

420 Member
Hi to everyone wherever you live. I live in a country where the production and consumption of cannabis is strictly controlled so securing a reliable supply is virtually impossible. I finally decided to go into growing my own and at the moment am 3 weeks into flowering my first grow of GG#4. I am 57 and have a painful disability as the result of a work injury. Cannabis is for more both recreational and medicinal.


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Looking really healthy my friend! I’m a couple weeks ahead of you with the gg#4.

check out the color you can look forward to! It’s a beautiful plant.

Very nice indeed. That's why I chose the GG#4. I did a fair bit of research before beginning and thought that it looked like a good choice. That's definitely confirmation that I made the right choice. I have a diary on a UK site but no-one seems to be growing GG4 at the moment. Do you have a grow diary on the go?
Welcome Canopeee OMG my room is like tarzan in the jungle with vines hanging and branches all over the place gangling around like octopus's with jetpacks and you have a trimmed up tree farm! Thank you, I needed the reminder to FOCUS! CHeers mate, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
Hi, that's very nice of you to say. Although I only have three plants on the go so it is fairly easy to keep it tidy. I nearly lost them early on due to complete lack of knowledge and experience. Over then underwatered, incorrect defoliation and nutrient lock out but luckily and with a fair amount of TLC they seem to be thriving.
I stumbled down that road, recovered, stumbled again, got up, started feeling good about walking, started skipping and now I'm at a full out run! Now I think I have a rock in my shoe though. Always going to be something to figure out. :D
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