Greetings from Saskatchewan, Canada


New Member
Hello to all! Just want to introduce myself. I am a returning smoker after a 20 year hiatus. Have severe arthritic pain, I'm sure in part caused by certain heart meds I'm on after my heart attack in 2009. Figured now that kids have grown and moved away, I should be able to be pain free without over the counter or prescription painkillers. So I am on my first attempt at growing, and it's going well.
I have a lot of gardening experience, so that helps a lot.
Cheers and look forward to reading other peoples experiences and sharing mine.
All the best,
Welcome to the best growing community on the Web, it's great to have you here. Gardening experience is very good to have as a new grower, using fertilizers and watering techniques are very important. As well as pruning and transplanting... Anyways I'm just saying you'll do fine!! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress we'll be eagerly watching as you do.

KiG :green_heart:cheers, eh.
welcome, eh!

I know a few people with chronic pain who swear by their use of cannabis tincture for treating it. I'm now hoping to make my own from this grow for a family member and I; it might be a good option for your arthritic pain as well!

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