Interesting thoughts you've had while stoned?

Damn, cold here this mornin',
coldest night so far this winter,
But It Didn't snow (Bwhahahahahahah)
I love Texas :cheesygrinsmiley:
at least the central and southern parts.
Back up to the 70's by Sunday

Scared to go look at what I got planned.
Need a ladder to even look. Gettin' one of those compact aeroGardens.
Get some started and use it for clones later on.
Figure I can get a crop in before they just veg(jan - apr) when outside.
March will be busy for sure.
I hear voice in my head, what would the voices sound like in the mind of the one who has never heard?

This is my thought! I am always wondering how deaf people think. How do they think...its it english or what? Since they can't hear, and have never heard words...or speech...or even a voice, I've wondered if they have a "voice" that talks to a conscience. And if Do they think to themselves like hearing people do? I talk to myself all the time in my head....i can "hear" what about deaf people? Argg......

I also think about how much the government is screwing everything up instead of making it better. What would it be like if rich a$$holes didn't control everything. If everything in life wasn't about making money and screwing the next person. They don't care what is in the best interest for the society...they think about themselves and i hate it!

Everyday....cause i smoke everyday...i am constantly reminded of how much life sucks. Not a single friggin person in this world knows why we are here....what we are supposed to be doing or anything. I think of it like this.......we are all living basically the same lives. Your born, you go to school....(which nowadays is a joke....cause you don't learn anything you will actually need to know to LIVE...stuff about insurance, how to be responsible, what a ROTH IRA is, they don't tell you about Credit cards, and interests rates, the real stuff we need to know in order to live in this society). Ok, so you go to school, learn kinda needed stuff, then when you get out of high school if you want any kind of enjoyable life you have to go to college for the next however many years.

its alot harder to type this out then just saying bear with me. if you get confused, read it! excuse me...when do i start enjoying this world????? So i'm going to school now...full time, so i'm not going for 532u509430 years, ooohhh right, i also need to work so i can start saving money so i can eventually have my own place. So between going to school full time and trying to work a decent enough job....when am i living???

you graduate high school by 17/18...most people anyways, by that time you could have had 1 maybe 2 part time jobs that only gave you weekend spending money. And lets face it....not everyone gets a car at 16 from their mommy and daddy....not everyone's parents are willing to drive them to and from work, or buy them a car, or help them buy a car....ARrggggg!!!!!!!!! going in circles in my head...i get so flusterd even thinking about this nonsense!

In order to live you must need certain and shelter
thats it do you get food and shelter??? WORK you work your whole freaking life away doing the same thing everyday for some asshole that is always better off than you.

Viscious cycle-> you need food to live, survive
you need a warm place to sleep
you need money for food,
you need money for a house/apartment...whatever
you need a job for money
and a car to be able to get to the job
and money to be able to afford the car
and car insurance so you can drive your car
not to'll probably need a loan...(interest)
don't forget to fill that gas tank!

And what's up with the health insurance? you would think it would be free to everyone...keep everyone healthy...stop the spread of virus's and diseases

ok...i'm really pissed off now...i get to emotional. i need food to. haha...and i have no money what a great life.....

there is so much more to my messed up way of thinking....i'll have to start writing or something to get it all down.

and yes, i do have issues =D:cheesygrinsmiley:
Don't worry LoveDove, I called in Marijuana Man to help you reek revenge on the bastards who are pissing you off.

LoveDove420, I very well think I have been down that road you are on many times. I'm 50 years old now and have just discovered the wonderful forest beside the road. I stopped and headed down a path which had several twist and turns and many Y's in the road. Usually I would stress over making the decision as to which way to travel, but not in the forest; my instincts were leading. It wasn't long before I was lost (so much for instincts); I could find no way back to the road. I began to panic! So I sat down by a sparkling stream and filled my little pocket bowl. As the smoked eased the stress a remarkable thing took place, I found myself. I remember grinning from ear to ear as I sat there and took off my shoes and socks. The green moss on the stones by the stream felt better than the finest made carpets to my feet. I was still lost, but I found myself! I found a peace and joy that I hadn't experienced in years. I found contentment! Yes, I am still lost on the rat race of life, but I found peace that is no longer lost in the rat race. It is hard to explain, but it is sorta like, "I'm here on earth for this moment. What will I do with it?" Well, I'm no longer a religious man; I like to have fun and be happy. I could be a work or at home and I am going to find a reason to be happy. It doesn't mean I don't cry anymore; I just don't cry tears about me anymore. Yes, I still work all week so I can make enough money to keep a roof over my head and food on the table so I'll have health enough to be able to work so I can make enough money to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. But you know it really doesn't matter. What matters is your relationship with you! It is nice in the forest.
I haven't read it. And yes, it all starts inside.
Herb Fellow,
Thank you for your reply, I just don't understand why it has to be this way. I do agree with you though. I love being outdoors, it brings such peace. I would love to have a log cabin in the middle of no where!
Here's an interesting question: the first big hit of any session gives you a coughing fit. The second, even if you clear a 2 foot bong, never does. Why is that?
I haven't visited Sanity in years. Last time I was there it was pretty boring.
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