Koncept's DWC - Top LED 1200W Holy Grail Kush - Blzbud - Cotton Candy - First Grow

That looks like a nice piece of equipment...going to try and find the same make and model in the uk.
I really have not spent enough time following your journal so I will head over again now!
As per usual thank you for the advice my friend.

I knew the ac would cause RH to drop. But like you said, when the plants are nice and big humidity will rise natrully and a dehumidifier might be needed, it gets up to the 70s at night time.
A good ac that runs near silent is going to cost me a pretty penny.
Worst part is my exhaust fan is super powerful for the area I'm using, but too much noise from rushing air can be heard from outside so I must have the fan on 50%...which is fine now but won't be in the summer

Was up Koncept?
I got a few tricks to quiet your fan, ,
1. reduce the size of the exhaust ,after the fan,if using A 6" fan reduce the ducting to 4"
2. add a muffler (NO NOT THE ONE OFF YOUR WIFES CAR :rofl::rofl::rofl:
2. use multiple smaller "duct fans"
Was up Koncept?
I got a few tricks to quiet your fan, ,
1. reduce the size of the exhaust ,after the fan,if using A 6" fan reduce the ducting to 4"
2. add a muffler (NO NOT THE ONE OFF YOUR WIFES CAR :rofl::rofl::rofl:
2. use multiple smaller "duct fans"

What's happening lurch!?
Thanks for the tips my friend, here's where I'm at

1) due to the size of the room I'm only running about 18" of ducting, its 5" just like my fan.
The fan exhausts heat into a large cupboard outside my house in the building hallway. I am the only person on my floor and due to the area it always smells of weed inside and outside the building.
There are 2 other family's in the building and they are both on side from my past activity's, the sound is only a problem for the small chance the police come into the building for some reason. Even the people who clean the building are use to the smell of weed...although now ona gel has been placed around the building so there really is no smell.
2 I have a muffler on my carbon filter and a muffler in the other end of the exhaust in the outside cupboard. My problem is when I add another muffler its not powerful enough, when I remove it its too loud.
Multiple duct fans might be an idea for the future, but that is why I have had an ac in mind, if the air being pumped in by my intake fan has been cooled then the grow room will be cooler and my exhaust won't have to be used on full power to keep the room temps right during hot days
Ideally I would have liked to have my exhaust on the other side of my grow room so that it would have at least 1m of ducting to run through before it gets to the outside but then my intake would have to be on the other side....right next to my head when I sleep....not an option haha
G'day hidden, I thought you were from U.K? And your worried about hot days? Rising temps? Is this just on the off chance you guys have a swelltering 28'c day? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hope ya get it sorted man, less anyone has reason to think, the better, :peace:
G'day hidden, I thought you were from U.K? And your worried about hot days? Rising temps? Is this just on the off chance you guys have a swelltering 28'c day? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hope ya get it sorted man, less anyone has reason to think, the better, :peace:

that actually made me LOL. yeah my reasoning was, if im getting temps up to 29'c inside my grow room before spring even started its probably going to rise once the great British summer hits, even if its just for a week or two!

yeah safety first, so being able to cool the grow room from the outside would be the safest method fpr me.

ok updates are to follow, im just uploading photos now!
OK todays update!

i have not added any water or nutes for the past 3 days and plants are looking a little less droopy but still not the healthy standing up right leaves that id like to see.

room temps have been steady at 25'c, humidity still too low at 30% but im trying out different methods of raising it currently. they make humidity domes for my bubble bucket so this is a possibility, anybody had any experience with this method? i cant remember who it was but somebody whos journal i follow makes great use of plastic bottles for humidity domes. (sorry i cant remember who considering you gave me advice)

ok ramble over, back to business...picture time!

first....ROOTS, i love looking at the roots,i waited so long for them!

cotton candy roots, not too many but nice and healthy

BLZ roots, again, not too many but looking nice and white

THE HGK, she is growing so much fast than the other two, check the roots on this badgirl

as much as the leaf issues bother me the fact that i have healthy roots (hopefully???) make me feel much better.

