GanjaFarmer 1st Grow 2 Mysterious Strains

People put their girl into flower at different times. It's all up to your individual circumstances and needs.
Some people start 12/12 from sprout, some veg for 2 months, and lots are somewhere in between.

I plan on putting Estella into flowering on day 25 of veg because i can't have her get that big at this certain time but on my next grow i plan on letting her to her full potential i plan on getting Northern Lights. Also i dont have any batteries to use for my camera so sorry to everyone following my grow you won't be able to see her for a little bit. You will prbly see her on the 23 or 24 veg. Well see you guys later.

Well do to everything thats going on am putting estella into flowering tonight at 8p.m. on 2/9/11. The HPS still hasn't came in yet and i've already made to complaints about that, it really got me pissed off. For now i have to use cfl's i plan on using 3 2700K CFL's hopefully that will be enough for her. Also i got batteries for my camera i will be posting pics up tonight.
Thanks ResLaGanja and I had my friend order it for me and he doesn't know the tracking number. But he said if it doesn't come in by the friday he will order another one and he will pay for it out of his pocket. Also the pics will be going up tonight at 8 when i turn the lights on. She has grown a lot you guys will see tonight. Well untill then.
Great Job GanjaFarmer things seem to be going smooth before you know it your estella will be beautiful and your harvest will be plentiful keep it up :slide:
Don't worry about it dude. Not a big deal about no pictures. Take it easy. :Hookah:

I know its just that i noticed I've been procrastinating lately about putting putting pics up. But I don't have to worry about it any more. Am go take pics of her right now.:grinjoint:

Great Job GanjaFarmer things seem to be going smooth before you know it your estella will be beautiful and your harvest will be plentiful keep it up :slide:

Thanks man. I am really surprised on how big she has grown since this is my first grow. There is still the problem of the tips of the leaves drying out and dying on the tips tho'. I think it may be under watering I'm really not sure its just a guess aha. Also the pics will be going up as soon as i snack out for a little bit.

Well the pics of Estella are finally here. Estella is sorta drooping tho' i think its under watering her. Well here is some pics of her.

This might be a little premature but I think these are male preflowers in these pictures:

I'm not SURE though so don't do anything yet. When you get balls, that's when you will know for certain. Sorry.
Aha know what if its male i plan on making pot butter and making some brownies out of the bitch. Then I plan on getting new seeds and start the grow all over again. It was good growing experience overall tho' i learned a lot out of my first grow. I plan on getting better nutes for it tho' and plan on trying to get feminized seeds from a buddy who gets them but he lives out of town and is hard to contact.
Damn it i was hoping that it was a girl. I hope that there not tho' aha. You sorta got me wondering now about it kuz i noticed that too in those pics earlier but i didn't say nothing about it. Well i just hope its female. Only time will tell. If its a male is there anything i could with it like get seeds off of him or anything like that?

Sorry if it is in fact male, you need a female to make seeds. It can still turn out female though so don't do anything yet.
Well its male guys i looked today before i turned off the lights at 8 and the balls only got bigger so i chopped him down a couple of mins ago. I'm sorta said that it was male but my friend is giving seeds for free again and i plan on planting it next week and then as soon as it sprouts putting it into flowering so i could determine the sex then just keep it in flowering if its female. I got a few questions tho'. How high of a yield do you think i would get? and how much soil do i have to use? Like just a 1 or 2 gallon pot? or wat?
Yea its alright man :grinjoint: I just plan on growing small now untill i get feminized seeds in a little bit because i applied for a MM card yesterday and if they accept it i plan on applying for a growing license then i plan on growing big aha. But for now little grows. Well I guess this is the end of my journal. Thanks to everybody who stopped by to say hi and everybody who helped me out with the problems with this grow. I appreciated everything from you guys, you guys were a really big help to me. Well you guys will see me back on here prbly in a week with another grow going on. Bye everybody but not for long
Get the pots warm for some butter again no worries man you got it never give up I will watch your next grow aswell RoorRip:popcorn:
High GanjaFarmer14

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Hope all is well in your world.

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