Getting Busted

Right on siscokid! We appreciate your work for the cause in your area.
cocojoe, hang in there bro! That is the exact reason I did not grow weed for decades. It was only when I could get a caregivers license AND the attorney general of the US promised not to go after everyone that I went ahead with my first grow. :peace:
I'm learning to live with being a ward of the state. It makes me happy that some are safe now.
Right on siscokid! We appreciate your work for the cause in your area.

cocojoe, hang in there bro! That is the exact reason I did not grow weed for decades. It was only when I could get a caregivers license AND the attorney general of the US promised not to go after everyone that I went ahead with my first grow. :peace:

Thanks Munki and Coco,

Well, I figuered if this is a "war" my best weapon is my words and my vote.. we are in the primary elections here. This is when we all should call our reps. and tell them how we feel. We need to keep the numbers growing so they have no choice but to back us or they'll lose there seat or never get into one.

The thread was started for the reason I thought I was safe, and you really are not safe unless you are growing legally in one of the 14 states that has gone medical.
So I ask you again are you growing safely?
You are only as safe as the weakest link.
Be with God, brothers and sisters.
don't let them fool you I an in one of those 14 ststes Colorado and i have been raided recently April 1 . . . yhe constitutional admendment only sates that you have a right to present an (affirmative defence).
don't let them fool you I an in one of those 14 ststes Colorado and i have been raided recently April 1 . . . yhe constitutional admendment only sates that you have a right to present an (affirmative defence).

You need some good luck and positive thinking.
You need some good luck and positive thinking.
well I am possitive it sucks LOLbut on a serious note I got a good mouth peice and a few good friends in the MMJ movement herewere thinking of doing a couple of benifits to raise legal fees . . . the big names in this state won't answer your calls if you haven't been on the news . . .but i decided to go with GOOD not BIG . . . .but even though i have resources not money and have a chance i can't help but think of those who don't have either . . . I want to start a series of benifits that can bring in money and possibly support for them . . .it sucks, but if you can put a spot light on them the bloodsuckers and publicity hounds will line up to show how much they care . . . and I ain't proud i'll take that in place of real compassion if necessary. I hope your situation didn't put too much of a burden on you and yours .... an amazing country we live in you can decide to terminate the life of an unborn child, as a matter of choice . . . but light a joint and they want to ruin your life because your a criminal . . . .not makin a judgement on the former JUSSAYIN%)
Thanks Munki and Coco,

Well, I figuered if this is a "war" my best weapon is my words and my vote.. we are in the primary elections here. This is when we all should call our reps. and tell them how we feel. We need to keep the numbers growing so they have no choice but to back us or they'll lose there seat or never get into one.

well said, we have forgoten who is the servant and who is the master. . . .. those bastards work for us! even if we didn't vote for them we still foot the bill but if we don't make it a point to let them know who they work for we are lost . . . of course it's probably just that kind of talk on another sight that probably put the bulls eye on my back
It is proper etiquette if someone gives you reps to pass it back. To see reps click on CP(control panel). Go to bottom of the page after the threads you subscribed to and you will see who gave you reps. IDK OMG . . . .I am sorry if I have offended anyone but you are dealing with someone who discovered what a trollwas only a couple of weeks ago. . . . if you would kindly message me I am having a hard time following the above instructions. . . .and if it has nothing to do with me, in the words of the great Emily Lettella ( Gilda Radner Saturday Night Live) Never mind!
lol I put that up for a few who are ah jerks...if you really want to learn it is easy...just click on the icon next to the green is a scale then you can put a message in if you want. I will rep you so you can go and look at it on your control panel. You dn't have to pass it back if you don't want to.
AhhHaaaa, well that was very informative...and some how i got my prof pix on too . . . don't know what happened to my signature . . . but i will take what i can get . . . thank you much Alien8 and please call me Hash
the big names in this state won't answer your calls if you haven't been on the news . . .but i decided to go with GOOD not BIG .

Call your state's PBS stations and NPR stations (ALL of them).

That is the exact reason if it becomes legal in my state I would be afraid to register. I don't want a target on my back.

