Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000

Hey all. This is my first grow log and the second grow attempt in many many years. Ohh how things have changed!

Here are the details:

Strain: 5 x Gorilla Cookies Auto from CropKing
Media: FoxFarms Ocean Forest
Nutes: GeoFlora Veg
Lights: ViparSpectra P2000
4x4 tent.

I soaked the seeds for about 18 hours and then popped them into the soil on 9/3. On 9/6 3 of the 5 had shown them selves and then for the morning water a fourth popped out. By the time I got home from work the 4 that came up are looking good, the fifth one still has not shown herself. Hoping by morning time she is up. Will get pictures of the seedlings in the am. But here is when they fist popped up. Super excited to learn a ton and watch these babies grow!!



Welcome Ke0ncp! Sweet grow you have here!
Thanks StoneOtter. Excited to watch them grow!

? are they coming up? kinda looks like they're all making a U turn back into the ground.
did you plant them upside down?
Fenderbender, I thought the same thing. They have all since worked it out.
Friday update. They are 8 days old now and appear to be healthy. Still running the lights at 50% at 16” above them. I switched from the spray bottle to a very slow to runoff watering yesterday morning.






Saturday update:

Day 9

I have increased the viparspectra from 50% to 75% as they really seemed to be reaching for the light. PPFD was at 400-500 and now at 600-700 at the tops of them. Left the lights at 16” away from the tops.

Will keep a close eye on them tomorrow and make sure that it’s not too much lighting.

Does this seem like a good move or am I overthinking it?



Sunday Update:

They don’t seem to be reaching like they were with the lights now at 75%. I am seeing some “streaking” or variegation happening that I need to look into and see what’s up with that.



Tuesday update:

Day 12

Coming along and starting to grow! I’ve been doing reading on topping and fiming and will make the choice soon on which to do, leaning towards topping at the moment. Trying to figure out when to do it but it looks like in the next week or so if I understanding everything I’m reading.





You'll get a lot of conflicting info/opinions about when and if you should top them.

Some of it was discussed on my perpetual journal earlier today, if you like to take a look...

Your babies look great.

You'll get a lot of conflicting info/opinions about when and if you should top them.

Some of it was discussed on my perpetual journal earlier today, if you like to take a look...

Your babies look great.
Thanks for the link! Good reading for sure. Maybe I will just let it ride and take it slow for now to get my feet wet again. Or maybe I will play around and top 1 of them and see what happens :) typical of me is to go and mess something up and learn the hard way :)
Thanks for the link! Good reading for sure. Maybe I will just let it ride and take it slow for now to get my feet wet again. Or maybe I will play around and top 1 of them and see what happens :) typical of me is to go and mess something up and learn the hard way :)
Whatever you decide.
I'm not here to push any growing or training style.
It can be fun to experiment a little but filling jars is the main goal. I like to have a nice stash sitting before I do that stuff.

The sport variegation on your plant is normal and nothing to worry about. Most times it fades away in late veg.
Whatever you decide.
I'm not here to push any growing or training style.
It can be fun to experiment a little but filling jars is the main goal. I like to have a nice stash sitting before I do that stuff.

The sport variegation on your plant is normal and nothing to worry about. Most times it fades away in late veg.
Full jars is what I’m after as well as a fun growing season.

Thanks for the info on the variegation. I haven’t noticed anything new so wasn’t too worried about it.
Day 13:

It’s so fun to get home from work and open the tent to see the progress. Don’t think it really shows as well in the pictures but they are a growin’

Starting to let off a nice aroma as I walk into the grow room as well 👍🏻

I made some changes to how I had the lights set up and the metro shelving I am using so that the plants are now physically located in the lower section of the tent and it’s easier to adjust light height as needed.

They are also starting to darken in color a tad, also not as noticeable in the pics I don’t think.





Day 14:

I’m doing some reading on when to pot up and wondering what everyone’s general rule of thumb is? I’m seeing some info that says wait until the roots are poking out the holes on the bottom and others that say when the leaves are the circumference of the pot they are in.

We are out of town for 5 days and I plan on doing a bit of a heavy water the day we leave. Just wondering if I should pot up prior to leaving and then just follow Emilya’s guide to avoid any issues.

And for the obligatory pictures :) I adjusted the exposure to match what they are really looking like. These lights really mess with the exposure.



I would transplant them before your trip.
Typically you want to do it right around week three, sometimes a bit earlier.
If they drink their pots dry in two days or less, I transplant.
4 of the 5 look big enough and lil gal may just have to go along with the rest of them.

Have a great trip!
Thanks for the tip! I was thinking the same thing. Don’t think I will pot up to their final destination yet as I would rather wait to see how many females I have. With my current set up I don’t think I can go more than 2 at a time until I grab another light. Any extra females I am gifting out :)

Yes trip is going to be a blast. 10 year anniversary so back to the Bay Area we go for a few days in Napa and a few days on the coast. Love that West Marin “rough country”
I have increased the viparspectra from 50% to 75% as they really seemed to be reaching for the light. PPFD was at 400-500 and now at 600-700 at the tops of them. Left the lights at 16” away from the tops.

Will keep a close eye on them tomorrow and make sure that it’s not too much lighting.

Does this seem like a good move or am I overthinking it?
It does!

Transplanting is a complex topic. I like what VG mentioned. If you're going away I'd pot them up before and give them a good water before you head out. Flexing to work for your needs is important. They're pretty good at flexibility.
Looking good in the hood!
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