Autos - 3 SIP's, A Hempy Bucket And A Fabric Bag


Well-Known Member

I've decided to do a "quick" Herbies Seeds Auto run after my last six month long Sativa grow ;)

And wanted to try two new to me systems, SIP's and Hempy.

The SIP's are five gallon pails with store bought GroBucket Self-Watering Inserts.

Medium is ProMix HP, one of the pails has the perlite content upped to 50% from 30%.

The Hempy bucket is a 5 gallon Cdn Tire pail painted black, just in case.

I cut a 3" thick plug of styrofoam to reduce the capacity of the perlite medium to roughly the same as the SIP's.

SIP's will be fed Mega Crop one part and the Hempy GH MaxiGro/Bloom (and the fabric bag).

Light is a 600w MH/HPS in a 42" parabolic reflector, ~ 5' x 5' x 4' high enclosure in a 10' x 10' x 8' high room.

Summer auto grow 2023.JPG

A rather disappointing start, soaked four seeds. All germinated but one failed to grow (CBD Lemon) and the Wedding Cheesecake was stunted.

My fault, the medium for the CBD Lemon was too wet and I thought it would be a good idea to use a spoon to transfer the Wedding Cheesecake seed into it's solo SIP cup. Stupid move, sigh.

I was sure I had the spoon Under the seed but in fact when I went to capture it I crushed it against the side of the shot glass, sigh.

Poured it and the remaining seeds into the finger nail deep holes I made in the solo SIP cups medium.

(Mycorrhizal Inoculant by Dynomyco C in the solo cup medium and in the bottoms of the prepared holes in their final pots)

And started two more seeds, another CBD Lemon and a Gorilla Punch which is supposed to be a beautiful purple color !

Both seeds germinated and grew. The Gorilla Punch took off, the CBD Lemon is a slow poke but appears perfectly healthy !

Not sure if it will amount to much but I don't really care, just want a taste of 17% each of THC/CBD :bongrip:

Amazingly enough the Wedding Cheesecake looks to be a week behind but has almost caught up in size !

A SIP solo cup....

Day 18 CS 8 Aug 2023.jpg

I'll spare you the weeks of seedling pictures :yahoo:

Three were transplanted yesterday....

Transplant 1 AM 14 Aug 2023.jpg

I hadn't counted on an extra seedling so I put the CBD Lemon in a 2 1/2 gallon fabric pot with ProMix HP..

This is tonight....

The Girls Day 24-17 15 Aug 2023.jpg

Some details, the solo cups were fed with 1g/gallon of MC and increased to 1.9g/gallon about week two.

SIP's were filled with 2g/gallon of MC 24 hours before transplant. At transplant the bottom of the prepared holes were barely moist so I refilled the reservoirs.

24 hours later a wood skewer shows moisture three inches below the surface. So the seedlings have ~ two inches of available moisture at the bottom of their plugs. And most of the roots were at the bottom of the solo cups.

Dipstick shows half full.

The ProMix HP in the fabric pot was quite dry so I charged it with a half gallon, same with the Hempy Bucket.

Not sure about the Hempy bucket but I'll keep a close eye on her....

Light is now @ 75% and 24". Temp is 83F and rh is 36%.

All the girls appear happy and Praying morning till night, I'm a happy camper, so far ;)

Be interesting to see which if any have been stunted ?

Cheers, eh ?
Glad to have you on board ;)

Pictures ? And have you smoked any yet ?

I've vaped some. It's a clear, relaxed kind of high. Has a bit less of a peak to it, but seems more spread out. Extremely functional.
I never drive high, but I feel like I could with this without any impairment.
Not the best flavour, but we'll see what the cure brings out.
I did a partial harvest, and let the bottom ripen. Turned out well.


I've decided to do a "quick" Herbies Seeds Auto run after my last six month long Sativa grow ;)

And wanted to try two new to me systems, SIP's and Hempy.

The SIP's are five gallon pails with store bought GroBucket Self-Watering Inserts.

Medium is ProMix HP, one of the pails has the perlite content upped to 50% from 30%.

The Hempy bucket is a 5 gallon Cdn Tire pail painted black, just in case.

I cut a 3" thick plug of styrofoam to reduce the capacity of the perlite medium to roughly the same as the SIP's.

SIP's will be fed Mega Crop one part and the Hempy GH MaxiGro/Bloom (and the fabric bag).

Light is a 600w MH/HPS in a 42" parabolic reflector, ~ 5' x 5' x 4' high enclosure in a 10' x 10' x 8' high room.

Summer auto grow 2023.JPG

A rather disappointing start, soaked four seeds. All germinated but one failed to grow (CBD Lemon) and the Wedding Cheesecake was stunted.

My fault, the medium for the CBD Lemon was too wet and I thought it would be a good idea to use a spoon to transfer the Wedding Cheesecake seed into it's solo SIP cup. Stupid move, sigh.

