LST on AutoFlowers


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I know this is probably a stupid question, but I am planning to try out LST on my next run. I have watched and read tutorials but I have one question. The anchor used to pull down the top, when must it be removed? Does it get removed or is it left in until harvest? If I think about it, it doesn't make much sense. Please help.
Hi guys, I know this is probably a stupid question, but I am planning to try out LST on my next run. I have watched and read tutorials but I have one question. The anchor used to pull down the top, when must it be removed? Does it get removed or is it left in until harvest? If I think about it, it doesn't make much sense. Please help.
I constantly readjust as the plant grows to break the apical dominance of the plant
And I leave it or any of the wires until harvest
i pull the ties off after the second wk of flower, or whenever stretch is done.
they aren't really doing anything after that.
Only thing I'll add is when bending branches down to keep them slightly above horizontal. Apparently if you go horizontal or below it can slow growth down. There's some science behind it but I can't remember. But above all, enjoy it. Training plants is fun.
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