LabRat's Kief making apparatus.


Formerly Known as LabRat
Thought I'd post some pix of my kief making stuff. It works pretty good but I need a finer screen. The smallest is 180 micron and a 125 would give me a better product.




That's all folks!

Now I just need to make a press but it works fine in the vape and can be added directly to a batch of cookies saving all that canna butter work.

Less work=more time to veg out. :0)

Nice. I've been making due with a large mint tin and a hunk of pantyhose. Static is a big problem with it.

I'll have to get some of that 180 micron screen. Did you find it at the local hardware store?
Nice. I've been making due with a large mint tin and a hunk of pantyhose. Static is a big problem with it.

I'll have to get some of that 180 micron screen. Did you find it at the local hardware store?

No. Those pans I got when I used to work in a metallurgy lab almost twenty years ago. I've been checking out on-line used lab equipment sites to see if I can find a 125 micron as the 180 is a bit too big and I get too much leaf material in the final product. If I can find some metal screen the right size I may be able to just add some to the bottom of the 180 pan to make it work.

Very nice collection you get LabRat! Love the little Med Bottle you keep it in My Scottish friend. ;) :peace:

Thanks for the kind words The Weed.

That little bottle was almost full not so long ago and will soon be full again ... for a little while. :0)

I found some fine poly batting in my wife's sewing room that looked similar in count to the 180 screen.

I tried it todat instead of the the pantyhose. What a difference in the end product,both in look of the product and potency.

I made a bit of hash from some Mexican schwag as an experiment. Two hits and I was down for the count.

I'll have to ask her if they make it in a finer count? If they do,this stuff is available at any sewing shop or craft store in the country cheap.
Hey Firestone or was that FineStoner?

Thanks for the heads up!

My wife is into that stuff big time as well.

Why the hell don't they just put the hydro/hardware store beside the sewing shop and they'd make a killing. lol

Great info. Thanks again.

Just buy some bubble bags, they go down to 20 micron and will give you some of the best bubble you will ever smoke. Ebay is the cheapest, I bought a set of 5 last year and it's the easiest way to do it with large quanities. I love your method Weed, very innovative and certainly an easy transitition to cannabutter. Nice +Rep
Hey labrat what do you mean about the whole skipping cannabutter step? I know how to cook my leafy goodness into cannabutter, but how do you use kief to get the same desired result? and how much?

You can just add it to anything that is going to be cooked. A couple of grams in a brownie mix should work fine. Hard to say how much for sure. I depends on how pure the kief is and the strength of the pot you made it from. The cooking will activate the THC so it gets you off. cut your brownies in equal sizes so you can figure out a good dose. I weighed the cookie dough for each cookie, ate one, waited an hour, then ate another one and was wasted. Ergo, take two cookies and don't bother calling me in the morning! lol

If you make kief, the left over pot can be used to make cannabutter or oil as sifting doesn't get all the goody. Same with bubble bags. The pot can be dried and further extractions with butter or solvent can salvage the last of the THC. I don't like to waste a thing. Something to do with being of Scottish descent I'm sure. :0)

Later . . . :peace:
Can you give me a tutorial on your kief making process?

And with the cooking, lets say I was making a Sirloin marsala, or even pork chops on the grill.

Could I litterally just throw the kief into the marsala sauce and cook it that way, and with the chops, right before they are done being on the grill, put a couple pinches of kief on them to finish?
Hard to do a tutorial as it would depend on the equipment you have at hand or can beg/borrow/steal from somewhere. As you can see from my pics above I stack the three screens together with the SS collection pan on the bottom. Then put the trim/buds on the large screen cover the top and shake it for a while. I want to get one of those machines they have at paint stores. The middle screen has ball bearings and big flat washers to further reduce particle size, then to the finest screen with light plastic ribbed disks to gently rub the trichomes through the last, 180 micron, screen. I do this in a cold area, preferably below freezing, so the trichs aren't sticky and gum up the works.

For cooking I don't see why it wouldn't work just fine in a sauce as long as the sauce is heated up to 200F or simmers for a bit.

