Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Some excellent advice in previous posts. I'll also mention the burnt stunted clones were growing even in bad shape. If seedlings are grown under straight led it's fine but recommend 2 ft 10 inches or just go the full three feet. Next round I'll do cfl for seedling stage and one week of veg(two weeks or so)just for cost savings. I wouldn't say it's a waste tho explosive growth with straight led from seedling to seven days flower currently. I can't stress enough, if you did like I did initially, and go with clones from club, baby them in the beginning. In my situation, mars II 400 pretty intense for baby to teen cuttings grown under cfls 24/7.
...snip... Good luck to all the led growers but HPS has never let me down and I'll put my weight and quality up against the best of them out there!

I'd love to see you join in with some friendly competition against one of our experienced LED growers, against your HPS experience.

And right now, there's a bunch of growers competing in a solo cup challenge. It's a great place to share and learn, if you decide to stick around here with us.

But whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck!
I understand the language barrier. I was just taken back that our private conversation was taken to this thread without my knowledge then told I messed my plants up because someone said it's a cal mag deficiency. She posted 1 picture with the rest of the email left out explaining the situation. All I wanted was the cheaper 48x3w reflector instead and I'll pay the shipping. The money is not the issue. Now I joined this site, which I don't like doing, to explain my side. In the end there is a reason for everything. If I ain't broke don't fix it!!! Good luck to all the led growers but HPS has never let me down and I'll put my weight and quality up against the best of them out there!

thats the beauty of this website and others like it. you can just sit back and watch others grow (and ask them questions as well as give advise) and learn much in the process. Then when you feel like it or feel safe enough to, you can start your own grow journal share your experiences and techniques and possibly teach a future grower or help give advise when it comes to purchasing grow gear.

when it comes to your private conversation, she did not mention who you were where you lived or how great of a grower you are. she simply asked us what we thought could be the issue so she could relay our experience growing cannabis to you that is also trying to grow cannabis with a led. she then took our advise and relayed it to you (im guessing in email) and recommended for you to check out this thread/website and bring your issues here if you could. which you did, she did not twist your arm to get you to come here. Here is the best place you will be able to figure out what is going wrong with your grow and to be able to prove to the hps growers that you can achieve greatness with a led as well.

when i was young i couldnt cook for the life of me, was all pizza and hamburgers. i never stopped trying new dishes and now i can make seafood fettuccine, grilled salmon, potatoe caserole, and much more.

point is, if you truly love something you wont give it up.

you trully love hps, you wont give it up ;)


if you can manage to watch at least 2:15 seconds of this movie youll rethink giving up
thank you very much GG, Ur plants is great as always:) calm down, every problem will be solved correctly:))))
Why so Angry! To be honest, it's mostly common sense. The recommended height is between 1f and 2ft (or there abouts). That leaves you a around 3ft for the space above and below your light for your 5ft tent; meaning your plants can't really be any taller than 3ft. I would say you should have thought it through a bit more. IMHO

And I actually had an issue a few months back which i posted in this forum. Sara went out of her way to sort it out.

Sara, I continue to love my lights ;)


And I am a real person. I have a name and hair on my chest and everything!

Happy smoking everyone ;)
Thank you very much Antics, I would like to explain more about this later. :circle-of-love:
No need to be angry or upset brother. It's not that nobody WANTS to say negative things, it's that they have nothing negative to say.

I have the exact same light as you do, and if you want the raw, no bullshit facts from someone using it, here they are:

My previous grows were with CFLs, and were decent grows, with my last being the most successful.
This light is intense. It's extremely powerful, and very efficient. I used it too close to a seedling and I damaged my plant. Being a new LED grower, I am still learning the ropes of light height, and nutrients.

My plant right now is in rough shape, showing multiple deficiencies, some fairly advanced. And indirectly, the light caused it. But why did it cause it? Because the light is powerful. It has been designed and engineered to be that way, and has been designed to save power, and produce results similar to HID systems of higher power consumption.

The lights will not directly damage a mature plant when used properly. However, due to the intensity, the plant has MORE light available to use. This means it will intake MORE water, and it will need MORE nutrients. (I'm giving my plant nutrient doses at levels I wouldn't have used until she was double this age, and I'm still way behind lol)

The customer service at TopLED is more than anyone could ask for. I actually think this is the first real complaint I've seen about it.

The opinions of your deficiencies came from people with years of growing experience, some individuals have DECADES of experience, so these are not biased opinions, but experienced ones. Some opinions came from people not even currently growing with her lights.

