Help! Stem rot? Fusarium?


New Member

what's going on here? help me please!? what do I do?
31 days in veg, might be in flower, no pistils yet, seedbank put both the auto and feminized photo period in same container so I have no idea which is which.
Devil's Harvest breeder, might be Auto Reek'n or Rollex OG Kush. in DWC. 18/6 vegged in MH 400watts then after 3 weeks switched to HPS 400watts. humidty 45-50% at 77 degrees. that spot where it looks like it broke was where the cotyledons were but they fell off and was still yellow with a bit of green. like it was disconnected before the plant used it up. using jungle juice nutes at half strength. I took a 12ml syringe and filled it with 3% hydrogen paroxide and emptied it directly to the affected area, I hope this will help and will let the plant recover. this is really bumming me out. I also added that bread-tie for support.
no mice, I havent seen any mice since I moved to this desert state in the last 7 years, but I do have a cricket problem in my mouse... damn I did noticed some leaves on my other plant was chewed on and just shrugged it off as to her crazy mutated growth... hmm... decay huh? I'll check into it, I have been using hydrogen peroxide and she seems like she was hanging on. wont wrapping it keep it moist and make the infection worse?

I also should add, the medium (perlite) was touching that part and it is moist, I have since took a layer of perlite off. I have a eco loud ass hell air pump making the water bubble like crazy, the roots love it and look great and I guess it's still saturating the medium, I might have to lower the water level.
no mice, I havent seen any mice since I moved to this desert state in the last 7 years, but I do have a cricket problem in my mouse... damn I did noticed some leaves on my other plant was chewed on and just shrugged it off as to her crazy mutated growth... hmm... decay huh? I'll check into it, I have been using hydrogen peroxide and she seems like she was hanging on. wont wrapping it keep it moist and make the infection worse?

Not at all. When you break a branch and tape it, it heals like new.
but if it's a fungal or mold infection, keeping it dry is important right? the medium was touching that part and it's very moist from the bubbles
okay will do
Is that a bread tie holding the stem at the bottom? Anything tight and plastic / wire at the bottom of the stem will slowly saw it off at that age, with no chance to repair it gets infected with all sorts.. killed one of my babies recently. I'd take off the twist tie, give it a clean and let it air out. If it dries and doesn't mold, bury it with some rice bubbles and carry on .
bloodguy,, I've been getting my beans from them since 2011 and this is the first time they've ever did this.

GrimReefer83, added that bread-tie for support after I noticed the damage.

all the fan leaves were drooping today so I took them off, the top part still seems to be alive but I've written off this plant... so depressing...not long enough to take any clones and no idea if she's the photo-period or the auto so I either have to make 1 auto plant last 2 months until the others finish or not, not sure yet... so I'll just wait for her to die, or maybe she's still alive? i dont know... anyway I'll wait a few days before I pull her.. such a shame too, the roots are in great shape and the top growth was amazing.
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