Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Re: Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

I travel for work a couple of times a year. Haiti was very cool!! I'd go back in a minute. To dangerous to go to the beaches though. Chandigarh by far the hottest. Cairo was my favorite.

We love to travel too. I am a beach bum though being from sask. we go to the Caribbean in the winter and usually to the mountains in the summer. This year I was growing. Also golf nearby is mandatory.
Re: Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Ahhh. The sweet stuff. Ok, so maybe I miss the playoff tickets from beer reps... but that's it. Lol!

It was pretty cool getting in the elevator before golf. Look at these big bitches with high waists. I'm like your the fucking LA Kings aren't you. Yeah Kopitar. Then I was chatting this young guy the next day in the lobby. Another franchisee comes up and looks at this guy and says your fucking Johnathan Taves. Had no clue. Did get to meet Phil Michelson though that was cool.
Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Good morning beautiful girls!!
Crusin' along at 740ppm / 5.9ph / 77°F. Falling/Static/Static. Nice and tight!!
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