Honestly from me to you, as a friend, I'd like to suggest that you start a help topic here: Frequently Asked Questions

You already have an account here, so the hard part of signing up is done. Let us help you get your plants going strong. We're all in this together, working together to legalize Cannabis for everyone, there's no reason for you not to join our family here so we can help you get things back on track!
Hello Brock, sorry this thing takes one week, I really did not get pictures of your plants,The first time you told me, I asked you if that caused by PH problem, becuase I read here often, and a lot people have PH problem when they use LED, you said it is not, so I asked you to send me pictures, the first one I did not get. so I ask second time. then I post here and hope to help you find the real problem and solve it ASAP.thats what I want. If you read back, you will find it is not the first time I post picture here and ask help:) I know people are friendly here and they will try their best to help me if I need help, so I trust them and I ask help here:)
I'm not angry at all. I could care less about the light or what any of you guys say. I'm annoyed at the fact Sara has avoided me for a week. I keep emailing her then she puts my plants on a website to ask people what they think is wrong without posting what the circumstances behind it are. Then after 2 weeks of finally getting a real answer she says no I won't because of what people on here said. If she told me no from the get go I would've total understood. Instead brings my business on here without the back story to validate her saying no she won't swap it for a less expensive light. Idk how companies do business in China but in America we value business. If someone was dissatisfied with my product and didn't ask for the money back but was willing to try another product that is less expensive I would jump on that opportunity to make that customer happy. The sad thing is if this worked I would've bought 3 900w Mars lights for my real flower tent. But apparently I don't know how to grow. I'll stick to my grow shops where if I have an issue they fix it. Peace
Hi Brock, how about I bid the light out on our EB store? then you help us to ship to new customer?this way you will not have any lose, I would like to refund you the money. but we know LED is the future, if you can find the right way to use it, that would be better :) your decision.
I'm not angry at all. I could care less about the light or what any of you guys say. I'm annoyed at the fact Sara has avoided me for a week. I keep emailing her then she puts my plants on a website to ask people what they think is wrong without posting what the circumstances behind it are. Then after 2 weeks of finally getting a real answer she says no I won't because of what people on here said. If she told me no from the get go I would've total understood. Instead brings my business on here without the back story to validate her saying no she won't swap it for a less expensive light. Idk how companies do business in China but in America we value business. If someone was dissatisfied with my product and didn't ask for the money back but was willing to try another product that is less expensive I would jump on that opportunity to make that customer happy. The sad thing is if this worked I would've bought 3 900w Mars lights for my real flower tent. But apparently I don't know how to grow. I'll stick to my grow shops where if I have an issue they fix it. Peace
thank you very much GF:) U read here everyday,so you know me and our company well:)

yes, we can not grow , so I can not get the first hand message:) I can get on facebook and youtube, but I need to change my IP to US IP, use VPN:) but when I use US IP address, I can not reply email, so usually I will not change my IP especially when I am busy:)
Hello brock, i can tell you have made up your mind and that is great. Not all growers are the same and we cant make everything work like the other. (i fear hydro like americans fearing ebola).. other growers will swear to me that they get much denser nugs and happier plants. i would argue differently.

So to the part of your comment that made me deside to respond as many others here..

about 1-2 months ago we had a 420mag member under the name 'Curso' come into this thread. he had a extremely terrible issue with his light and brought the issue to light on this thread. the only defense that members gave top led grow light, is this issue has only happened with one of their lights from the many growers just on this website growing with them. 420mag also showed their support when this one issue came to light letting anyone reading know this is not a common issue. Sara had the best customer service sending him a brand new free light.

about a 2 weeks to a month ago, we had a 420mag member new to the site come into this thread and complain about shipping fees to their country, they were not understanding each other and he was upset he was having to pay 100+ extra just for shipping, and if he wanted to get two lights, they were tacking that same shipping fee onto that light instead of combining the shipping into one fee. this issue was brought to light here and sara solved it and made that member happy.

i can recall at least 2 more incidents that customers have had with topled and have brought that issue to light on this thread. even if its being as small as not getting free yo-yo with their purchase as promised.

so all i can tell you, is if you actually want to make this work. Sara will get you taken care of, just understand there is a language barrier and they are not allowed as much freedom where she comes from. she cant even watch youtube for jah sake.

Long time no see,:welcome: back hiker:)
Day 26 since flip to 12/12.




You can definitely grow dank with your Mars II LED's! :thumb: :high-five:

I'll have a new journal once all that empty space to the right has plants in it. :Namaste:
Hi Brock, it is not I do not want to ship a new light to you, if there has the same situation, how will we solve it? We use the same spectrum ratios, I can not promise to you this problem will not happen again if you keep the former growing methods.We would like to find the real answer to this problem.:)
I understand the language barrier. I was just taken back that our private conversation was taken to this thread without my knowledge then told I messed my plants up because someone said it's a cal mag deficiency. She posted 1 picture with the rest of the email left out explaining the situation. All I wanted was the cheaper 48x3w reflector instead and I'll pay the shipping. The money is not the issue. Now I joined this site, which I don't like doing, to explain my side. In the end there is a reason for everything. If I ain't broke don't fix it!!! Good luck to all the led growers but HPS has never let me down and I'll put my weight and quality up against the best of them out there!
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