ok, im gonna keep the lamps and go get bulbs that fit, so i looked up auxiliary lighting, wat kind of auxiliary light is it?

You can use any kind of auxiliary lighting you wish. It's pretty much a creative process. You could add tube lights to light those shady areas in the tent. There are also some cheap options for "shop lights", for thin flourescents, LED panels, etc. Your choice is dependent on how much money you want to sink into the "hobby"! ;-)
so i made my indoor flower room, three lights, each one is 800 lumens, one on top, two on the side. i think it looks ready to go, i have two vornado vans that im gonna put in there to keep good air circulation and ill always leave the window open so fresh air is always coming in, any other stuff i need to do or have?
so heres the question, the plant has been getting sunlight from about 9 to 3 everyday, so when i move it to the room should i start right away with the 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness?
so heres the question, the plant has been getting sunlight from about 9 to 3 everyday, so when i move it to the room should i start right away with the 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness?

YAAAAY! You found a lamp-bulb match!!!!!

You can put her to 12/12 any time. Give her a good watering when you do.

Move your top light down to within a few inches of your tallest branch. Use the hand test to determine if it is too hot or just right. You will have to check every day to see if you need to raise that top light. Once under 12/12 she will stretch really fast to make room for her flowers.

Also, check her every day at first for signs of stress (and bugs). Don't do any training or trimming on her until she acclimates to the new environment. she may stop growing for a few days while she makes the metabolic adjustment to shorter days.

It's OK to give her a real sun bath on good days, as long as you maintain a 12 hour un-interrupted dark schedule. The dark period is what triggers flowering.

I'd put a thermometer that has a humidity dial inside the grow tent so you can keep tabs on those things. :) These are really cheap and are found with the outdoor thermometers.

Keep us in the loop, so we can follow your progress!
Oh, and if your pot is at least 3 gallons, you don't need to repot, but you certainly may if that is what you want to do. Generally one puts them in their big-girl pots when they are very small, to avoid repotting later.
LOL! LES GO! IM pumped, so im gonna move it in the morning, you know what i could do, tell me if its dumb or not. i could buy one more light bulb or use a different one i have that isnt cfl for like 12 hours to give her a boost, cause the amount of light im going to use is about at to much. i wont be able to put her in the sun because its gonna be seen and someone will say something and bam the plant is gone.
i should add some insight as well, i have my medical card, its the the third year and a half, its been great. i love weed. so wat about misting the plant with water or foliar feeding? iv been misting like 3-5 times a day
Once you go to flower, you don't want extra moisture around the buds. Relative humidity should be low, so just pay attention to her watering schedule do she doesn't dessicate. Not much you can do if your ambient air is high in humidity, tho. Just stop misting when she goes to flower.
alright, that makes sense. ok so heres a dilemma, this room doesnt get great ventilation, i just walked in the room and it seemed kinda humid, is this the purpose of the fans? to keep lower humidty and cooler temperature? or is there something else that can fix a humid room?
The fans are the first line of defense against humidity and hot spots. Hot spots will burn your plants and humidity could rot your buds. I have one 6" inside the tent, blowing across the leaves and one in the window, facing out, to vent excess heat and humidity.

If money is not a problem, you can install a portable dehumidifier to get the RH down to 50%.
fuck, i have one of those down in my house in LOS ANGELES, i have two vornado fans. are u familair with those? they are powerfull. i also bought this little small one because i thought the plant fan shouldnt blow so hard. i just watered the plant yesterday, but it drank all day today and it was 86, should i water again tommorow with phosophurus or wait till saturday?
I am no expert on indoor nutes, but less is better, because the pot builds up nutes, which will burn the leaves and could lead to nute lock. Better to feed once or twice a month at 1/4 strength. There is a lot of experienced info on nutes on this site.

If she is thirsty, by all means soak her good! How well your Lady grows at higher temps depends entirely on the strain. Some do well in heat, other do better below the 80 F mark.

On a really hot day, and assuming you don't have air conditioning, turn off one or more bulbs and let the fans circulate the air. Moisture loss (evaporation) from the leaves will cool her down.

Not familiar with that brand of fan, but I do have 20" box fans all over the house because mobile homes get really hot during the summer! You are right in using a smaller fan in the tent, and larger fans to pull air in and out of the grow room.
That's interesting wat u say about the nutes, iv been using my own strategy and it seems to be working good, we will see by the end though whether it works. In 6/7 weeks iv givin it 4 nute waters, wat I did the first time I filled a gallon up with 1/2 strength and gave it all of that water when she was a young girl, then 2 weeks later I filled up 1/2 strength in a smart water bottle, the tall skinny ones and gave that to her and then watered her with plain water after the smart water bottle of nutes, I did that for the next two nute waterings, so iv basically been on the lighter side with the nutes, iv watered her two times since the last nute watering so I think putting a little phosphorus in the water might help tommorow or the next day.
Just a couple of suggestions, from experience (half of my grow is in a closet, too):

I would put a plant saucer under the pot to protect the carpet from water coming out of the pot, AND some plastic sheeting on the floor of the closet to protect from the inevitable spills and dirt.

Also, lumens drop off dramatically within a short distance from the bulbs. You should drop the top light down to within inches of the top of the plant. Place your hand over the plant, and lower the light until you feel the warmth on your hand. It should not be hot to either you or your lady. The side lights look about right to me, and are a good way to develop those lower buds, when they show.
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