Greetings to you all!


New Member
Hello everyone! Of course, I am new here and I'm somewhat new to growing this 'weed.' I have done a LOT of reading and I am still doing such.

My problem is one many would like to have: I have TOO many plants! I started with one AeroGarden and now I have five. Even so, I have too many plants. I will be developing a grow room, but I can see already that that will be too little space.

So, I intend to frame in an extension to the closet and cover it with reflective material, with a heavy duty tarp as the bottom. This will be self-standing as I do not want nails in the floor or walls. I am a guest here - long story.
My house, in another town, would be absolutely perfect. But, because of health problems, I can not live alone.

Hence, my reason for growing. My state has made pot legal by prescription, but laws still exist that makes it illegal to cross state line with pot or to grow it. So, I was going to wait, then I read that pot will cost $250 to $500 a month! That is impossible on a disability income along with being ridiculous.

Anyway, hello all. I hope to get to know you. Feel free to msg me.

:welcome: to :420: msdt!
Best of luck with you grow(s) and health.
The best way to meet others and get assistance is to start a grow journal. Lots of great people and resources here. :love:
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