BLZ growth, second fastest growth,still not the upright leafs i would like but they seem to be perking up over the past couple days

orange burn marks on the BLZ leafs, cannot work out exactly what the issue is but it has grown in the past 3 days, there is a tiny bit on the new growth so im currently researching on the forums as to what it may be.

ok this is the cotton candy, starting to get yellow leaves, the water is about half way down the bucket and only a few of the roots our actually submerged in water. i plan on creating a new soup tonight or tomorrow for all 3 buckets which will sort this problem out, but i would rather underfeed than overfeed

ok this is the HGK, her growth is so much faster than the other two for some reason. im not complaining though!
there is so much undergrowth that im worried the bottom parts are not getting enough light...any thoughts?
the topping worked nicely, the two shoots are shooting up much faster than the fimmed plants, but the fimmed plants have at least 4 shoots so cant complain

and now for the overshot

im a noob but dont think i have any problems that are too concerning and im quite happy with my development so for a first timer.
people like broke ass and Dennis who have produced such excellent work with such little learning time gives me hope for all us first timers!:circle-of-love:
will go and check again, but a few days ago they were way above the recommended hight by TOPLED
What's your distance between light and plants now?

lights are 53" from the highest plant (HGK)

HGK growing so well i decided to top her again so i look forward to having another set of shoots in a few days :Namaste:
yeah i didnt think so, it is what it is really, the plants look pretty healthy and so do the roots so im not going to stress and pull my hair out over some floppy leafs anymore!

im going to see what happens with the orange burn marks over the next few days.

thanks for stopping by and as per usual thanks for the input!
Love those roots on the HGK. Germinating 2 of them tomorrow (only bought 2) along with 1 Critical Kush.

excellent, now its my time to follow you as critical kush is on my short list of what to grow next....although....calling it a "short" list is ridiculous as it has at least 30 strains on it haha.

but yeah i will sub to that when you get your journal going, will only be a month or so behind mine!
will do some more photo updates a little later but babies are looking good today, they are looking a lot less droopy today and are starting to perk up a bit, think i will them to drink the soup they have for the next couple days still while just adjusting the PH
Looking good Hidden.
I thought about droopy leaves and remembered that when one of my plants grew past the light, the leaves started drooping on the part that wasn't getting enough light. Might try moving yours a little closer and see if they perk up any.

Here's what I'm talking about:

thanks for the tips my friend, my light is about 10" higher than recommended distance but seeing as i have not had any stretching i didnt think anything of it.
thanks for tuning in guys, pictures to come tomorrow with latest development, the HGK is not too far from the scrog now!
I have my mars2 panels at 18" above the plants and they seem to be loving it. I screwed myself by waiting a week to hit the nutes but they are coming along well now.
I have my mars2 panels at 18" above the plants and they seem to be loving it. I screwed myself by waiting a week to hit the nutes but they are coming along well now.

I too worried/worry about this, its all a learning curve and the best way to learn is to try new things.
I'm planning on leaving the lights where they are for as long as I can to test how the plant is effected because like I said, I expected stretching but got none! I cannot see how they can be any busihier at such a young stage so no need to lower either it seems, I will experiment with hanging distances next time round.
I waited awhile until adding nutes and have not added anymore in 9 days, lil cal mag def in the cotton candy but better to underfeed than overfeed.

Mini update....having mini panic attack because water in cotton candy dropped to 14'c! Must get the temps back up, thinking of using the towel trick and wrapping the bucket in one
OK, another mini update...
The towel trick didn't work, cotton candy res is now at 15'c but that's still slightly to cold. I m pretty sure its because its
1) in front of intake fan
2) closest to outside wall

Will be buying a space blanket tomorrow to see if that works as I'm trying to avoid having to buy a mini res heater for that inre bucket. I have raised the temps in my room and turned the grow room hesater in and still no luck.
Will see how she is in the morning, take it easy guys
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