so i went to the hardware store where iv been going to get everything and i bought another mini fan to have blow on the plant to be extra carefull, so i looked at there thermostate selection and i was quite confused, none of them seemed to show humidity, just temperature. am i just oblivious and do they show humidity or is it a specific one?
This is what I use. Really cheap, available at any big box store or hardware store.

so i thought id give you a first day update, shes been in there since 9 and thats when i turned the lights on to, so shes gonna go from 9 to 9. she looks good to me, shes standing straight up, no bugs either and i got fans blowing on her and the room temperature is quite perfect, feels like somewhere between 70-80
so im worried its gonna get to tall, i read that indicas usually dont stretch as much. but is there a way to not make it get as tall? or will making it not be as tall her the plant and the dankness of the weed?
There are a number of ways to keep the height in check. Since your lady is going into flower, the least stressful way to control her height is to tie down the branches to the pot, to even out the canopy. Any time a stray branch gets taller than the canopy, you gently tie it down. I have posted one of my examples. She is just beginning her flowering phase.

I used green plastic-covered gardening wire and binder clips to attach it to the pot.


You can also take clones of any stray branches that are going to be shaded or seem crowded. In this picture, I have not yet taken the clones, so it is way too bushy to get light into the center of the plant.
u know wats interesting, the light that your growing in looks more yellowish. at the hardware store i was going to there were like 4 shades of lights, i got the whitest brightest one, idk if that means its the best or not
Taking another look at your Lady in her new home, you have the option of topping her and making a clone out of that. The cutting should have at least 4 nodes, and you take the leaves off the bottom node before you dip it in root hormone (or a home-made substitute) and plant it in moist soil. The clone would go in a low-light spot, in a clear bag or container to provide high humidity, until you see new leaves form. Then the clone graduates to being a plant. I start my clones in plastic soda bottle bottoms so I can see when the roots start to form and they are old enough to transplant.

In case you haven't read up on cloning, the idea behind this is that, without roots, they can only take in moisture through their leaves. So they need high humidity, with moist soil, but not wet. You only water before you plant the clone, then leave it in it's little "greenhouse" till new leaves show. By that time, there will be a root system to take in water from the soil.

After topping your lady, and almost overnight, you'll see growth diverted to the side branches, which you can tie down to control their vertical growth. All this side growth will be potential bud sites! This is what I did to the plant in the pic I posted. She exploded in new growth right after topping.
u know wats interesting, the light that your growing in looks more yellowish. at the hardware store i was going to there were like 4 shades of lights, i got the whitest brightest one, idk if that means its the best or not

The yellow is a result of the flash on my digital camera and is not an indicator of the color of the light coming from the cfls. They are cool whites. I often have to use creative settings and angles so as not to white out the buds in the final picture.
ok cool, so should i do that like now or soon, or wait a while?

LOL! Our replies are crossing each other! Your lady is so Christmas tree-shaped that not a lot can be done with the center stem, except to carefully bend her over, bonsai-style. But you CAN top her, wait for the side branches to grow out, then tie them down to spread them out a bit. This way you do ONE topping (as a clone), then train the growing side branches into a lower, wider plant, with many tips for more buds.

You can train the clone early on and get a shape like my lady is.
ok you will have to explain to me topping , cause im not exactly sure where to exactly cut it, so i ran into a problem today and need help, i walked into the flower room at 820 and there was light coming from outside that was lighting up the room, it wasnt bright but it wasnt dark, so i turned the light on right away because i figured im gonna have to turn the light on whenever the sun naturally comes up and starts to light the room a little, this is probably weirding out the plant but tommorow im gonna wake up at 7 and watch to see when the light start to light the room up a little to know when to turn the lights on
ok you will have to explain to me topping , cause im not exactly sure where to exactly cut it, so i ran into a problem today and need help, i walked into the flower room at 820 and there was light coming from outside that was lighting up the room, it wasnt bright but it wasnt dark, so i turned the light on right away because i figured im gonna have to turn the light on whenever the sun naturally comes up and starts to light the room a little, this is probably weirding out the plant but tommorow im gonna wake up at 7 and watch to see when the light start to light the room up a little to know when to turn the lights on

Try using the advanced search. You'll find info on various methods to train your lady or the clones you take from her.

You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to chase the sun. Get yourself a power strip with a timer, and keep your closet door closed, except when you are taking care of her.

I found mine at Lowes, but your local hardware store may have them. One line of sockets is on the timer (for the lights) and the other side is on full-time (for the fan). These power strips are grounded, so can take either 2-pronged plugs or 3-pronged plugs. They are perfect for all the equipment we tend to pamper our MJ with! ;-)
good advice, so i want to water the plant. should i do it now while its during its light cycle, or when its in its dark cycle?
good advice, so i want to water the plant. should i do it now while its during its light cycle, or when its in its dark cycle?

Since you have to open the closet door to water, try and do it during the Lady's lights- on period, so you don't interrupt her dark period.
so shes officially watered with a gallon of half strentgh phosophorus nutes. 2..7..2 formula. i heard that you still need some nitrogen so i figured this one fit perfect. i had read that people dont give it any nitrogen when flowering and their plant suffers.
One can assume that the formula posted on blooming fertilizer is correct, low N, high P, low K. I don't see the logic in cutting off ALL N when all living things need Nitrogen for metabolism. So you used common sense. :)

I'm resuming sugar in the water for all my plants both in veg and flowering, because mine are slow to get to the point where I want to harvest. I still see immature trics, and no ambers, but fat new buds are showing and I want to plump them up good. No one else has recommended this, but I'm experimenting.
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