Look at is this way. The whole rational behind making cannabutter is to extract the THC containing oils and heat them to make them psychoactive. Cannabutter doesn't need further heating to make it work. You can just scarf down a dollop of cb and you'll get high. By making kief you've extracted the glands containing the oils you're after and now they need heating. Getting heated in a sauce or cookies will do the trick. I've heard of people baking cookies at lower temps for hours because they think the THC will degrade too much. FAIL! For the short time the THC is exposed to the higher temps in a batch of cookies you're not going to lose enough to matter.

There's a good forum on here for cooking with cannabis with lots of good ideas and recipes there as well.

Hope that helped a bit. :peace:
I think the THC and stuff in the kief needs to be bound to a fat to work - so adding it to cookie batter that has butter probably works. Adding it to anything made with oil or butter, and heated at about 325 degrees F. for about 10-15 minutes should be fine. Honestly though, probably more efficient to extract the oils to cannabutter and use that. The process assures better bonding to the fat, which is how your body absorbs it.
I have more old chemical bottles than medicine. I worked as a chemist in a hazardous waste facility and amassed quite a few. Quite a few pieces of lab glassware as well. They were often disposed of because they were all gunked up with who knows what. I had a myriad of chemicals at my disposal so if one thing wouldn't eat whatever was in there, something else would. Sometimes the reactions were quite spectacular. lol

C'ya L8r.

I'm an old fart, so let me tell you about making homemade hash in the 70's. Just found out about this site and am still blown away. Now... We used to:

Chop up 1/2 lb or more, then put it in a blender - stems and all. Then take a BIG BIG pot, put 3 inches of water in it. Take a regular pot, put the weed and everclear in it. Get a heavy duty garbage bag and tie it around the top - good and tight - using BIG rubber bands. Put this contraption on the stove and start the water boiling - low boil.

Now... The garbage bag will start to balloon up so you put ice in the center and do your best to keep it blown up some, but don't let it kaboom for heaven's sake! I had some TENSE TENSE times when the bag got tight, let me tell you. Do this for just HOURS - like 12 or more if you can handle it. This gets the psychoactive crap disolved.

Next, let everything cool down - a rush of hot everclear gasses probably ain't the best thing you've ever smelled - or been overcome by either! Gingerly remove the garbage bag. Now chop the handle off a strainer and put the weed in the strainer. Center the strainer over the pot. Put the bag back on it. Cook again another 6 hours, keeping the ice fresh in the center of the bag - which puts a dimple in the bag that condenses the everclear and drips it through the weed in the strainer. Now... Let it all cool down again. Remember, hot everclear gas will definitely burn the hairs in your nose.

NOW... Remove the strainer with the weed in it. You might want to process it again later, but it is pretty bled dry now. Take clothes hangers and make a kind of holder for a coffee cup, and put that centered over the pot with the pot and everclear in it. Put the bag back on it and boil for a while with ice in the center of the top of the garbage bag. Now you are recovering your everclear -and DAMN but this everclear has a WONDERFUL WEED TASTE!!! But no THC. You need to check every now and then to see how much everclear you've recovered, and to make REAL SURE you don't FRY your homemade hash oil! This part gets freaky toward the end, and I used to quit early and use a little fan to evaporate the last of the everclear.

Now, you get to have fun trying to collect the black goo. You can put some on a cigarette. Nasty health risk (the cigarette) but it will sure light your fire. You can cook with it. I used to powder some weed. Take straw from a broom. Smear it with some oil, then roll it in the powdered weed. Do that 3 or 4 times and I ended up with a sorta genuine Thai Stick. Let me tell you, the brothers would come running if they found out I had some. Not that I really let any go. I did this for fun, after all. Then cut a 1/4" off, drop it in a pipe and have friends over for the party.

No kidding. It works. I doubt it is anything like the ice hash I've read about here, but hell, it was 40 years ago! In the dark ages, it was better than just about anything else! Back then I could buy a pillowcase of black louisiana bayou weed - about 4 1/2 pounds - for $100, so this was cheep hash oil. It worked!
No. Those pans I got when I used to work in a metallurgy lab almost twenty years ago. I've been checking out on-line used lab equipment sites to see if I can find a 125 micron as the 180 is a bit too big and I get too much leaf material in the final product. If I can find some metal screen the right size I may be able to just add some to the bottom of the 180 pan to make it work.

Mickels has 90 mic. in a silkscreen frame for 25 bucks. Does a fine job !! :yahoo:
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