Landrace Genetics 101

Side project trying to learn and fix Mulanje traits, in preporation for a potential future outcross to straight Mulanje stock in case my line begins to bottleneck which can be an issue trying to keep Landrace strains running totally pure for to many generations in confined numbers in limited space.
So far My pure Mulanje is running descent, but that day will come at some point in the future, where new genes will be needed to keep up her vigor and potency, the trick is to do that ith as little change as possible to the desirable traits which make her so unique.
It has the classic short and intense rushy high that many old school Colombians had back in the day. I still have some of that stuff here someplace. Same bud as in the photos I think. o_O

Yeah this is the same herb, I'll probably get another 6 months out of it before I finally run out and need to start another crop. I can't believe it's kept me afloat for so long. You know there's a tomato seed variety called Mortgage Lifter? This cross is like that, I was in weed debt before it picked me up and brought me back to this world of bounty.

Speaking of Mangobitche... I have been reading the Latin forums and they say that they do not know where Mangobitche was grown in Colombia. No one seems to know, really. But we do know that Manga Rosa was grown in NE Brazil, and it shares a common name; Mango/Manga and flavor of mango. So maybe its the Brazil landrace? Or sourced from that? All the other major Colombian landraces have known growing areas in Colombia.

Not much info online about mangobiche. I have only found one older reference to Mangobiche. It was from MADJAG over at ICM talking about colombians. He says..."My good friend from Cali, Gerardo, who lived in the US for 10 years between 1973-1983, used the term Mangobiche. I never realized how it was spelled at the time, however he valued it as a good variety."

The name game is funny, there is an opportunity for a weed name to get changed at every point it gets handled. From seed to bud. Who knows what the old colombian growers were calling the plants, and then what the exporters called it, and then what the importers call it, then what each individual dealer called it, so on and so on. I was watching a youtube video on afghan hash making in the 70's and they were stamping pakistan on the product.
Hi. just registered for this topic. Where do you get your landrace seeds? I want to try to grow some landrace but not the seeds from the lab. I want it came from nature.

What can you say about Has anyone tried ordering there? I see different vendors from different country. I also see some successful sales to Europe and US. I like their cause to help simple farmer or people to earn an extra income selling the seeds they just throw away which can help put a food on a table of a family. The bagseeds could be a gem to others. It is a big help for me too because i don't need to travel to get different landraces. I hope to get a lot of infos there about the landraces in different country and new discovered strain at the website. They are quite nice when i inquired to them at their forum there.

They say it is bagseeds because they are only seeds got from the bag of weed. Regular seeds but i like it because it will give me some thrill for the result of the grow. I have other grows to smoke so this is for the love of growing and discovering or if lucky, breeding new strains.

I'm surprise with a sativa from India listed for sale. I thought they only have Indica. It could be other strain but it is ok. It is worth the try to grow it. It is about the experience growing her and meet her :)
Develop your ace in the whole now before you need it is good insurance.

He's starting to look like the ace in Ace's... ah... hole;) .
They say it is bagseeds because they are only seeds got from the bag

People sell those?!? Wait... People actually buy them, lol? Be all right if they were, IDK, <$1/each and you had some way to guarantee they weren't pollinated by a hermaphrodite or a female that so easily became stressed into producing opposite-sex flowers that it might as well have been. Which is often how sacks of "sinsemilla" get seeded.

Decent seeds are exponentially cheaper than the bud they can produce would otherwise cost. . . .
Hi. just registered for this topic. Where do you get your landrace seeds? I want to try to grow some landrace but not the seeds from the lab. I want it came from nature.

What can you say about Has anyone tried ordering there? I see different vendors from different country. I also see some successful sales to Europe and US. I like their cause to help simple farmer or people to earn an extra income selling the seeds they just throw away which can help put a food on a table of a family. The bagseeds could be a gem to others. It is a big help for me too because i don't need to travel to get different landraces. I hope to get a lot of infos there about the landraces in different country and new discovered strain at the website. They are quite nice when i inquired to them at their forum there.

