How to plan a pc grow box?


New Member
Hello everyone,
I want to start growing on a pc box
How do I plan the structure of this?
Are there any rules to where to put the lamp and the fans?

first thing to do is pikking a pc tower you like ( bigger wil make it easy couse of ventilation)
cfls are the easyest to use but some use a small hps but this will require more than just a pc fan to controll

so go with a cfl about 70 watt off cfl will do ( look at aqual draw power )
these lights need sockets and a timer
the walls should be covert with reflective material like maylar ( resque blankets are oke)
and you could hook up a strong pc fan to a old phone charger to power it.
place the fan at the top of the pc to extract the hot air ( this is important )

other than that be creatife and if you have a quistion kom and we will help

if a plant has light air and a good soil your pritty oke for a pc grow
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