Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy - CMH - Modular Scrog - OC+

Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

I'm not getting any update emails from 420mag..usually my inbox is full of em every morning. It's the only way I'm able to keep up with other's threads. :smokin:

I pmed Admin last nite and within minutes I was getting emails. Had well over a hundred this morning.

One of my best friend's dog just got hit by a car and had to be put down. :(

Sad times. RIP Kahlua.

It is so hard to loose a pet. They are as much part of the family as anyone.

I lost my Blue last year. Still miss him like crazy. Sorry for the news.

Tmac lost her emails too. I always just go to user cp, it lists all your subscribed threads.

I currently have 4 of the rescue dogs with me, but one of my rescues from long ago died 2 years ago and I am still not over it. Had her 14 yrs, dumped in my yard at 5 wks old, Best dog I have ever had. A friend gave me a silver piece and on one side it says
I fell through your heart and into heaven. on the back.. Thank you for showing me love.
I keep it in my pocket all the time. :Namaste:
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

I lost my Blue last year. Still miss him like crazy. Sorry for the news.

Tmac lost her emails too. I always just go to user cp, it lists all your subscribed threads.

Had a few dogs pass in my time and it never gets any easier. It sucks how short their lifespan is in comparison to ours. Well worth it though, they bring so much happiness to everyday life.

I dunno why but I don't like using the user cp for threads, I think it's laziness. With the emails they update me when something happens instead of me having to go look. :cool:

Sorry Marley. Been there too... tough day.

Felt real bad for my friend, he had her for like 8 years or so. He lived with me for almost 2 years so I had some significant time with the dog. She was a typical chocolate lab - super happy, never got into trouble, well trained - just an all around great dog. If people would just pay more attention while driving things like this could be avoided.

I pmed Admin last nite and within minutes I was getting emails. Had well over a hundred this morning.

It is so hard to loose a pet. They are as much part of the family as anyone.

I currently have 4 of the rescue dogs with me, but one of my rescues from long ago died 2 years ago and I am still not over it. Had her 14 yrs, dumped in my yard at 5 wks old, Best dog I have ever had. A friend gave me a silver piece and on one side it says I keep it in my pocket all the time. :Namaste:

Ya eventually I got flooded with days worth of emails. :smokin:

My current dog might as well be my son, lol. He is the first one that has truly been 'mine', all the other dogs have been family dogs.

He is a rescue that I've had for almost a year now. Attached at the hip would be putting it mildly, haha. That's awesome you have so many rescues T, too many good dogs out there that need a home.
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

I took a couple pics this weekend and I'll try and upload them tonight when I get home.

Well this weekend was decision time and unfortunately for the BB Kush, I decided to off her. She was having some strange growth since the transfer from the mini hempy. It appeared to me that only the main shoot was still growing, all other new growth was stunted.

I built the scrog out of pvc and the remainder of fencing I had from my mod scrogs. Was super easy to do, took me a couple hours of shopping/cutting/putting together. Cost about $20.

Decided to place the screen ~11" above the pot..should have gone lower probably. It is going to take me AT LEAST another 1-2 weeks of veg to properly fill the screen, this puts me almost a month behind schedule and I'm not real happy about it.

Also seeing some sagging leaves and I'm not 100% sure why. Looking a bit N deficient so I hit her hard yesterday with the Pro Grow.

This grow is really showing me the weakness of my setup, lack of space!!!
I also really need to grab an air cooled hood, I think I'm stressing my girls with too much radiant heat.

Can't wait for next grow, this one has been frustrating. Long veg times are not my cup of tea..I'm pretty bored! After I installed the screen the daunting task of having to fill it quickly smacked me across the face, I've got a ways to go. :(
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

great work marley! This is exactly how my first grow went. Started off rocky but as weeks went by I made the adjustments needed and the final product was amazing! I got at least an ounce off each plant. Check it out if u get the chance. :Namaste:
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Alright, pictures!

Here is day 29 Veg right after the screen was put on.

Ingredients for compost tea

Bubbling tea

Today, day 31 Veg..can see everything turned back to the light. Will train tomorrow.

Larry OG from last grow.

The Alien looked significantly better tonight, she just needed some food. Still a bit droopier than I'd like at this stage but I imagine after next feeding she should be good. I was taking it easy as I didn't run liquid macro nutes last go around + the use of teas, was afraid to burn her.
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Felt real bad for my friend, he had her for like 8 years or so. He lived with me for almost 2 years so I had some significant time with the dog. She was a typical chocolate lab - super happy, never got into trouble, well trained - just an all around great dog. If people would just pay more attention while driving things like this could be avoided.

We all gotta go, but those senseless ones I'll never get. Hopefully she went mercifully quick. How fortunate you were in knowing her so closely for such time. Great breed.
Peace Marley.
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

great work marley! This is exactly how my first grow went. Started off rocky but as weeks went by I made the adjustments needed and the final product was amazing! I got at least an ounce off each plant. Check it out if u get the chance. :Namaste:
Hey J-B thanks for stopping by. First grow went surprisingly better for me, this one has been a total pain in the ass! haha. Ya I'll def check your grow out, you have a journal on 420? Feel free to post a link here, otherwise I'll just search for it. ;)
lookin good marley. well done!
Thanks staff, I'll feel a lot better once I start flowering..things have been slow and boring for too long now!
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

We all gotta go, but those senseless ones I'll never get. Hopefully she went mercifully quick. How fortunate you were in knowing her so closely for such time. Great breed.
Peace Marley.
Beautiful looking job there Marley! That's a real smart setup. Must get Larry.
Hey WnF,

Ya the ones that can be avoided are tough to deal with, I imagine the lady who hit her has to feel pretty awful. I feel very fortunate to have chilled with her for a while, real good dog..and luckily saw her a few days before the incident.

