LED - SOG - Soil

day 57 of flower.

just started checking trichs today. I have a few white shark to the left of the downward looking pics that look like they could be harvested. I am quick drying a bit to puff tomorrow. no big buds though, very disappointing yield by the looks of the white shark, but potency and flavor might make up for it.
Northern lights and white widow not ready yet. buds are small but dense. maybe another week . Just giving them Ph adjusted R/O water till they are done.
I have picked off the big fan leaves and have been topping the next batch of cuttings trying to find some shape of plant with ??? amount of branches that maximizes my set up. The pruning is a bit haphazard at times and having enough consistent plants to get the yield I am chasing may never be realized .

White Widow


big difference in the colour of the Northern Lights at the bottom of the picture and widow at the top



This is the next batch getting ready for flower

when is the big day mate :D you want a hand chopping? :D

how come my cuttings dont look as sexy as that little lady there :D

the 4 girls here recovered already by the looks of it, I compare the pics I log myself from 2 days ago, they got a lot bigger, even roots are thinker, some are double the thickness, all roots getting long very fast too, don't think they were hurt much by the looks of their growth, ppm dropping fast, on sunday I dropped the nutes right back to around 350ppm, as she was getting burnt at around 650ppm, tuesday it drops to just below 200, topped it back to around 400, today it is below 300, topped it back up to around 450ppm, if they increasing their nutes uptake so quickly I don't think there be much left at 400ppm in 24hours..... just by the color, growth and ppm as well as water level, I say they are recovered :)

Plenty of volunteers around at harvest time ha ha, good to hear the scare was short lived decon, they are looking well, If I could keep your cuttings alive for a week longer they would look like that too. I top mine and I didnt top yours. I need to get a cloning setup a bit like I saw on Kingjohnc photo gallery to be able to give you cuttings same size for Hydro as the ones I put into soil and flower. If Kingjohn is looking on he might enlighten me on his cloning set-up.(i cant pm him yet) I would also need to make an investment on the gear. I just dont have the space or method to support them once they have rooted in the jiffy`s .
ye man my phone still acting up. if its an old fashioned phone phone i am interested but no touch screens.
E-mail me details.
cool I look forward to watching them grow,
I am still waiting and deliberating whether to harvest, my cuttings are outgrowing their home leading to poor air circulation and all the problems that brings.
I have had an attack of another type of bug that likes MJ also. I only use sticky traps and Neem oil. It took me 12mths to fight off a Thrips
invasion to a stage that they don't cause me any harm anymore. I still see the odd one. But I don't know what these new guys are yet. The sticky traps are mopping them up good but I would rather they were not there. They look a bit like a wooly aphid but not as hairy.
My own soil mixes and living in the countryside means every bug possible is just waiting for a chance to suck the life from my plants. But the master plan is to have a well balanced soil mix to promote the good bacteria and all the little creatures that are important in the whole soil process.

I found this worm amongst the roots of a cutting I placed in my new soil batch for a trial and I hope his presence means good things for the soil and plant.

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