Hey guys its been a little while sense I posted any progress so it's time for sure.. The D&D is the one I chose to bud and its 1.5 weeks in so far and I'm slowly LSTing it as I go, to fit as much in the fridge as I can ill post pics later tonite.. I have to make a small change to the ventilation in the freezer portion adding a fan if I have to. The heat from the fridge part makes it to hard to keep consistent heat for cloning and the humidity is hard to reach high 70's without mist spraying like 3x's a day.. So I have just turned on the carbon outtake fan in the fridge to help take the heat out more so I guess we'll see how that went when i get there.
So check back for pics of the D&D and sry there's a small auto clone I flowered as well so them pics and pics of my White Russian,D&D ,northern lights, conkushion and 2 autoflowers I have before they all go out side!!!!!