KillerTrees 6 plant aero - paradise

day 24 of flower, took my clones and cleaned out a bit of the undergrowth. I'll trim a littler more when I see for sure the cuttings are starting to root. I know it is late into flower, but I hear they will take longer to root this way and even when they do root they wont have enough time to reach the 1 foot mark so they are still considered cuttings until I can harvest the current grow so I can stay legal. I'm not willing to waste one of the 6 plants on a mother plant so this is just what I will do grow after grow hopefully... assuming it works out
Looking good dude...for your PH issues is there any way you can rig up a float switch to top off your res with good PH'd water?

You could do a trashcan and a float switch for less than $20...then at least you'd be full all the time and the water going in would be the proper PH... the bigger those ladies get the more they are going to drink = even faster PH variances and more top offs.
actually Version 2.0 with the cooler is going to automatically top it off, this setup no though, too much hassle with the reservoir being inside the tent. I actually just finished installing the bulkheads for my chiller/sprayer pumps in the 150qt marine cooler I bought for my res. I can't wait for this grow to be finished lol... it's a damn nuisance knowing I have all of these great upgrades just waiting to go in there but they're stuck collecting dust in the meantime.
day 29 of flower



the pictures dont really do them any justice.. a mix of a cheap camera and the HPS. They look and smell great. Not sure if any of you noticed or not but the reservoir is now on the back side of the tent. There was a really big build up of roots on the end the res was at and it was stopping the water from draining like it should, even ended up with a little overflow on the floor but I caught it fast. I just went ahead and put the res on the other side and now where it used to drain is the new high point, I'm sure I could have did a better fix but I just wasn't in the mood to mess with it especially knowing this system is worthless to me after the grow. This setup was built with parts I had laying around already and was more of a proof of concept than anything. You'll see what I mean with the next setup :grinjoint:

I really wish these pictures would come out better, sorry about that, but my camera really sucks, it is some fuji film digi (s700). it's 7.1 MP but it takes about as good of pictures as a polaroid. It could very well be user error though, I know nothing about photography... I just put it on auto and snap away. If anybody has any advice I'll take it.

btw, 2 of my clones are showing roots, I took 9. That is a good sign but just in case since this cloner was just built and never tested or anything I cracked some of Joey Weed's White Russian seeds. I germinated 5, they all cracked but only 4 broke the surface... each is around 2-3" tall, I am flipping them to flower here in a day or 2(using one of those 4' fluoro shop lights) to try to sex them and hopefully I have a female or 2 in there and that is what I will probably do for my next grow. I do have my cloner going though just in case the white russians turn out to be males so I should be good either way. I might do 5 whte russians and 1 paradise just so I can compare the 2 but white russian is probably pretty hard to top. I just don't want to throw away a potentially great strain, I got this from another medical grower, and I assume they keep it around for for a reason.

my screen is too high, and I flipped to flower too early, so the screen isn't nearly filled up as it should be, but hey this is a learning experience... oh well :)
for what it's worth, when I seen I had mites and used that SMC (Spidermite Control) I bought off of ebay I have yet to see another mite. Luckily I caught them early. What I did was used the SMC 3 times, each application a week or so apart and I saturated them top and bottom with it, then I sprayed my tent and all equipment with some water I mixed with a little bit of rubbing alcohol.

This is my first grow (any kind of plant for that matter) so I'm not experienced with ways to control spider mites but what I do know is that stuff worked for me. I'm not saying it is any better than any other methods but being a newbie I just took the easy way out and bought that stuff instead of doing the other DIY remedies others talk about.
day 36 of flower



They have fattened up a LOT the past week and during the week they drank around 15 gallons of water I'd guess. I've been out of town for the past few days worried but I came back hoping they'd still be alive and boy are they, all is still well. While I was gone the PH went up to around 7.4 and the res was almost empty but I went ahead and topped it off, PH'd it back to 6.8 and got the PPM back to 2,000.

There are so many bud sites beneath the screen, 13" above the pipes was definitely too much and my yield will be so much better when I drop the screen on the next grow to around 10". That 6th plant that almost made it back to the screen ended up not making it, the others grew so much they blocked the little light it had completely and now it is definitely done for. It's a learning experience though and I'll make sure I do it differently next time to avoid that from happening again.

