Greenislands 5 Gallon Upgrade Ebb & Gro TEK

Ive got a question for everyone. Now that this DIY 5 gallon ebb and gro setup is complete should I make a new thread entitled Greenislands journal #3 or keep this thread going throught the growth cycle? Im just curious because I want my journals to be easy to read and easy to find info on and my worry is that if this thread gets to be like 30-40 pages and someone just looking for the DIY section might have a hard time finding it in all the pages. Also this is technically my 3rd grow here on 420mag and this thread is entitled 5gallon ebb and gro TEK and now its kinda turning into a grow journal which is kinda misleading. Actually... you know what?.... I am going to start a new thread for this journal unless I have people say they want me to do otherwise. I just dont want to have a whole lot of pages in any one thread because they get kinda hard to read and find info on after 20 pages or so...u know? What does everyone think? If I have no replies Im gonna just start a new thread for ease of use and ease of reading. Thanks guys!
I think you should keep it going. Its nice to see the complete set up through the grow. I think when people look it up they will see the diy in the beginning and look to see how it all worked out. Just my opinion. This is a great journal either way. Get job.
I think you should keep it going. Its nice to see the complete set up through the grow. I think when people look it up they will see the diy in the beginning and look to see how it all worked out. Just my opinion. This is a great journal either way. Get job.

GREAT IDEA SONZOR!!!:ganjamon:
Heres some pics for all of ya! ENJOY the budporn!




Im sure you guys can tell that the PH has gone off siince the last time. I was gone for the last 5 days so I didnt get a chance to check it everyday like usual. The PH has been fixed and the plants are looking good under the MH but not doing so good under the HPS, which Im sure just has to do with the plants being stressed and with the HPS it was just a little to much stress for the plants to be happy and showed signs of it. It should bounce back in the next 3-4 days. Theres always a slight learning curve with the new setups. I dont think we should have any issues from here on out because I should be around to monitor things daily now heres to hoping this is the last little issue I encounter with this grow. Hope you guys enjoy the pics. Stay high! ENJOY! , Greenisland
Looking at that ultra clean grow room never gets old. Good luck on the plants bouncing back although I am pretty sure you don't need the luck. Great job...
Great stuff Greenisland I have read ur complete post looking good, I was glad you kept your log on prices on supplies for the ebb & flow, I was thinking about purchasing that same system on suretogrows ad, all made up under $800 including shipping. So if you spent around $700 to me (being Lazy & Stoned ) Im going to buy the pre-made ship it to me a fill it with water and grow system. I just recived today my from sprouthouse my suretogrow media and getting ready to use on my current system I watched every suretogows e-tube shots and I'm impressed. Pease
Ive heard some bad things about the sure to grow media so I wish you the best of luck. And the difference between my setup for $700 and the CAP pre made unit is mine has 5 gallon buckets and holds over twice as much substrate with twice as much room for roots to gro, and the 100 gallon res is just awesome to have! Oh and one other thing, the plants in the you tube videos are not quite the same as cannabis and all those videos are adds for the company so they wouldnt post any of the bad results only the good so be cautious as to believe what you see on there. Good luck though man, hopefully you start a journal so we can all watch! Thanks for stopping by though man, its good to have ya!
Heres some pics for all of ya! ENJOY the budporn!




Im sure you guys can tell that the PH has gone off siince the last time. I was gone for the last 5 days so I didnt get a chance to check it everyday like usual. The PH has been fixed and the plants are looking good under the MH but not doing so good under the HPS, which Im sure just has to do with the plants being stressed and with the HPS it was just a little to much stress for the plants to be happy and showed signs of it. It should bounce back in the next 3-4 days. Theres always a slight learning curve with the new setups. I dont think we should have any issues from here on out because I should be around to monitor things daily now heres to hoping this is the last little issue I encounter with this grow. Hope you guys enjoy the pics. Stay high! ENJOY! , Greenisland

GI, you have salty balls! (Last Picture). When the system floods, is the water level rising to the top of the grow rocks regularly? I was under the impression that it is best to have the grow rocks be filled to a level where the surface rocks always stay dry. Have you noticed any issues running an E&F system this way like green growth on the rocks?
lol. I beleive the salty balls is from when I rinsed them, lol. It doesnt flood that hi actually. Its about 1-2 inches below that level. So no I dont have any algae or anything growing and yes you are right, you should have a layer of dry hydroton on the top. You know now that I think about it I should check into that because Ive never actually sat there and watched it flood all the way through and Ive pretty much been gone until I took those pics so you couyld be right about that bucket but I do beleive most of the buckets have their 1-2 inches of dry substrate on the top. Thanks for pointing that out I will have to check when I get back from my bussiness meeting...good eye munki!.
lol. I beleive the salty balls is from when I rinsed them, lol. It doesnt flood that hi actually. Its about 1-2 inches below that level. So no I dont have any algae or anything growing and yes you are right, you should have a layer of dry hydroton on the top. You know now that I think about it I should check into that because Ive never actually sat there and watched it flood all the way through and Ive pretty much been gone until I took those pics so you couyld be right about that bucket but I do beleive most of the buckets have their 1-2 inches of dry substrate on the top. Thanks for pointing that out I will have to check when I get back from my bussiness meeting...good eye munki!.

NP man. It wasn't until I did a direct observation did I find that my digital timer for a flood pump was set to manual instead of auto thereby rendering it OFF 24 hours a day! Got my grow off to a funky start for sure. Reality has a funny way of messin' up our plans when we aren't lookin'!
lol, it sure does! Home depot had the cheapest 5 gallon buckets but if I was to build it again I would use the white ones from Walmart. There more expensive but have more usable space because their lip isnt as big so the top bucket nests down lower in the bottom bucket. They seem to be doing the job well though. The plants are making a strong comeback after the PH issue, whew, boy am I glad. That what I get for being gone for almost a week, lol. Its my plants way of saying "what the fuck man!, did you forget about us?" lol.
lol, if home depot started stocking a hydro section with 5 gal buckets, hoses, pumps, pipes i would walk in smokin a joint.

im glad the gals are springing back, keep it up GI.
Yeah I think if home depot did have a hydro section they would actually make good money from it too! I know a lot of people who have home depots close by but a hydro store nowhere close at all. I should have updated pics for everyone later today, so stay tuned everyone. I hope that when I get off work they are looking better because last time I saw them was a few days ago. By the time I get off work Im ready to go home and go to sleep most nights so sometimes their neglected a little more than they should be. My other room is about a week away from harvest which is perfect timing because me meds are almost gone...purrrfect! Thanks for stopping by everyone! I dont get a lot of subscribers to my journals but the few I do get are A++++. Thanks guys!
Im sure a lot of you dont care but Im going to post another topic from a thread that I responded to a couple days ago. Yes, its me ranting again so you may or may not care to check it out. In any case its about children and medical marijuana. Now I don't believe in giving kids marijuana just for the hell of it or even have them try it until their of age but if theres a medical necessity thats a whole other story. Anyways heres the link Medical Marijuana: No Longer Just for Adults

And heres just a web page I found with a quick search of what they have in the past and still do prescribe children for ADHD. (attention deficit disorder) ADD Help Site | Natural ADHD Information Im sure that page is an add for something but the facts still stand. Check it out.
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