Here's my first flowering girl! Observations anyone?


Well-Known Member
She is 47 days old, 25 day of flowering.
Ima proud first time grower thanks to all the knowledge and the people on this site!!!:thumb:
Looks good and healthy. :thumb:
Observations... well, from looking at the photos I think that she isn't going to stretch much more than she already has- and if it were my plant I would remove the screen as unnecessary, possibly do some minor lst to try and get the light evenly into as many bud-sites as possible, and/or move the cfls down around the outer buds a bit more.
But I'm not there - so you are a better judge than I of how fast she is growing. If she isn't growing and spreading fast at this point then I don't think you can expect her to need that screen. In which case it will be doing more harm than good.
Thanks for the reply Weaselcracker!

I glad you mentioned the stretch, as that is something I worried about timing properly to better utilize the screen. The main stem is still growing at a rate of about 1 1/2-2" a day. Not sure If this is a stretch for the light, or part of the flowering stretch, or a combination of both. The other main stems are growing at similar rate. as the mains grow I am moving them towards the outer edges of the canopy and I'm hoping the many shoots in the middle will continue to stretch through the screen towards the light. The cfl fixture is about 3-4 inches away from the middle canopy, cant lower it anymore because of the 2 T5s on each side. I was hoping the T5s would help encourage the shoots the stretch towards the light. Is this plan legit?
The photo deceived me then. She is growing very fast and hopefully will still need the use of the screen. I expect she will slow down very soon though as she is already showing flowers. Unless the plant growth is mainly above the screen soon I would try to lower the screen (or raise the plant) to take in as many bud sites as possible, otherwise I would remove it and try to get the cfls down closer and around the sides. In my experience no growth below the screen produces anything very worthwhile.
Most cfl growers put the bulbs very close, up to 1 inch away, and usually mount them horizontally- (sideways to the plant that is) for maximum light. I can't quite tell from the photos whether the bulbs are horizontal or vertical. Sounds like your cfl array is fixed in place in relation to the T5s. If the plant doesn't grow up as much as planned then it will be helpful if the cfls are more moveable.
Having said all that, I figure I'm not really saying anything here that you don't already know. Besides which, the plant looks like it's doing great and growing according to plan. :thumb:
Lol. yea sorry for the pic quality, my camera phone is pretty bad. This pic should give you better perspective of the situation.
Starting to get kinda crowded with lights! The 42w bulbs on the rear wall I think ill dangle them from a hanging socket to get them closer. The 12 23w bulbs in the cfl fixture are oriented diagonally, an experiment to get the best of both worlds as far as proximity to the canopy and effectiveness. The fixture is also adjustable and so are the T5s on the pvc. The plan was to raise the fixture and T5s as the plant grows, keeping the bud sites under and between the lights.
Here is her today.
Yes she has been growing very fast but I'm afraid your assessment is correct. The stretch maybe tapering off at this point and the net is nowhere near complete. I knew there was a great chance of this happening because I flipped her early because she was bagseed and shared the cab with 2 other plants, they turned out to be males. I think the best bet at this point is to give her a few more days, if she doesn't stretch through the screen ill just remove it before its too late. Thanks for the help!!!
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