We've already got the targets. And we've probably all seen or experienced what happens when it's one or a few of us against the great numbers involved in "the system."

Of course we AREN'T just one or a few. We're a substantial portion of the population - whether or not we're a majority, there are enough of us that we should be heard. And get us all together and we would be for sure. But... The phrase "trying to herd a bunch of cats" comes to mind.

I'm guessing that if everyone that grows, uses, or at least tolerates cannabis got together and formed their own political party that it would be bigger than all but the top two. And considering that most of our numbers (logically) would come from those two parties, we'd be the biggest, yes?

But half of us are in jail, half of us are in hiding, half of us can't be bothered, half of us slept late and didn't vote or got stoned and didn't get registered in time and half of us are dodging publicity so as to avoid getting bumped to the top of the "random" workplace drug-screening list and half of us...

...suck at math, lol. But you get my idea. If EVERY person that was involved stood together, nothing could stop us and the timeline would shrink to mere months - for everyone.
I agree in theory but it also depends why you smoke. I am in great need and if I got busted I wouldn't last an hour. If I got pulled over and made to take a field test I wouldn't pass cause I am crippled. I have stood for causes all my life but unfortunately in my situation it is just impossible. I am a big activist but that went away when my physical body went.
Yeah, I know what you are getting at. It does suck that many of us do not have the physical attributes to "withstand a siege." Kind of gives the opposition an unfair advantage.
Human nature is to fear what you don't understand.
Thus 420's campaign of creating cannabis/hemp awareness.
The better peoples understanding of cannabis, the less threatened they will be. Through the internet the truth is being spread. I'ts only a matter of time.
Once citizens become aware that the government has engaged in a propaganda campaign of misinformation, then the truth shall set us free.
On jobs, I held one job for 33 years.
My exemployer would love to have me back.
My employer knew I used, but didn't care because I didn't smoke at work, and I gave him an honest days work.

My whole work pretty much knows I smoke Cannabis and I'm proud of it.

Like You CocoJoe, I do a solid days work and have been at this job for a year a half, i havent been around 33 years yet, so lol way to go.

I moved countries to get away from the 1960's mentality that was rampant in my own country for the attitude of pot.

"Bad for your health", "Illegal", "far worse than alcohol", "smoking pot modifies your brain", "makes you slow", "my uncle is fked up because of pot".

The list of stuff Ive had people tried to ram down my throat about pot, is well, endless.

My job at EDUCATING people who think they know it all, but havent even done a minutes research on pot is, well, endless.

To be honest, im rather tired of educating people who have this impenetrable wall in their mind, so I'm starting to educate younger people with more open minds than waste my time on people older than me who refuse to hear the truth let alone accept it.

Its not just older people who are ignorant I do admit.

My jobs no money spinner, but it pays the bills.

It wont pay big fines for growing pot, tho.

My new grow will be 2 plants, and no more.

Since the law goes on numbers and not size, it makes sense to do less and do it for personal use, since dealing, selling, producing makes for a whole new rack of charges not worth getting into.

peace out!
I do really believe that the laws will change someday. I just wish it was sooner than later. I quit drinking 25 years ago. I finally quit smoking tobacco 2 years ago, but I won't stop smoking mj. I've smoke pot for 38 years. I realize that I shouldn't even be able to talk, let alone have the same job for 22 years. After all, the pot has rotted my brain, right? At least according to crapola propaganda. IMHO smoking mj is just like masterbation, half the country does it, and the other half lies about it. Someday, the fear will be replaced with acceptance. God Bless you Coco Joe, and anyone else entangled in the legal web.:peace:
Congratulations on quitting tobacco puffa. Mad props to you - this ain't easy ;)

Sounds like it's coming from someone who knows... ;)

We all fight the good fight here, and part of that is supporting people like you Puffa! Our weed is definitely better than the one that kills so many, and somehow is legal everywhere. :hmmmm:
Congratulations on quitting tobacco puffa. Mad props to you - this ain't easy ;)

Thank you. Best, possibly hardest thing I ever did. I am now one of those that can't stand it. Funny how that happens. Before I quit, didn't know what or how I would cope. Now, I can't even imagine smoking tobacco again.
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