It's the stage where i had to cut down my plant. I was pissed i couldn't let it mature. Security. Oh well. Looks awesome. I may do a hydro grow next year.
I changed out the nutrient solution AGAIN yesterday. They have been drinking so much! My reservior is 10 gallons, and after only a week, it's below the 5 gallon mark, even after adding an extra gallon. I guess I'm just surprised at how much water they go through.
ganja_smoker, i have a question, i really like your setup and would love to know the exact details of it.. including how you ensure 100% darkness during the 12 hour night cycle, and how you seal it all off from everything.
Keep in mind, this is a "first grow" There are MANY things I would do differently now that I've got some experience.
To start my growroom, I first decided where it would go and how big. Drew up some plans and headed to Home Depot for some 2 X 4's and plywood. I framed out the space and covered the inside with black plastic and mylar.
36" X 28" X 8' room
All walls are lined with black plastic and mylar.
24" X 24" tray
My hydroponic system is a drip/recovery system. The drippers are 1 GPH. They drip for half an hour, 3 times a day (7am, 3pm, and 11pm). (Water Pump is 150 GPH). The reservior holds 10 gallons. I use the "Flora" Advanced Nutrient System from General Hydroponics - I'm just following the instructions on the bottle for vegetative growth.
Germinated seeds in a damp paper towel and then planted them in 1" rockwool cubes. Transferred those into 4" cubes. Those were put into 1 gallon pots filled with hydroton. After about a month and a half I was able to ID 3 of my 4 plants as female. So I decided which one I wanted to keep as my mother and I threw the other 2 plants into the flower room.......
36" X 28" X 8' room
24" X 24" tray
First thing I did when I was setting up the flowering room was to make sure it would be totally dark with the lights off. I decided to use doors. I just put hinges on some plywood, covered the inside with black plastic and mylar. Then I got inside and closed the door and checked for total darkness. I had to plug a few leaks. I use the black plastic rolled up into a tube as "weather stripping" around the edges of the door.
Hydroponic System
Flood and drain
2' X 2' tray is filled with hydroton
10 gallon reservior
"Flora" Advanced Nutrient System from General Hydroponics ("blooming and ripening" mix)
The flower room is the same size as the vegetation room (but I wish it was at least a little bit bigger). I'm using a 400W HPS light with a coolable hood. The coolable hood was definitely a necessity. Without a fan sucking out the heat from the HPS bulb, it would be way too hot. I keep that fan on all the time. There's also another fan in the back blowing air up to circulate. A third fan is outside blowing in at the plants.
The light is on 12 hours a day (7am - 7pm)
The tray floods 3 times a day (8am, 1pm and 5:30pm) for a half an hour. The pump I bought for this was too strong (150 GPH) so I swapped it with the one I had on the drip system. (130 GPH I think).
One thing that kinda sucks is that I have to open the door every morning at 7am and close it up at 7pm. I am still trying to come up with a way to automate that. Maybe with a garage door opener or something on a timer.
I'm using Oasis cubes and Olivia's Cloning Gel. A mild nutrient solution. Inside a Humidity dome. They have been in there about ten days. I took more cuttings than I needed. I'll only have room for four of them.
White widow clones anyone???
It's like a TETRIS game in there. I've got my mother, cuttings and clones all sharing the same space.
I think I want to try to fit four of these clones into my flowering room this time. And just try to keep them smaller/shorter. My current crop is too tall for the room it's in. I've ran out of space to raise up the light.