Getting unhigh from smoking so much?


New Member
more weed is always better than less, i've been pushing the limit for about a year, i smoke twice more than what everyone quits at. so everyone smokes like 5 bowls, i'll go for 10. eventually you get "unhigh" and you can't get higher, i think its because you notice your getting more and more high, and when it stops getting more intense, you stop feeling high, i've done this a few times, and it usually takes a LONG time to get there. the most i've ever smoked in one sitting would be close to a half oz. by myself. i woke up with my lungs feeling like balloons , almost hard to breathe. so back to my original question, getting unhigh because your too high?
ummm....I'm not sure about unhigh. From what I know about the nature of THC that there is a ceiling to how high you can get because your body is metabolizing the the chemical as fast as you can absorb it. Of course if you were smoking some primo, fire, headie, superdank then there might not be a ceiling. The same goes if you were smoking hash.

What might happen in your case is that technically you're high but your body has learned how to function while baked so in essence you don't feel high. Its like people who drink so much that they can be inebrated beyond recognition but can carry on a clear, coherent conversation. Your body is always trying to reach equilibrium, whether it be temperature, nutritional intake, or whatever. When you get high that upsets the body's natural equilibrium so your body tries to adjust.

I would just take a break if possible and your body and mind will forget how to adjust to the THC and you should be flying high again.

Of course I'm not exactly sure and someone please correct me if I am wrong somewhere.
I don't think that smoking more weed will get you unhigh, lol.It's called tolerance dude. The more you smoke the more your body and mind learns to tolerate the THC.
true true true
I remember when i first started smoking that i would be feeling majorly "high" and not really in control off a little bit of weed. but now im used to behaving and interacting with people high and as a result i dont really feel that "omg im in a friggn dream" kinda high anymore...
its more like puffed eyebags + redeye + slight buzz...

:( boo
Ive heard several people tell me that they have smoked so much weed before that they smoked themselves sober.....FALSE! Theres no way that by taking too much of a drug youll get sober, its a total oxymoron. And is ALL in YOUR HEAD. What really is happening is you can only get so high, once you reach that peak its all downhill from there. It doesnt matter how much weed you smoke, but once you reach your peak you WILL NOT get any higher and will begin to come down, regardless if you continue to smoke or not. Thats why smoking large amounts at a time is pointless, not only pointless but a waste. Now if you were to smoke a couple bowls then wait to come down, then smoke a couple more you wouldnt be complaining.
i understand tolerance and all that. i get UNHIGH. i cant explain it, you dont have to believe me, but i can, assuming ive had a big paycheck that week (lol) get unhigh from smoking alot. i've honest to god been unhigh, i feel completely normal, no loss of motor skills, not baked out of my mind, im completely controlable in everything i do, my eyes always get ultra bloodshot, and it goes away once i get to this unhigh point, somehow my body nuetralizes it. i smoked like, a half by myself on 420 and out of my king Dub, which was my double chamber double bowl bong i made. i was watching a movie for like 20 minutes, stood up, felt 100%. went to get food and realized i wasnt hungry. my eyes looked fine. this was like after 10 grams or so, i lost count. i wasn't "dealing with it" i just absolutely unhigh. i smoked more and it was like getting high again.
^^Exactly what I ws thinking^^

If it does get you unhigh, that's pretty funny and wierd, but alright.
Just quit for a little while and let your tolerance drop cuz smoking 10g and not getting lifted isn't fun..
I agree with some of you that switching strains can alter this situation to his liking...however does his neighborhood have variety? I use a little of each strain daily simply because I like to keep things different and I don't notice any increase in consumption...mine is fairly steady.
hmm gettin unhigh its not that ur unhigh its jsut that as you smoke & smoke ur body gets use ta it and ya become more tolerate ta tha THC in tha weed..
I'm a poor man. I smoke until I get high and then I stop. I enjoy that high and if I want to stay stoned, I smoke more when I'm coming down. Economics is a great factor for me, plus I don't want to feel wasteful. With the pot you could save, you could start a foundation to provide pot for those in need in your neighborhood.
With the pot you could save, you could start a foundation to provide pot for those in need in your neighborhood.

hahaha Yeah! I like that idea too! ^^ :allgood:
I'm a poor man. I smoke until I get high and then I stop. I enjoy that high and if I want to stay stoned, I smoke more when I'm coming down. Economics is a great factor for me, plus I don't want to feel wasteful. .

exactly what i do :)
Oh, you just live the charmed life.:cheesygrinsmiley:
"semi-charmed kinda life, baby baby, i waant somethin else..."
ive a similar problem man

i just get to the point where i can no longer feel my buzz. normally towards the evening.

i find a 2 hour de-stoning session (a break) is needed when u can no longer get any higher. :hmmmm:

and hey presto!, i can grab my bong :bong: and get all high again. sweet :allgood:
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