L-1-U DIY Grow

Looking great Light-1-up. Curious question is the nute burn in the last image old or newer? I'm no pro and still way into being a amateur but just wondering if its old and of no concern or new and you already are trying to fix it. Still looking great. Loving the bonsai can't wait for pics of trimming when you get around to it. Wondering how much your going to trim never really looked into bonsai but I find the idea of it fascinating. The bud shots look great cant wait for close ups if you get any.


To answer your question it is old and really minor so I'm not to worried about it, I gave my ladies a 1 & 1/2 dose of their nutes and they dont look to bad. As to the trimming of the bonsai I might trim a bit here and there but for now I'm gonna let her grow as big as she wants. If time permit I might try to reveg after harvest and she what happens.

cant wait for the update. there are allot of budsites.

I'll try to get to an update soon brother.. It's been real crazy lately..

Thanks for your comments!!
:bravo: Light. I bet that mum is going to give you a proper yeild for the amount of care you put into her. +rep

Thanks for the rep and taking the time to stop through Butcher!! I hope she does give us a decent harvest, I cut off 4 colas earlier this week for a little tester, besides it being a little harsh she tasted really good and gave me a decent buzz. I can't wait for a couple more weeks to fully harvest her.
This little lady is just about 12 inches tall and full of buds from top to bottom. She has nothing but pistols and white hairs covering her special areas. She won't be tall but her buds will pack a punch.

This is our bonsai, she is looking real nice. I might top her and see what happens. I wonder what she is gonna look like in about 6 weeks.

This lady reminds me of her mother so much. Her photos speak for themselves. Look at all of those bud sites.

Ladies in Veg. They are getting more tall than bushy, looks like I need to do some more lst'ing. They will love it when it comes their time to flower.



Yea it looks like a rats nest inthere but oh well they are healthy that's all that counts.

Here is our mother plant


for some reason I could not save the photo with in zoomed in. disregard my daughter's bodywash, scrubber and other things.. This photo also shows her haircut, but she looks different now because some more branches came down. I plan on chopping her down in about 10 days or so. Yea is early but I'm tired of paying for smoke..

My ladies might look a little droopy that is because they have not had a drink in just about a week. I try to make my ladies work for what they need, just not to much.:smokin::slide: They all got the weekly feeding of nutes except my mother plant. She will be flushed for the next ten days or so.
I'm gonna have to agree with jacobharry, She's just starting to get goooood !
Alrite guys I'll keep her going for a few more weeks. I have been under alot of pressure and a little bit of stress lately so the rest of this lady will continue to flower. What I haven't cut and :bong: will grow to to be mature.
What's up 420,

I've been kinda slacking on my journal and for that I'm sorry. I have been really busy lately and as a result I think last week I put to much nute water on our bonsai. She looks like she has nute burn real bad so I flushed her with water like 2 times this week alone. We will see if she pulls through. The other ladies in the flower room are doing outstanding. Our ladies in veg are getting quite big and lanky, I think that is because of the light I'm useing is only a shop light and is not that bright. If I can scrape up the extra $$$$$ I want to put cfl lights in the veg room as well. maybe one day I'll get to it....haha

Photos will come later today or tomorrow...
What's up 420,

Well I got a little bit of spare time and decided to take a few pics.

Here's what is left of our mother plant, she has no white hairs but looks like she is starting to swell up. {the branches that's left} She has about 2 weeks left but I'm not sure if she'll make it. Her time is soon.. I cant get a good look at the trichs to tell if she is ready, but from the looks of it, she should be any day now. "When in dought wait it out" the unwritten rule. I'll see how she looks next week.


The next two ladies are about 3 and 1/2 weeks into flowering, you can see them both in this photo. The tall one is at least 12 inches and the other is less than 6 inches tall. Both ladies have many bud sites and smell outstanding. 6 more weeks untill these ladies are ready:cheer::popcorn::slide::smokin: :reading420magazine: are they ready to smoke yet?


Here's a close up of the other plant, she reminds me of her mother so much!!

My bonsai is not looking so good, I over watered her with nutes last week and I'm not sure if she'll make it. I did flush with plain water three time this week and she still looks unhealthy to say the least.


Next up is our ladies in veg, they are about 6 weeks old. Both are about a foot tall have been topped and lst'd. I'm thinking about topping them again because they will not be put into flowering for another few weeks. I think it will make them more bushy but also I want to control the height of these ladies. These girls are quite big for only being vegged under a a 2 foot shop light with (2) 40 watt grow bulbs. I could only imagine what they would look like if I could veg under better lights.



Well Thanks for taking the time to stop by!!

What's up Guyz and Gals,

That time has come:cheer: oh yea baby Harvest Time. I chopped what was left of our lady today and we got more than what I expected. I could only imagine how much we would have recieved if I wouldn't have trimmed most of her early. {I already smoked a good half ounce maybe more of premature buds} The nugs are quite dence and smell so good.
She was flowered under 252 watts of cfl lights, I can only wonder how big and fat the buds would be if I could get better lights. Oh well cfl's will do for now.

Here are just a couple photos..

We got all of this, off of what was left of our lady.


Here is a photo of one of the colas.
Yea I'm planning to cure it for about a week or so. Hopefully she will be dry in about a couple days, then it's time to cure. I don't have glass jars but I do have old butter tubs, those should work just fine.

Thanks for swinging by diggler35007
Thanks Butcher,

Always good to hear from my West Coast friends!!
A 1x3 grow

What'sup 420

Well it's the end of week 4 and the start of week 5 for the ladies. They are doing quite well minus the little burn on the tips of some leaves. They were not given nutes last week to try to see if that was the problem, I don't think it was the problem because I have leaves that weren't burnt that are now burnt. I'm thinking it might have to do with my temps because they spiked up to around 100 degress for a few days last week. I added an additional fan but I need to get either an exhaust fan or an air conditioner to keep my temps down this summer. Opening the door helps that problem but its not a fix if you know what I mean. I lost our bonsai. but no biggy I'll clone a new one...

Well here are a few photos
This lady is about 13 inches tall and really starting to swell up. After she was placed under her mother's light, I sh!t you not her buds have doubled in size iwith-in a week.


Her cola

Next up is our other lovely lady, she is 1 foot in length and has many bud sites. After being lst'd from an early age she resembles her mother in so many ways.


Last but not least is our lady in veg, she has been transplanted and had some bondage done today. She was topped a few days ago, so just give her a few days and she will look ten times better.


I have a question can I change the name of my journal?
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