Lukebro's 1st Grow From Bagseed

What's the deal with that? I've never heard of that?

My coworker makes these like custom pots with little magnets throughout it. Apparently magnetic fields helps plants flourish. Just a little experiment he's been running and so far the results are hard to argue with so I'm gonna give it a shot haha.
My coworker makes these like custom pots with little magnets throughout it. Apparently magnetic fields helps plants flourish. Just a little experiment he's been running and so far the results are hard to argue with so I'm gonna give it a shot haha.
Hey....why not!
Mini update;all 4 girls are doing great! No sign of anything wrong (at least I hope lol) and my critical mass and BB x c99 have both popped. So excited to grow these bomb ass strains!

Here's my veg setup hehe it's under the stairs next to my air conditioning .
They're layered at certain intervals in the medium. It's super weird and I'm so skeptical lol but all his results are just indisputable so...

are you gonna start a new journal to document that grow? Are you gonna go from seed or clone? Either way, if you can run two identical plants, one in the magnetic pot and one not, that would be pretty cool to see I think. No matter what, I want to follow that.
Yea dude the critical mass is gonna be in regular pot and the C99 x BB is gonna be in the magnetic pot. They're both started from seed and I've planted them in their pots (I put the BB in the magnetic pot which is its final container and the critical is in a solo cup right now). I'll start a journal once they both have a set of true leaves. Then I know things are on track hehe. Thanks for following along Boom you the best .
Hi everyone! Hope you're all feeling good . girls are going good. Im loving the frost forming and the 2 plants in their own pots are loving the 2nd light. I really believe it will double my harvest!!! Anyways here's some sexy pics :)

Thanks for all the help guys :)
Thanks Leo. 24 days give or take a day! Mine don't compare to yours but I'm glad I'm actually growing something!!
Gotta give them time brother, I'm 37 days in so i have some time on you, but i guarantee your girls will look just as good if not better! They are healthy and happy so your doing a great job man!
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