I know some may be disappointed seeing such a lovely lady not make it but believe me, this grow had extremely low expectations and it is every bit a success :cheer:

The resin production is crazy, I wish my camera would take better pictures so you can see what I mean. If you are to touch a bud site you'd think you were touching super glue. As good of thing that is it kinda sucks. I can already tell how much of a pain trimming these things will be. Yes I know, it's a good thing :bongrip: , it will just require more work. I wish there was a way to automate harvesting too

so uh, can anybody even tell what I am growing? I honestly have no idea?? If you were to guess, is it indica/sativa?? a hybrid?? if hybrid can you tell if it is indica or sativa dominant? I wish I knew the actual person these cuttings came from, I got them in a kind of weird way. The person I got em from got em from somebody who got them from some other medical grower sort of thing and I myself, nor the person I got them from know where they actually originated, just a he said she said kind of thing and they are suppose to be a great strain and they sorta just fell into my lap because I had a system but nothing to put in it so I guess word got around and potheads came through to help another pothead... err medical grower i mean.. I mean, I'm not a smoker ofcourse, I would never use any of my sisters medicine :cool:
to be totally honest I'm a rookie and I just try to set the PH anywhere around the 6.x-7 range and call it good for some unknown reason. Mostly during flower my PH has been dropping and I have had to add PH up so I was always setting it more towards 7 and letting it drop down but if my PH starts to go up like it had just started to do I will set it at a lower ph and let it come up instead. I know at first I was trying to drop the PH closer to 5-8-6.0 or somethin, but back then my PH was rising while it vegged, not dropping like it has throughout most of flower. I remember hearing I'd use a lot more PH down than up, but if you were to look at the bottles I've used nearly 3 times s much PH up. I guess mainly I'm just lazy though.. I'm not very precise with it, that's another thing I need to automate
I ended up getting a filter today, venting to the roof didn't cut it. What I got was a Can-66. It seems to work great for the smell but I'm not getting fresh co2 in there anymore, I'm basically just recirculating the air which kinda sucks.

That stuff really started to stink, and by stink I mean a good stink. It smelled wonderful, it was just too strong. Looks like I will be upgrading to co2 sooner than later. It is a good thing for the ladies but bad on the wallet. They look great though, I'll try to snap a couple more shots soon. It looks like the crystals have crystals growing on them. A lot of the areas are just gummed up resin it's so thick. I really wish I knew how to setup my camera to take better pictures. It has all sorts of features but I don't know how to use any of them so my closeups are just a blur
I ended up getting a filter today, venting to the roof didn't cut it. What I got was a Can-66. It seems to work great for the smell but I'm not getting fresh co2 in there anymore, I'm basically just recirculating the air which kinda sucks.

That stuff really started to stink, and by stink I mean a good stink. It smelled wonderful, it was just too strong. Looks like I will be upgrading to co2 sooner than later. It is a good thing for the ladies but bad on the wallet. They look great though, I'll try to snap a couple more shots soon. It looks like the crystals have crystals growing on them. A lot of the areas are just gummed up resin it's so thick. I really wish I knew how to setup my camera to take better pictures. It has all sorts of features but I don't know how to use any of them so my closeups are just a blur

You can still bring in fresh C02 without having to buy a indoor Co2 setup. Just buy carbon filter and place a can on it so it sucks up the stinky odors and do what you did before to bring in co2. This way you still bring in fresh Co2 and you have carbon filter sucking up the good stink.
You can still bring in fresh C02 without having to buy a indoor Co2 setup. Just buy carbon filter and place a can on it so it sucks up the stinky odors and do what you did before to bring in co2. This way you still bring in fresh Co2 and you have carbon filter sucking up the good stink.

actually i don't have room in my tent to put the filter in there the way it is suppose to be :straightface: so I have to blow into it and I have it outside the tent, it still works to scrub the smell but the fan I was using to vent out of the grow area is now going into the scrubber. I know there are ways to still make it work but then I will have to buy another fan... if I have to buy something I will just buy a co2 bottle instead :smokin:

I know I plan on eventually going to co2 anyway, I wasnt hoping to have to do it this soon but if I have to buy something I may as well buy what I want even if it does cost a few more bucks. Prevents me from having a fan sitting around collecting dust down the road
day 48 of flower, i think this must be a slow flowering strain because every single hair is still white and they seem to still fatten up a little bit every couple of days that go by.. They aren't fattening up as fast as I'd like them to be but I'm not disappointed.

The fan leaves are all turning yellow/purple, hopefully that is just because it is hitting below 60 in its dark cycle and it just thinks it is getting to be that time of year :) Even though it may be turning purple due to growing conditions and not genetics it doesn't change the fact that the purple tint is making them look tasty.



I really wish the pics were better, the resin production is amazing and believe me when I say the pics don't do it any justice
well I figured a week between shots would be ideal so you could see a difference but I had to snap some shots early so you can see what they have done in only 4 days. Day 52 of flower:



All of the hairs are still white though, and I don't have a magnifier to see the crystals (isn't really crystals anyway, more of globs of resin) but I'm guessing these still aren't near harvest. These things have really started to come alive the past few days though, so I'll wait if they continue to grow this fast.

I wish I knew how long the flower period was to atleast have an idea of when I need to start flushing but what are ya gonna do.

I have my 6 white russian clones in the cloner now but they aren't showing roots yet. I also have 6 clones from this current strain and they do have roots and ready for these to be harvested if the white russian ones dont grow roots in time but by the looks of it the next grow will be white russian cause these easily have 2-3 weeks left. Hopefully the white russians grow just as big of flowers in less time, if so that will be the strain I stick with.
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