KTra's Second Grow - Miracle Grow - Bag Seed - CFL


New Member
Hey Guys,

I am starting my second grow. Pretty much the same as my first one, but I am starting them in separate containers this time.

These seeds are from the same bag as my first grow. I was lucky to get all female (four) plants. That grow is still under way and my other thread:

Ktra's First Grow

I started germination on 10/9. I meant to take a pic of the germinated seed, but forgot before I planted it. I germinated the seed in wet paper towel in a plastic ziploc left on my shelf in my office. One popped in one day, the others popped the day after. I left them in the bag for three days total. Then on 10/12 I planted them in the miracle grow and watered gently with rain water. Then I put a zip loc bag over each cup and put it under a 23 watt 6500k bulb.




Sorry I haven't updated. I wish I could post pics from my phone.

Anyway, these guys are motoring along and doing nicely. Right now I have them on my desk still in the solo cups. My original intent was to transplant them into the pots I am currently using, but those plants are taking longer than expected.

I will try to get some new pics later today or tomorrow.
bagseed! looks like my seedlings did! like exactly! But could be different strains who knows!

Looking forward to this grow :peace: Good luck!
I am almost done with my new grow box. WHen I finish the new box I will post pics. My last box was cardboard and it did the job, but I think I found a better solution. :)

Here they are so far on my desk with a 100w daylight CFL bulb.

lower that light if you can buddy thats alot of stretch going on
i know but they look spacey and its too early for so much stretching, but i could be wrong :peace:
When I move them to their permanent home later this week, it will probably be better. I'll have triple the light and be able to easily adjust the light.
One of the things I am doing with my grows is experimenting with different things to see what works best for me. I'm sure there are things I can do better, so any advice is welcome, but as I said, I am also experimenting so a hearty crop is less of the goal.

I decided to do these in a hydro setting so today cleaned the roots and put them in solo cups with hydroton. I filled it most of the way with plain filtered water and put a little of the premixed nutes. I didn't want to shock the plants with that much nutrients until they have adjusted to the shock of transplant. Once they are stable, I will put holes in the cup and drop them into an aerated nute bath until I am ready to flower.

I've had success with this process in the past with several different kinds of plants. Starting in dirt and then moving to hydro.

Plant 1


Plant 2


Closeup of plant 2


Plant 3


Hydro pellets in cup. I filled it part way and then covered the plants to the top of the cups.


Plants all ready for growing.

i hope that works buddy that would be scary for me
Dead. Not because of the transplant but other factors:

1. Too many lights and not a good enough heat escape cooked the plants.
2. I forgot I need to keep, not only the roots, but the water out of direct light. I got an algae boom that killed off what was left.

Going to start a new set with dirt and will be making a new thread for it if anyone is interested in seeing it.
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