Lower fan leaves turning yellow and dying?

I found a store called Central Grow City.
But I think I’m going to harvest in a little over 30 days. So do you think I should just leave it alone? I read that yellowing close to harvest is normal.
Someone smarter and more experienced than me will have to answer that but if you think you are going to continue growing, you should look into moving away from synthetic nutes and bottled nutes and look into organic living soils. Research Clackamas Coot and Coot’s mix and/or Dr. Elaine Ingham and/or Subcool Supersoil. I started out organic and then tried the bottled nute route and ran back to organic and dived deeper into living soils.
Someone smarter and more experienced than me will have to answer that but if you think you are going to continue growing, you should look into moving away from synthetic nutes and bottled nutes and look into organic living soils. Research Clackamas Coot and Coot’s mix and/or Dr. Elaine Ingham and/or Subcool Supersoil. I started out organic and then tried the bottled nute route and ran back to organic and dived deeper into living soils.
I agree. It’s my first time and I will defiantly be looking into that for next season ; )
Yellowing down low is normal for most cultivars. True. I lose about a 3rd of the bottom at flower time. I keep it clean and remove everything. During the last Month or so I use dried Coffee grounds and PH of 6.1...Period. But....Agree, That Pot was a waste. Put a rose in it. Move On to Felt Pots because they Breathe 20 Gal Minimum. I use 30 Gal. If you remove all the useless crap in the Lower 3rd. Buds will get Huge. And good soil is a Key Factor. Listen to the guys here. Some really Good advice.
Yellowing down low is normal for most cultivars. True. I lose about a 3rd of the bottom at flower time. I keep it clean and remove everything. During the last Month or so I use dried Coffee grounds and PH of 6.1...Period. But....Agree, That Pot was a waste. Put a rose in it. Move On to Felt Pots because they Breathe 20 Gal Minimum. I use 30 Gal. If you remove all the useless crap in the Lower 3rd. Buds will get Huge. And good soil is a Key Factor. Listen to the guys here. Some really Good advice.
It’s only the fan leaves that grew on the plant first. But it’s half way up the tree. Also when you say the lower 3rd what do you mean? All of the other leaves are green on all the branches. Here’s a picture of it today.
OMG please help!!!
Today it looks even worse. The lower leaves on the branches are looking like there starting to go yellow. I gave it 15-30-15 and molasses and cal-mag on Saturday. What should I do? And will I still get bud if this problem is not fixed?
I'm no expert and have had my share of crappy looking plants but I would think that it is just totally root bound. If you could find a larger container and a friend I would up pot - I can't see that it would do any more harm than leaving it to struggle.
But like I said - I know just enough to get into trouble!! :hmmmm:
You have a mobile macro nutrient deficiency and it is moving up the stalk, stealing nutrients from those lower leaves in order to supply what the growing buds need. Symptoms say potassium is the culprit from what I am seeing. Try increasing your feed at least 50% and see if it stops spreading and green starts coming back to those leaves that are not yet too far gone. You look to be a month from harvest to me, at least, so fix this now or your eventual yield will suffer.
It’s only the fan leaves that grew on the plant first. But it’s half way up the tree. Also when you say the lower 3rd what do you mean? All of the other leaves are green on all the branches.
If you are curious about what and how it is happening watch the leaves each time a new one starts to turn yellow. Remember that you noticed "It’s only the fan leaves that grew on the plant first." and if you watch which leaves come next the plant will choose the next size smaller leaf. It cannot find a larger leaf since it has already used those.

As some have mentioned it is a fairly common thing to experience but with some planning it can be avoided. Try @Emilya's suggestion. As she mentions it might stop the spreading of the yellowing in any particular leaf and if that leaf is not to far gone some of the green would return. With these plants photosynthesis is important and that means healthy green leaves.
Well the problem got worse. I have know idea what to do next but I just want to know if I’ll still get anything at harvest time? I know it will be less but…. Will she make it? Who long till harvest? Please help.




Keep feeding more. A problem that has been building for several weeks is not going to be resolved in one or two waterings. patience and consistency are the keys.
But it keeps getting worse. Every morning I go out and she’s more yellow. Do you think I’ll still get something at the end of this? And do you know when the end is? Lol
But it keeps getting worse. Every morning I go out and she’s more yellow. Do you think I’ll still get something at the end of this? And do you know when the end is? Lol
your attachments did not come through... try again so we can see some pictures. Have you been giving significantly more food since we last talked?
The newest sugar leaves look great! The plant is cannabilizing (sic) itself to provide mobile nutrients to keep the flowering going. If you care about saving the remaining fan leaves, you should feed her something water soluble and complete, as I suggested previously.
I’m not a fan of the cactus food. Call Jack’s and see if they will ship you a smaller quantity

I watched a Jack’s video and they said that’s used for field use. Mine is in a pot.
And like I said I just want something to help me out now. Next year I’ll invest in all the proper stuff. Don’t you stop giving nutes close to harvest anyways?
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