Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

Im a little bit late but i dont wanna miss the big bang!! Nice plants mate :))

Not late at all. Just in time Kong! Pull up a seat, and feel free to ask any questions. You've found a great collective here. Welcome to the forums brother!
Good afternoon all. I'm starting this journal to cover the progress of my Granddaddy Purps(reg) from Canuck Seeds, and my Triple Cheese(fem) from Barney's Farm.

If you've looked at my other journal, Mike's Crown Royale CKS Grow - Round 2 , then you will be familiar with my garden. But if not, I'll go over it here.

So my veg space is 18 x 48 x 48. I keep mothers and seedlings in there,and a miniature ebb and flow tray that I built to keep the clones ready for pre-flower.


The cheese is feminized, and came up very strong. I just Fim'd it, and I'm anxiously awaiting new growth.

I started three of the Purps, and all three popped.
These little white pots are slightly smaller than a red solo cup, and since they are regular seeds,I will probably try to leave them in these until I can determine the sex and be sure there are no dudes. I will be paying very close attention for pre-flowers between days 15 and 30. I'm sure we can identify them together.
One of my intentions with the second journal, is to try to be more specific on my procedures. i.e. fim, lollipopping, topping etc.

My flower room is 47x48x76. 600w Hortilux enhanced HPS with 2 48"T5HO SunBlasters(6400k) at the edges for good coverage and a bit of blue. 16x6 inch MountainAir carbon filter. I will be using mostly Botanicare Pure Blend Pro line of nutrients plus terpinator and a few other supplements in a 12 Gal reservoir feeding two separate 2 x 4 tables. I flush with GH Florakleen. I also pre-flower in here for 7 to 10 days to fill out my screens before blooming.


My mothers are in 2parts Pro Mix, 2parts CannaCoco and 1 part perlite. All the rest is RapidRooters in hydroton with perlite 10:1 in 6" square pots, FIM'd out and SCROG'd. Most will likely say these are to small, but with 12 plants, 6 on each table, I think I'll have more individual control. Initial goal is 600g, or roughly 1g/watt.

While I do have some experience in the garden, the hydroponics thing is quite new to me, and so is the speed at which things tend to happen.
I welcome, and look forward to any and all advice/experience anyone may have to offer. These two strains are sure not to disappoint. There's a lot to learn, and no time to lose. Hope you can sub in. Bowl up!!

Peace ✌️
Hey bro ima follow your thread I wanna see what yours looks like when its done. I grew some confidential cheese crossed with GDP. I named the strain royal confidential. Its an amazing bud. And a good producer. Smells like strawberry cheese cake. With purple buds with spots of gold.
Gtrmike's GDPurps & Triple Cheese Run - 600w 4x4 Ebb & Flo Show!

So back in May, I gave a fellow ACMPR patient who is close to me a Crown Royale. Looked like this after he tied her down...
Today I walked into this. Note the 2x4's
She's a 5 foot globe. Ha!! Gonna practice up on bud washing and cco with this gal.
Hi that picture of the garden. One minute I'm mesmerized, the next minute I am numb from the respect towards this labour of love. I would rather get my medicine from a garden than a pharmacy. How can we not trust the earth when it brings solitude to us on so many levels ?(rhetorical question)

Sorry, back to your regular programming starring Pat - his humour makes the sun blush on his brightest day.:thumb: hahahaha
I have to agree with G2HM and Suntana Mike - that garden is absolutely spectacular, even without the amazing looking plant. Your friend deserves major props.
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