I was sure I had the spoon Under the seed but in fact when I went to capture it I crushed it against the side of the shot glass, sigh.

Poured it and the remaining seeds into the finger nail deep holes I made in the solo SIP cups medium.

(Mycorrhizal Inoculant by Dynomyco C in the solo cup medium and in the bottoms of the prepared holes in their final pots)

And started two more seeds, another CBD Lemon and a Gorilla Punch which is supposed to be a beautiful purple color !

Both seeds germinated and grew. The Gorilla Punch took off, the CBD Lemon is a slow poke but appears perfectly healthy !

Not sure if it will amount to much but I don't really care, just want a taste of 17% each of THC/CBD :bongrip:

Amazingly enough the Wedding Cheesecake looks to be a week behind but has almost caught up in size !

A SIP solo cup....

Day 18 CS 8 Aug 2023.jpg

I'll spare you the weeks of seedling pictures :yahoo:

Three were transplanted yesterday....

Transplant 1 AM 14 Aug 2023.jpg

I hadn't counted on an extra seedling so I put the CBD Lemon in a 2 1/2 gallon fabric pot with ProMix HP..

This is tonight....

The Girls Day 24-17 15 Aug 2023.jpg

Some details, the solo cups were fed with 1g/gallon of MC and increased to 1.9g/gallon about week two.

SIP's were filled with 2g/gallon of MC 24 hours before transplant. At transplant the bottom of the prepared holes were barely moist so I refilled the reservoirs.

24 hours later a wood skewer shows moisture three inches below the surface. So the seedlings have ~ two inches of available moisture at the bottom of their plugs. And most of the roots were at the bottom of the solo cups.

Dipstick shows half full.

The ProMix HP in the fabric pot was quite dry so I charged it with a half gallon, same with the Hempy Bucket.

Not sure about the Hempy bucket but I'll keep a close eye on her....

Light is now @ 75% and 24". Temp is 83F and rh is 36%.

All the girls appear happy and Praying morning till night, I'm a happy camper, so far ;)

Be interesting to see which if any have been stunted ?

Cheers, eh ?
Girl’s look Amigo.
I’m going to tag along. :thumb:
Hope your doing well.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I've vaped some. It's a clear, relaxed kind of high. Has a bit less of a peak to it, but seems more spread out. Extremely functional.
I never drive high, but I feel like I could with this without any impairment.
Not the best flavour, but we'll see what the cure brings out.
I did a partial harvest, and let the bottom ripen. Turned out well.
Thanks !

Looks like she could be a tall girl...

We are now three days post transplant and although they are a week behind my last auto grow I think I have three viable ladies.

The other two have been slow starters but I will grow them out, just because ;)

My wood skewers show moisture 2" below the surface on the SIP's, fabric pot shows moisture in the 3 - 6" range and the hempy bucket shows moisture only around the original ProMix HP solo cup.

CBD Lemon

Day 27 CBD 17 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 27 CS 17 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 27 GP 17 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 27 SS 17 Aug 2023.jpg

Wedding Cheesecake

Day 27 WC 17 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 27 The Girls 17 Aug 2023.jpg

I think we are Finally off to the races :yahoo:

First off I have to say I'm Loving knowing my girls have just the right amount of water :love:

No more lifting pots, he, he..

Best I can tell we are a good week behind my last auto grow. All different strains but.....

The only difference I can think of is using SIP solo cups ? Aside from wetting the medium before planting the germinated seeds they were never watered from the top.

At transplant they did have roots circling the bottom but next to nothing from the middle of the cup to the top. Pretty well a cone of roots at the bottom of the cup.

Was that not the target ? Developing the "water" roots early ?

I did not keep the reservoirs full daily but didn't wait until they fully dry, maybe 25%..

Thoughts ?

The first CBD Lemon seed could have been in too wet medium, hadn't had time to drain enough yet. I watered the solo cup to drain at transplant. Usually do that a day before...

The second seed was in a properly moistened medium and is at least alive ;)

And a small Cause for celebration, she is looking healthy and grew 1/2" in 24 hours ! IF she doesn't flower too early there is a good chance of harvesting enough to confirm if I want More !

Wedding Cheesecake has over come her rough treatment and grew an inch And appears much wider.

California Snow grew 1 1/2 !

I made a clumsy attempt at fimming her, thinking I cut too low but no biggee. It's above the fifth node where I normally top.

Gorilla Punch was not in a SIP solo cup and is a week younger that the Six Shooter but almost as tall o_O

Day 30 CBD 20 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 30 WC 20 Aug 2023.jpg

The Girls Day 30 21 Aug 2023.jpg

Glad to have you on board ;)

Pictures ? And have you smoked any yet ?