Starting to feel a little better about this grow, the Alien loved the nutes last go around. I'm trying to maximize my space as much as possible haha, I really didn't want to build another scrog but it went relatively smoothly.

I highly suggest any Cali Connection seeds or clones. Swerve and co are doing great things. Not tons to chose from but real good quality. I think Bandit just recently grabbed a few seeds from them. I imagine he is going to kill it with em..skills + good genetics - yikes!

AAAAAhhhh~ doing it man! You got that worm poop a popping all over :morenutes: That's one fine ass Larry OG man. Cheers!

Haha worm poop and nasty smelling fish. Luckily most of it was contained within the bucket. Can't say that about the first batch however..:tokin:

Appreciate the compliments on the Larry, really wish I had a mother plant with the same genetics. Someone who knew what they were doing probably could have produced some real good shit with some clones...and maybe even me in a few more grows. ;)
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Thanks very much for the suggestion. I haven't run into the name yet but will shortly. I went with the "tude bank" for DP stuff which to my current level of knowledge is absolutely horrible weed. lol
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Alright, pictures!


I see what you mean by the screen being "immobile". I don't have the growth for that yet..and I don't know that the strain I'm growing will work like that but I could be full of shit there! :)

Nice scrog frame by the way!!

Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Thanks very much for the suggestion. I haven't run into the name yet but will shortly. I went with the "tude bank" for DP stuff which to my current level of knowledge is absolutely horrible weed. lol
I'd much rather experiment with lesser quality seeds than some real good - expensive - ones. One reason why I haven't gone the seed route yet..clones are so damn cheap and you know they are female!
I see what you mean by the screen being "immobile". I don't have the growth for that yet..and I don't know that the strain I'm growing will work like that but I could be full of shit there! :)

Nice scrog frame by the way!!


IMO any strain can be scrogged, just may have to make screen height/veg length adjustments. You really only need a few more inches of growth and the main shoot will be able to get bent over nicely..which will induce the growth of all the other shoots and then shoots off that shoot lol! You'd be surprised how quickly the other shoots start growing once the main one is bent over.

I wish I had shots of my 'runt' from last grow when the screen was put on. I was sure she was going to yield very little. The screen was approx. 6" above the pot (lowest of any of my screens last go around). Was very tough/tight space to work with, but she still filled most of the screen and yielded over an ounce. This plant was maybe 8"-10" when she went to 12/12...just an idea of the growth was a Diablo OG, an Indica strain.
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

I'd much rather experiment with lesser quality seeds than some real good - expensive - ones. One reason why I haven't gone the seed route yet..clones are so damn cheap and you know they are female!

Lucky you! I live within an evil empire where clones are a difficult (at best) commodity to readily come by.
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Can't wait to see that screen full of colas Marley... looking good!

Man you have no idea how much this grow is killing me, so...much...screen to cover still....ugh!

Lucky you! I live within an evil empire where clones are a difficult (at best) commodity to readily come by.

Yeah I'm pretty lucky where I live in terms of availability, but the clones sometimes come with unexpected surprises -- a bug here, some mold there..just gotta be careful or it will fuck your grow..kinda like mine! Haha, live and learn. :grinjoint:
Re: Marley's Continual Grow - Hempy, CMH, Modular Scrog, OC+

Drooping leaves! Still not sure what's going on in the cab and why Ms. AlienD is drooping so damn much. It's not enough droop to think she is in serious trouble, but enough to question wtf is going on.

Usually droopy leaves are the result of too much watering, or not enough. Coco holds water pretty good, but cut with 25% perlite it also dries fairly fast. I do not think either of these are the culprit as it's hard to overwater a hempy, and I water everytime the pot starts to get light.

Other possibilities are: my low humidity. Santa Ana winds have been around lately and it was dry..finally got some rain and the RH in my cab was up to around 35% this morning (still too damn low)! Next go around I'm going to invest in a humidifier for the veg stage. I sit around 15%-30% in veg usually.

Nutes. Last go around I used OC+ and DM red so all macro's and lots of minors were delivered automatically. This go around she is depending on what I mix up to feed her fat ass, maybe I'm not doing a great job?

Different medium. Coco/perlite this time as opposed to 100% perlite. Definitely a bit different, but really haven't come across any horror stories yet with the was well rinsed, precharged...not seeing any burns or much deficiency.

Rootbound: With additional bene's the roots exploded and I ended up with my very first rootbound mini hempy. The Alien grew fast, did she grow too big below the surface? I know Hempys allow for smaller pots, but could this be my problem? She has at least 1 more week of veg after this weekend, I guess the problem will only get worse if she is bound.

My prior thought was a N deficiency. The plant has been a light green for the last couple weeks as opposed to a darker shade. She also has a bunch of foliage. Perhaps she is not getting enough N to grow properly and is saggy..she seemed to react good to the feeding a few days ago, but then drooped again the next day. She was fed lastnight so I'll see where she is tonight. Also began trimming under the screen last night, took off maybe 5 leaves or so.

Root Aphids: Is it possible they are still around and fucking things up? I have not seen any, but that means very little.

I have also slacked big time on foliar feeding this girl, maybe that will help get her the nutrients she needs for fast uptake?

Sorry for the ramblings, mainly just thinking out loud so I can refer back to it. Any thoughts are always appreciated though. :smokin:
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