They say it is bagseeds because they are only seeds got from the bag of weed. Regular seeds but i like it because it will give me some thrill for the result of the grow. I have other grows to smoke so this is for the love of growing and discovering or if lucky, breeding new strains.

I'm surprise with a sativa from India listed for sale. I thought they only have Indica. It could be other strain but it is ok. It is worth the try to grow it. It is about the experience growing her and meet her :)

Welcome Cannagirl!
I think there may be a possibility of finding something desireable through bagseed but I think if you are approaching buying seeds there as more of a charitable act without much expectation about what you get, that certainly is a very cool thing to do.
For instance if you look at the close up of one of the seed batches being offered there looks like there may be two in there that are ripe to germinate, and not to say all seed batches offered look like those. On the other hand pure landraces are like hens teeth to come accross these days.
Only some seed banks offer pure landrace.
Some may still be offered and can be found maybe through Real Seed co? If you do pursue Bagseed please post you experience with that here.
Again welcome here and good luck.
There are a few offering seeds from India, Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan over on IG. May look at some of those, some are true feral landraces. Not sure if you want to do that. It could take years to produce a good stable chemovar.
There are a few offering seeds from India, Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan over on IG. May look at some of those, some are true feral landraces. Not sure if you want to do that. It could take years to produce a good stable chemovar.
I have been eyeing a couple of those Nepalese cultivars offered by RSC, Parvati appears to be the semi stable version of the Parvati Jungli which is allegedly true feral cannabis. If they are still around in a couple of months they will likely be added to my collection... wife said I could. Lol.
This story's related to this hybrid thread, it's uncanny...

Nevil Nevil is offline

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Default Broccoli
In planning for the approximately 3 square meters of garden I'd decided to use for broccoli, I scoured the internet for the appropriate genetics. After much research I decided on a heritage pure strain of broccoli, one of the foundation varieties used in modern hybrids. It made me feel important, giving meaning to those 3 square meters. A noble pursuit, saviour of the broccoli universe, Broccoli Man! I bought the seeds.

I terraformed the garden changed it from a sand pit to an earth worm orgy. I planted my precious heritage seeds. The growth was impressive (am I a genius?)
beautiful dark green leaves, this is going to be great. Finally the broccoli heads start forming. What do I get?

Perfectly healthy primitive broccoli. Smallish, open heads with coarse flowers.
A perfect representative of the strain. People come to admire the work of the master. Hmmph, a bit small, are you sure it's broccoli? (I feel my penis getting smaller). Yeah but,.... it's a pure strain....I'm saving the universe you know... I'm broccoli man.

What can I do to save the day? Maybe I can find some EGO BOOSTING HORMONE and inject the bloody things.

What I really wanted was ego boosting genetics. The mega hybrid, something that fizzed, a huge head the size of a basket ball. I can imagine the compliments. Gee, that's big and so hard. (I'm feeling better already). This is what most people want, I worked that out 25 years ago.

Breeding seeds for the grower is primarily about finding out which hybrids give the most "bang for your buck". It's not as easy as it sounds. You have to find the right combinations and constantly refine your pure lines to give new improved versions of the super hybrids. People will accuse you of being a hack, "only" selling hybrids. Pay no attention, they really want the big sticky mega buds.

Next year I'm growing hybrid broccoli
Feral cannabis would probably be unacceptable to most growers. A lot of them look like wheat or rye plants more than what most consider actual cannabis. But there are a ton of genetics hidden in those plants. Just have to coax them out.
Feral cannabis would probably be unacceptable to most growers. A lot of them look like wheat or rye plants more than what most consider actual cannabis. But there are a ton of genetics hidden in those plants. Just have to coax them out.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Every cultivar out there originated from feral genetics. The potential is most definitely there.
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