LKABudMan And The Vivosun Auto Oasis - Sponsored By VIVOSUN

The Vivosun Auto Oasis
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis, a VIVOSUN 32x60x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun SGS.

Vivosun GrowHub 42A ** -Vegetative- mode
  • Vivosun AeroLight A200SE - The world’s first 200W LED grow light with an integrated circulatory fan
    • 06:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flower, Intensity:100%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES 18" (45DLI)
  • Circulation Fan
    • 22:00-06:00 - Speed 1
    • 06:00-22:00 - Natural
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating using Circulation Fan settings above
  • AeroZesh - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 22:00-06:00 High 658% RH, Speed 10, default off
    • 06:00-22:00 High 82F / 66% RH, Speed 10, default off
** All controlled on my smartphone through the VIVOSUN App (wi-fi)

Other Equipment:
Vivosun Air Circulator Fan with Remote - Oscillating horizontally and vertically on 'Natural Breeze' mode

Lizzy (Herbies Seeds Bruce Banner Auto)
Date: 5/20/24 Day# 96
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with Coco & Dynomyco
Nutrients: 5MSA+5.5MC+.9BE+.75MgS @ 5.8-6.2pH​

I've only been feeding Lizzy once/day, and she isn't quite dry the next morning. I'd rather have the res go down to almost empty before refilling than keep it full. At least this way I know what's in there is what I am adding.
Bruce Banner Tracker.png
Lizzy is starting to fatten up and get frosty. She still looks super healthy with only the slightest tip burn. Her buds almost look like they are trying to reveg at the tips, pointy with those single leaves. She's always been a funny one, though, so I'm keeping her at the 16/8 schedule. She's coming into her 6th week of flower and this lady just keeps getting prettier :)

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
The Vivosun Auto Oasis
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis, a VIVOSUN 32x60x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun SGS.

Vivosun GrowHub 42A ** -Flowering- mode
  • Vivosun AeroLight A200SE - The world’s first 200W LED grow light with an integrated circulatory fan
    • 08:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flower, Intensity:100%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES 18" (40DLI)
  • Circulation Fan
    • 00:00-24:00 - Speed 10
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating using Circulation Fan settings above
  • AeroZesh - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-08:00 High 48% RH, Speed 10, default 1
    • 08:00-22:00 High 80F / 56% RH, Speed 10, default 1
    • 22:00-24:00 High 50%, Speed 5, default 1
** All controlled on my smartphone through the VIVOSUN App (wi-fi)

Other Equipment:
Vivosun Air Circulator Fan with Remote - Oscillating horizontally and vertically on 'Natural Breeze' mode

Lizzy (Herbies Seeds Bruce Banner Auto)
Date: 6/3/24 Day# 110 (Flower day# 49)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with Coco & Dynomyco
Nutrients: 5MSA+5.5MC+.9BE+.75MgS @ 5.8-6.2pH​

I dropped off the grid there for a little while, my first real vacation in a few years. I went to the beach (Outer Banks, NC) for a week with the in-laws. I loved starting the day watching the sun rise over the Atlantic!

Now it's back to the real world. My son was taking care of the house & plants while I was away. I had about 7 gallons of nutrients mixed up. All he had to do was keep them pH'ed and keep Lizzy topped off. He did an excellent job. Lizzy is looking very healthy. Sure, she has some wild foxtails, but her buds are big and dense and sticky. She's at day# 110 from seed and still has a few more weeks to go. I'm just hoping to keep her healthy and happy through the end. And I'm keeping the rest of the yo-yos ready...

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow





Who does Tra appreciate?

Budman! Budman! Buddddddmannnnnnn!





We love you for all the cheering you do!

Trala! Trala! Traaaaaaalaaaaaaa!
It's wild where this plant started. If you showed a before and after for an AUTO like this, not many would believe hahaha
That's the truth! Of course, most people wouldn't believe a 110 day auto needs 2-3 more weeks, either ;)
Wow your plant is amazing all those colas are huge. 🍋
Thanks Keith. I'm really happy where she is, especially given where she came from. I've also heard a lot of people having issues with SIP+Coco, but she's proof that it can be done!
Big smiling!

And Kool Hand Luke, get that plant in PotM again. A plant that beautiful should be shared. It doesn’t matter if we win or lose. We are sharing our craft.
Thanks Trala. And done... again ;)
Man, that is one hell of a plant definitely show that plant. 🍋
Thanks Keith.
:bravo: to BudMan Jr for the most excellent job keeping Lizzy happy! And each one of those flowers is building its own stairway to heaven. :)
He did a great job. Those foxtails are WILD, but they don't seem to be stopping the buds from putting on weight!
Nice to have you back well rested and ready to yo-yo.
Back, sure. Well rested.. at least for a day or two. We really had to jump right back into it. And on Friday I'll be going on a 2-day kayak trip with my son. That's my kind of vacation :)
Did this bud just give me the finger???
I guess it did if you see it that way :laughtwo: For all her foxtails she still has a lot of bud packed on her :yummy:
The Vivosun Auto Oasis
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis, a VIVOSUN 32x60x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun SGS.

Vivosun GrowHub 42A ** -Flowering- mode
  • Vivosun AeroLight A200SE - The world’s first 200W LED grow light with an integrated circulatory fan
    • 08:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flower, Intensity:100%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES 18" (40DLI)
  • Circulation Fan
    • 00:00-24:00 - Speed 10
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating using Circulation Fan settings above
  • AeroZesh - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-08:00 High 48% RH, Speed 10, default 1
    • 08:00-22:00 High 80F / 56% RH, Speed 10, default 1
    • 22:00-24:00 High 50%, Speed 5, default 1
** All controlled on my smartphone through the VIVOSUN App (wi-fi)

Other Equipment:
Vivosun Air Circulator Fan with Remote - Oscillating horizontally and vertically on 'Natural Breeze' mode

Lizzy (Herbies Seeds Bruce Banner Auto)
Date: 6/11/24 Day# 118 (Flower day# 58)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with Coco & Dynomyco
Nutrients: 5MSA+5.5MC+.9BE+.75MgS @ 5.8-6.2pH​

This lady is on auto-pilot now. She's drinking a little over 2L/day, still getting the same flowering MC mix. She's finished up eight weeks of flower and looks to have a couple more to go. She's foxtaily and frosty and still looks really healthy and happy. I really need to put some yo-yos on those back buds soon...

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
She's killing it, BudMan! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB. Once I got over needing to pH the nutrients, I think I really like coco.
How come you don't need to pH your nutes, BudMan?
How come you don't need to pH your nutes, BudMan?
I pH much less often now that I've seen a consistent pH drop. I know when I mix the Silica, nutrients, and .5ml pH down it will be around 6.3. Over the next couple of days it will drop slowly but steadily. Around the 4th day I'll pH again, maybe adding a little pH up to get back up to 6.0. Keeping it in the 5.5-6.5 range is easier when I know how the nutrients act. So, I still pH but it's much less annoying.
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