G-1-3 Growing Auto CBD & THC

Could this cause the plant issues I'm seeing? I know people have been covering to tops of the soil SIPs and seeing those feeder roots come right to the very top of the soil. I guess maybe an experiment with covered and uncovered SIPs is in order for my future.
The original SIP, the Earthbox , recommends covering the top. They suggest a plastic cover but part of that is because it was developed in Florida for outdoor growing so the plastic helps keep the rain from washing out the soil.

We're having discussions in Gee's Gee Spot thread relative to top watering and pot moisture if you want to go check it out.
I have noticed that people who mulch or otherwise cover the top of the soil are getting good results with the roots
I mulch my short, 2G buckets with compost and get the fine feeder roots from top to bottom. The shorter pots, and therefore higher relative perched water table, means I don't get that dry top layer. But, even so, I'm having issues which Gee thinks are related to a lack of top watering causing potential dry pockets and an insufficient calcium distribution in the soil.
This has been my observation with sub-irrigation methods. It seems fine for plants that are feeding on salts because the roots convert to water roots and drink from the res. Organics however, seem to suffer in this way. You should follow Gee's thread if you don't already, the G-spot one. He describes the symbiosis of the soil, roots and the micro herd in such a way as to make it simple and understandable and all these things start become clear. So far, people who have been journaling in the SWICK thread have found that top watering is essential, often accompanied by a dose of calmag. The podcast seems consistent with our findings.

I have noticed that people who mulch or otherwise cover the top of the soil are getting good results with the roots.
The original SIP, the Earthbox , recommends covering the top. They suggest a plastic cover but part of that is because it was developed in Florida for outdoor growing so the plastic helps keep the rain from washing out the soil.

We're having discussions in Gee's Gee Spot thread relative to top watering and pot moisture if you want to go check it out.
I'll head over there and check it out. Thanks for the responses.
So the Jack47 is coming down sooner than later probably in the next couple of days. The trichomes are trending towards mostly cloudy with a hint of amber. Only a handful of white hairs and the orange hairs are shriveling. I tried to get some trich shots but I must be too shaky today because they didn't turn out.

Lower double bud

Cola double bud


Funny looking yellow spot forming, I louped it to see if it was some from of fungus but it looked normal.

The White Widow CBD is plugging along fattening up buds. I just love how uniform the plant is. Bud structure is great, full of trichomes and each cola is about 6". I would definitely grow this one again.

The tents filling up and it's time for these autos to finish up anytime they want lol.
The Jack47 was cut down 2 days ago. I was so busy with work I didn't get a chance to post until tonight. Here's the shots of her at the end.

A little light wet trim and they were hung up. When they dry out more I'll finish trim them. I wasn't expecting much on this grow but I'm happy with the quality of this bud. I believe it was harvested at the correct time for me completely cloudy trichomes with just a couple ambers. The buds are very sticky and oily.

@Azimuth I believe your grow CBD and THC strains and I have a question about my White Widow 1:1. Does the fact that it's both THC and CBD affect when I should harvest? Does CBD become more prominent as the THC degrades and the trichomes become cloudy? I would prefer that it's as close to even as possible or a little heavier on the CBD side.
@Azimuth I believe your grow CBD and THC strains and I have a question about my White Widow 1:1. Does the fact that it's both THC and CBD affect when I should harvest? Does CBD become more prominent as the THC degrades and the trichomes become cloudy? I would prefer that it's as close to even as possible or a little heavier on the CBD side.
That aspect shouldn't matter. Those are both very different cannabinoids that don't morph into one another.

Both start out as CBGa and then enzymatic activity turns them into their respective cannabinoid. And genetics will determine your split between the two (and all the other less prominent ones as well).

THC degrades into  CBN (not CBD) as the trichomes turn amber, and CBN is known as the sleepy time cannabinoid.

I harvest my plants based on trichome look and, especially on THC plants, I prefer more amber rather than mostly cloudy and clear. But that's totally grower preference. I harvest both my CBD plants and my CBG plants according to that same script but that may be more out of habit than anything else as I haven't had buds tested to see if there's a material difference.

When the trichomes are developing they start out clear which is the structure built but not yet filled. They turn cloudy when filled with the goodies but it's a gradient, some newer ones will still be clear while the earlier, older, ones are starting to turn amber.

So, at that point, it becomes a judgment call, and that depends how you like your effects. I prefer indica with more couch lock effects so I harvest mine later than someone who prefers a more "up/energetic" effect.
BTW, I prefer to grow specific cannabinoid dominant strains rather than trying to find one with a perfect blend. I have three primary ones, all about 15% of their primary cannabinoid (CBD, CBG, and THC).

Each has very little of the others in them which allows me to combine them to mix and match in any ratio I want. Each cannabinoid is said to be more effective with a little of another than just by itself. So, when I make CBD gummies for example, I'll do say 90-95% CBD with the balance THC or CBG (actually I usually do some of each for a better entourage effect).

But that also allows me to do 50/50 or whatever ratio I want. With all strains being close to 15% it makes the math very easy.
That aspect shouldn't matter. Those are both very different cannabinoids that don't morph into one another.

Both start out as CBGa and then enzymatic activity turns them into their respective cannabinoid. And genetics will determine your split between the two (and all the other less prominent ones as well).

THC degrades into  CBN (not CBD) as the trichomes turn amber, and CBN is known as the sleepy time cannabinoid.

