Help with tent


Well-Known Member
I need help family . It’s gonna be close but tent will sit up right . Not like this though. Anyone run into a situation like this ? Am I gonna have to take apart and build upright? I tried to follow directions but did not take into account the height I don’t wanna bend those flimsy poles or I’d force it .
I gotta sit this thing upright obviously. Anyone ?

I’ve seen a few set them on their side like yours, mostly for seedlings & clone mothers but when plants grow up that’s gonna be a problem... am I right? If you can’t wing it then don’t bend the poles etc, you need that integrity to hold up the weight of tent, fans, light fixture, etc.

gonna have to remove the outer skin and take apart I suppose, not much other way to do it.
I pulled out one pole in the middle and was able to sit upright. I just needed to think a bit . Tight but made it

Yeah me either, it’s not my first time putting one up on top of that . I’m having issues with my lights now . I can’t get them to drop . I hate these hanging pulleys simply because I can’t operate them


Yeah me either, it’s not my first time putting one up on top of that . I’m having issues with my lights now . I can’t get them to drop . I hate these hanging pulleys simply because I can’t operate them


Bro, flip the pulley around so that the clickety end is connected to the light. Take the other end with just the carbiner clip thingy over the cross bar and clip it back on itsself. I'll send a pic in a bit
Ok I knew this wasn’t correct and I’ve watched a few videos but can’t find that method. I threw it over cross bar and couldn’t figure it out . I’ve been driving all day and need to get some rest but appreciate your input . I felt like someone would come to rescue . I’ll check back in morning. Thanks again
Bro, flip the pulley around so that the clickety end is connected to the light. Take the other end with just the carbiner clip thingy over the cross bar and clip it back on itsself. I'll send a pic in a bit
Ahhh I just pictured it in my head , remember now what to do. I will tackle in morning but I do appreciate. You don’t need fo send a picture
If anyone reading this knows why there is a bag of charcoal in my filter, can you please let me know what it’s for . I’ve had 3 carbon filters now and not one of those had an extra bag of charcoal. . Also this one was messy. Black shit going everywhere. Already have the white sock dirty as fck anyhow it’s in a plastic bag shoved down into filter cavity . Leave it ? Or what . Man I don’t recall having all these issues a year ago lol
first pic the ratchet is on top but can be a pain to adjust

Ratchet is on bottom in grow room so I don’t have to use ladder to adjust it every time from 9 foot ceilings

room is dark now but after lights come on I will get one of carabiner clip hooked to itself

never ran extraction fan or charcoal filter but I would assume it’s to replace the charcoal inside the filter after a few years of use. New charcoal to help absorb those odors. Don’t sweat it - it’s all good!
I hate these hanging pulleys simply because I can’t operate them
I use Shower Curtain Hooks. Put them on your tent poles & connect the click end to it. Works great ! 99 cents for a pack of 12 at Walmart. Nothing like Shower Curtain Hooks & Zip Ties for your hanging needs.
I like this s, thinking outside the box
Well it just keeps getting better. Discovered that my electrical outlet is connected to the light switch. Turn off the lights and turn of power supply. I am gonna have to turn bulbs when I leave room is my only guess



Almost there

Ah thanks , I never thought of that and ran my last two runs like they are now
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