You know I’ll be dropping by and checking out your progress. Be sitting 🪑 in the back with a question now n then. Happy growing Chuck. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looks swish Chuck. I read and reread your starter scenarios and it sounds like you did as recommended (SIPs) How long were the roots, in total, from bottom of stem to lowest root section (in SIP-targeted plants)? They'll assert themselves on their own time, (and smartly retaining the initiative, while also maintaining tight OP-SEC. lol.) and then all hell will break loose. Are you fertigating the SIPs with your usual single-part ferts, GH Bloom or MegaCr0p? Best to you, m8. -RD
Looks swish Chuck. I read and reread your starter scenarios and it sounds like you did as recommended (SIPs) How long were the roots, in total, from bottom of stem to lowest root section (in SIP-targeted plants)? They'll assert themselves on their own time, (and smartly retaining the initiative, while also maintaining tight OP-SEC. lol.) and then all hell will break loose. Are you fertigating the SIPs with your usual single-part ferts, GH Bloom or MegaCr0p? Best to you, m8. -RD
The oldest were in the SIP solo cups for three weeks and were fed with 1g/gallon of MC for the first two weeks, then 1.9g/gallon until transplant.

Roots were circling the bottom of the solo cup and they were transplanted to the larger container a week ago.

So total age of roughly 30 days.

The oldest were in the SIP solo cups for three weeks and were fed with 1g/gallon of MC for the first two weeks, then 1.9g/gallon until transplant.

Roots were circling the bottom of the solo cup and they were transplanted to the larger container a week ago.

So total age of roughly 30 days.

I do these miniature ‘cloth’ pots, sat atop a half bucket of perlite. Bucket has overflow drain hole an inch below where the softies sit so they have to wick it up. Works well for both fertigated and plain water/LOS SIPs scenarios. To transplant, scoop out hole in SIP, drop wee soft pot in. Done!
Or to do singles I will use a smaller container, and then with a second soft-pot baggy I half-fill it with perlite and tie it off. Drop it in container and then put wee baggy with sprouting seed neatly sat atop it. Idea is to keep water/fertigation below soil level and plant will wick it up through the perlite ‘pillow’. By transplant time the perlite pillow has become attached, integral, due to root formation but they transplant just great this way too. (Left this one in the bath a bit longer than optimal but it didn’t slow her down much, if at all.) Just sharing what I’ve been trying, making no claims on ‘good, better, best’.’
Or to do singles I will use a smaller container, and then with a second soft-pot baggy I half-fill it with perlite and tie it off. Drop it in container and then put wee baggy with sprouting seed neatly sat atop it. Idea is to keep water/fertigation below soil level and plant will wick it up through the perlite ‘pillow’. By transplant time the perlite pillow has become attached, integral, due to root formation but they transplant just great this way too. (Left this one in the bath a bit longer than optimal but it didn’t slow her down much, if at all.) Just sharing what I’ve been trying, making no claims on ‘good, better, best’.’
I'm totally new to perlite !

And I've never waited that long to up pot ;)

But I would be more than pleased with your results !

I was just going to go back to "normal" solo cups but I will have to think on that.....

Just two days later but some thoughts and pic's ;)

You may remember I started my germinated seeds in SIP solo cups and only watered from the top.

Didn't work that well for me...

If I'm super critical the medium could have been on the wet side of moist and a day to dry to "moist" might have been enough to stunt growth ?

For the final pots I watered from the bottom Only 24 hours before transplant and then filled the reservoir to 50% on transplant day.

Anywho, they are a good week behind my last auto grow at week 3 starting in "normal solo cups" and top watering lightly.

I've been filling their reservoirs the past week but at 5 weeks the top 3 - 4" of the medium is bone dry.

And two of my girls are starting to Lean o_O

All three got a gallon each from the Top.

BTW > Drain hole is in the correct position but full reservoir only shows five holes/tear drop shapes...

IIRC the rational behind only watering from the bottom is to develop the water roots.

Well, at week five the roots have got to be developed and the plant could use some feeder roots higher up to help support the plants.

I don't see how this will defeat the purpose of the bottom watering.

The medium will dry from the top down and continue to feed from the reservoir.

Makes no difference to me if I water from the top or fill the reservoir, for a short period ?

Hopefully I have enough veg time left for this to happen and a larger root ball has to be a Good thing !

CBD Lemon keeps trucking @ day 28 :yummy:

Day 35 CBD 26 Aug 2023.jpg

Day 35 CS 26 Aug 2023.jpg

Gorilla Punch is a week younger !

Day 35 GP 26 Aug 2023.jpg

Six Shooter is the one with 50% perlite and the only one with slightly droopy leaves from a top watering and a 75% full reservoir...

Day 35 SS 26 Aug 2023.jpg

I'm impressed the Wedding Cheesecake is doing as well as she is !

Day 35 WC 26 Aug 2023.jpg

3g/gallon of MC/MaxiGro, temp is 87F, rh is 40%.

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