I harvest my plants based on trichome look and, especially on THC plants, I prefer more amber rather than mostly cloudy and clear. But that's totally grower preference. I harvest both my CBD plants and my CBG plants according to that same script but that may be more out of habit than anything else as I haven't had buds tested to see if there's a material difference.

When the trichomes are developing they start out clear which is the structure built but not yet filled. They turn cloudy when filled with the goodies but it's a gradient, some later ones will still be clear while the earlier ones are starting to turn amber.

So, at that point, it becomes a judgment call, and that depends how you like your effects. I prefer indica with more couch lock effects so I harvest mine later than someone who prefers a more "up/energetic" effect.
Thanks for the info. I have a little Google search and man there's a ton of differing opinions/info out there haha. I knew I could count on you to give it to me straight. Who needs Google when you have an Azimuth!
BTW, I prefer to grow specific cannabinoid dominant strains rather than trying to find one with a perfect blend. I have three primary ones, all about 15% of their primary cannabinoid (CBD, CBG, and THC).

Each has very little of the others in them which allows me to combine them to mix and match in any ratio I want. Each cannabinoid is said to be more effective with a little of another than just by itself. So, when I make CBD gummies for example, I'll do say 90-95% CBD with the balance THC or CBG (actually I usually do some of each for a better entourage effect).

But that also allows me to do 50/50 or whatever ratio I want. With all strains being close to 15% it makes the math very easy.
That was my hope for this grow lol. Unfortunately the CBD seeds decided that I didn't need to grow any CBD this round. Best laid plans and all.

I'm planning on doing a CBD plant again down the road, do you have a strain that you'd recommend?
I grow Blueberry CBD from our sponsor WSE for the medical benefits. It's DJ Shorts' Blueberry crossed with a strong (and undisclosed) CBD plant.

It's a strong indica leaner which is what I wanted.

I started out with ACDC but that was a sativa and too odiferous for a stealth grow. Then I tried Strawberry CBD which doesn't have a great terpene profile, but then I found the terpene rich BB and that's now the workhorse for me.

I grow 8 plants a year in a small perpetual grow and the BB CBD are 6 of them.

Charlotte's Web is another good one but that's sativa leaning as well.
The White Widow started growing oddly which I thought was foxtailing however I gave it a thorough inspection today and found a large number of mature nanners. I should have found them earlier and could have possibly stopped the seeding, tons of mini green seeds. So she's coming down and the tent/equipment and vegging plants will be sprayed and washed.

This girl has all the makings of a really nice end product (minus the 🍌) however I don't want to let it go and ruin future grows. So she's come down slightly ahead of when she should.
Thanks to everyone for following along, I'll post a smoke report after a couple weeks of dry/cure. That being said I'm going to be doing my big photo summer grow and I'll make a journal.

These girls are going to get super cropped, defoliated and a scrog net about 6" above the tops of the bucket. I'll post a link to the journal when I create it.
Thanks to everyone for following along, I'll post a smoke report after a couple weeks of dry/cure. That being said I'm going to be doing my big photo summer grow and I'll make a journal.

These girls are going to get super cropped, defoliated and a scrog net about 6" above the tops of the bucket. I'll post a link to the journal when I create it.
Good morning :ciao:
Girls are going wild, nice work.
I use potassium silicate once a week, gives them some strength so they aren't as floppy.
Helps their resistance to a lot of stuff aswell.

Stay safe
Good morning :ciao:
Girls are going wild, nice work.
I use potassium silicate once a week, gives them some strength so they aren't as floppy.
Helps their resistance to a lot of stuff aswell.

Stay safe
Hey thanks for stopping by Bill hope all's well up north.

These girls were bonsai mother plant that got topped and cloned a ton. I have wire pulling down the side branches which is why they look so floppy lol. This is what their stalks look like, missed a bonsai wire, I'll get it back after harvest I guess 😅.
Can't you wiggle it loose, at least? Lots of nutrients go through those pipes and the less restriction the better.
Unfortunately it's completely encapsulated on the back side. I'm afraid that it would do more harm then good cutting it out. I'm going to work on those plants tonight so I'll see if I can get it out.
The Jack47 was final trimmed and into the Grove bags to start its cure.

The White Widow is still drying along and should get final trim this weekend.

The tent was cleaned, vacuumed and trellis net installed for the wild mothers. I will start a new journal sometime this week, but here's them now.

From this...

To this...

Today was feeding day so they shouldn't be so scraggly in a couple of days.
The Jack47 is curing alright in the Grove bags, I did have to open the bag because randomly the humidity jumped to 70% from 61%. I opened the bag and let the buds breathe checked the humidity and it was back to 60%. I'll keep a close eye on it the next few days.

I have started another journal for these Scrog girls, Scrog'ing Mothers Gone Wild, and I'm flipping them to flower. Hope to see everyone there, thank you again for following along.:thanks:
The white widow was trimmed and is sitting in a grove bag at 58%. It was a disappointing harvest because of what it could have been if it didn't hermie. I found 2 seeds in the second bud I trimmed, I stopped looking after those. I ended up with a bunch of airy larf that's going into to trim freezer bag. I'm going to get some bubble bags eventually so I can make some hash out of all of it.

This grow was quite the learning experience for me as well as a little humbling. After such a great first grow I figured this one would be a breeze. Unfortunately it was a challenge but this won't be the last time I grow autos but it will be a while until I attempt them again.

I'll post a smoke report when everything is done curing. Thanks again for following along.
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