Fungus gnat help please

I think you have root aphids. If it is fungus gnats, just crumble a mosquito dunk and mix with your
medium. It'll rid the plant of gnats in about 3 weeks. Root aphids need to be handle with drenching
the roots with a insecticide of choice.

I googled root aphids and I believe you are right. cause i looked at one in my microscope. will neem oil kill them?
I googled root aphids and I believe you are right. cause i looked at one in my microscope. will neem oil kill them?

I used Bayer Tree and Shrub with imid as a drench and it did the trick. You only use it in veg not flower. Google
how to kill root aphids for other ways. This site wouldn't let me link it. good luck
I used Bayer Tree and Shrub with imid as a drench and it did the trick. You only use it in veg not flower. Google
how to kill root aphids for other ways. This site wouldn't let me link it. good luck
Reading now. Sounds like I am out of luck since these are almost done flowering. Thank You

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What size are root aphids. Because the only thing I've seen are smaller than fleas. On google root aphids are pretty big.

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I can't see anything in the soil. Only way I seen something was to put potatoe in the soil. It had a lot of these tiny bugs whatever they are. Very tiny.

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Hey G.
You can try Diatomaceous Earth. Just sprinkle it on the soil. It's organic, safe an effective.
But now that you have bugs you may keep getting them. The best solution for this is live ladybugs. They're cheap, natural and extremely effective.
I get mine from thebuglady dot ca

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I don't think they're gnats now. Possibly aphids.

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Diatomaceous earth will kill most soil bound pests. Ladybugs love eating aphids.

But don't use both of them at the same time because diatomaceous earth will kill ladybugs

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Got a photo? Close up?

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i posted a video of them in this thread. best i could do at the moment.
DE will kill those.
A small bag will run you $13.
It will last forever.

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Pot popper organic insect control is a great product. As well if you can't find Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, this is also found in mosquito dunks/bits.

Organic for the WIN!
Got a pic of the flying ones. Fungus Gnats?

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Killing the adults
Fill about the bottom one-half of a deep bowl with apple cider vinegar. Adult gnats will be attracted to the apple cider vinegar's odor.
Add five drops of liquid dish soap to the apple cider vinegar. The soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar and provides enough resistance so that gnats cannot escape the mixture.
Place the bowl near your houseplants. The fungus gnats will drown when they investigate the mixture. Empty the bowl and replenish it with a new batch of the mixture periodically.

Killing the Eggs
Remove all decaying plant material from the soil of your houseplants. You may need to remove some of the top layer of soil as well to get all of the decaying plant material.
Let the plants' soil dry to a depth of about 2 inches.
Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar with the water you will use to water your houseplants.
Give your plants' soil the water containing liquid dish soap and white vinegar every other time you water the plants. Let the soil dry to a depth of 2 inches before you water the soil again. Eventually, the mixture will kill fungus gnat eggs and larvae.

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This works 100% of the time..

2 parts..

get yellow sticky cards and put them on the soil, and in any shady parts of the grow (under the foliage, above the lights, on the soil). This trapps and kills the adults.

next: get mosquito dunks and use about 1/4 to 1/2 dunk (crumbled) into every watering for the next 30 days..

At the end of 30 days (and most likely sooner) you shouldn't see any fungus gnats.

Works very well.

also, try not to have uber wet soil. Let it dry out between waterings.

Keep leaves and dirt and other undesirables out of the grow area. Keep things tidy.

If you use ocean forest or happy frog soil, you almost certainly will get fungus gnats with it, so start treating for fungus gnats immediately, even if you don't see them when using new soil. Better to stop 1 or 2 then hundreds.

A fungus gnat life cycle is 30 days, so you must treat for at least 30 days.. a 1 time treatment will reduce populations but most likely will not end the cycle.
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