a carrier oil. If that's the case, then what was done is simply to dilute the concentrated oil. In that event, it makes sense that people aren't getting as high as one would expect. Also, you may be right because it's likely the CCO was already decarbed, so if it was decarbed again during the infusion, it very well may have been over-decarbed. This would explain headache you mentioned earlier and that could be from THC conversion to CBN.
A couple of cups of green tea a day should be fine. Your aversion to mango may be a blessing in disguise and a great excuse to start making smoothies. They are a great way to get nutrition we don't generally get in our normal diets.

What is called CCO(concentrated cannabis oil) here, I've always referred to as FECO(full extract cannabis oil). It's only called those things because it extracts the full cannabinoid profile rather than isolating compounds. If I'm understanding correctly, it sounds as though you may have used already extracted CCO to make an infusion with a carrier oil. If that's the case, then what was done is simply to dilute the concentrated oil. In that event, it makes sense that people aren't getting as high as one would expect. Also, you may be right because it's likely the CCO was already decarbed, so if it was decarbed again during the infusion, it very well may have been over-decarbed. This would explain headache you mentioned earlier and that could be from THC conversion to CBN.

I think I may have explained that incorrectly. I used two week cured harvest of my own grow for both batches. I did them both the same (oil bath). So nothing was decarbed prior to me starting the process.

I just received my MB2 and will play with that for the next batch. I do wish someone would build something that decarbed as well as does the blending like the MB2. That's truly the one thing it's missing. I feel like it should since I has the setting for the heat and time, but the direction say to decarb in the over first. So that leaves me confused lol.

Also, I do have headaches but I don't recalled mentioning them being related to the oil and over decarb. If I did that was an error on my part. I can say that I have slept great with my first batch and hope for better results next time .

I can get into the smoothies for sure. I also wonder if mango green tea would suffice? I have some of that as well.
I think I may have explained that incorrectly. I used two week cured harvest of my own grow for both batches. I did them both the same (oil bath). So nothing was decarbed prior to me starting the process.

I just received my MB2 and will play with that for the next batch. I do wish someone would build something that decarbed as well as does the blending like the MB2. That's truly the one thing it's missing. I feel like it should since I has the setting for the heat and time, but the direction say to decarb in the over first. So that leaves me confused lol.

Also, I do have headaches but I don't recalled mentioning them being related to the oil and over decarb. If I did that was an error on my part. I can say that I have slept great with my first batch and hope for better results next time .

I can get into the smoothies for sure. I also wonder if mango green tea would suffice? I have some of that as well.

Mango green tea sounds like a good idea. Cajun always recommended mango about 30 minutes or so prior to a dose. Not a bad idea at all to get the receptors clear coming in. I use mango frozen fruit bars or juice myself, but I love the taste of mango.

Mag7, it occured to me that a little playing with ratios might be helpful for you. I get an incredible body and head rush from my CBD Critical Cure FHO, and it's a 2:1 CBD:THC. It's surprised me from the beginning, and I've yet to build a tolerance to it. I'm still restricted to no more than three capsules a day, unless I'm in the mood for playing with a more intense buzz. Lol!

I'm guessing everything you have access to is high THC. It's possible your body needs more balance, and starting with a 1:1 might be an eye-opener for you. Understand, this is just an instinctive reaction to your situation. For some reason you're not getting the benefit of the THC other's get in the euphoric department. This may be your genetic makeup. Your endocannabinoid tone may be set with a lower need for anandamide. There's no way yet to make that determination.

If you're interested in resetting the tolerance levels there's a wonderful 6 Day desentizitation protocol offered by Dr. Sulak online. I have a writeup of it in the thread on dosing and delivery guidelines. You'll find that link in my signature. It's created to help you find your optimal therapeutic dose as well. Can't go wrong with it. It's brutal for someone like me who consumes constantly, but at the time I did it I cut my consumption in half in one week's time.
Good morning/ afternoon everyone. So after sending a few with some friends and all feedback coming back the same as mine. I had to think about it and then make a choice.

First: Not one person felt anything more than a very slight relaxed feeling. I did not feel even feel that, I'd like to note.

Now I had to wonder again about decarboxylation as well potency of the cannabis used. I concluded that I harvested at 11 1/2 weeks of a 12 week flower in DBHBHB and maybe she was taken a bit early but the potency should have still been well above average to really good.

So this led me back to the decarb processes. The other day I left everything out in a clean and organized way and I noticed that I had to much oil in the Dutch over lower pan. My pot was floating a bit and believe this was cause me to not get a consistent temp and not fully decarb the oil. So if I was gonna do it again why wait. So for the last hour I have been watching the oil bubble more and I believe that I have been just missing the bar with my reach. So again we wait and we'll see soon again.

Thanks again for all your help and input Ran. One more go on this, she's still bubbling a bit

I'm not totally convinced that I have gotten the best I could out of my FHOs. While they are potent, I'm not sure if all the difference between the FHO and CCO I've made from each strain can all be chalked up to terpene retention.

Thinking back on my own process, I'm used to making CCO and I run my higher decarb temps early in the reduction process. Once it has concentrated down where oil separates and coats bottom of pan I don't allow it to boil.

With FHO, the decarb temps must be reached and held after most of the water vapor is purged because of the high amount of heat loss with the escaping vapor. I was conservative with the heat toward end out of fear of burning it. It's quite possible that I shortchanged myself and my oil could be better than it is.

So, thinking about yours has me thinking about mine! Thanks!!

Onward and upward as they say! Glad I'm growing out the same strains again so I can see how the next batches compare.
Good morning/ afternoon everyone. So after sending a few with some friends and all feedback coming back the same as mine. I had to think about it and then make a choice.

First: Not one person felt anything more than a very slight relaxed feeling. I did not feel even feel that, I'd like to note.

Now I had to wonder again about decarboxylation as well potency of the cannabis used. I concluded that I harvested at 11 1/2 weeks of a 12 week flower in DBHBHB and maybe she was taken a bit early but the potency should have still been well above average to really good.

So this led me back to the decarb processes. The other day I left everything out in a clean and organized way and I noticed that I had to much oil in the Dutch over lower pan. My pot was floating a bit and believe this was cause me to not get a consistent temp and not fully decarb the oil. So if I was gonna do it again why wait. So for the last hour I have been watching the oil bubble more and I believe that I have been just missing the bar with my reach. So again we wait and we'll see soon again.

Thanks again for all your help and input Ran. One more go on this, she's still bubbling a bit


That picture, right there, says to me you're gonna feel it the next time. :laughtwo:
Seven I'm having the same issue with my last 3 tries.
Just did another small batch with trim and popcorn will let it sit till tomorrow to judge. But I did take a 00 worth about and hour ago and believe it may be starting to work. Body going kinda numb feeling right now.
Took 5 number 3 capsules today. Forgot all about it. This was my first batch. Then it hit me, and hit me hard. I was fucked up for about 2 hours or so. Seems it needed a few days to get right. Or I was in my head about it.

I'm happy I have some that's working for me. I'll try my other batch tomorrow. .

Pics of my next crop .

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