Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:thumb: the small size will cover your space. you are very right with the functions...:circle-of-love:
I read up on it. You pretty much just need one light. I'm buying it! :circle-of-love: (at least for my space.2x4x6 might be tooo much right??) Does it all, seedling,veg, bloom. Temp and humidity reader, remote, IT HAS A TIMER :thumb: but we can't forget the LED new technology it comes with it.
:party:haha iseckz, that's good.:goof:
it will be to replace the hps.
LEDBud is always correct.:thumb: I like your sharpness. :winkyface: In the near future, when we have stocked them at the warehouse, the cost will be lowered so as to be within the reach of most people.:Namaste:

Thank you for the 'compliment' and GREAT to hear about the Prices
hello Griz, basically your are right. :circle-of-love: you can choose to only switch on veg, which will save you power bill. Or you can also choose to switch on both. Then the switches is just accessory without use.:volcano-smiley: some growers run full spectrum througout the whole growth, so to them there is no point in having switches. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I could be wrong on this....

I can see that if you are taking plants from VEG to FLOWER with the same LEDs by all means run the VEG and BLOOM switches on during the entire cycle. If you plan on only using the REFLECTOR series, for example, in your mother tent where you have no intention of flowering your plants, couldn't you, wouldn't you want, to just run VEG switch on?

Ever since my reflectors arrived I have wondered what is the point in having switches and the only reason I can think of is if I want to keep something in veg.
:thumb: they looks great, Griz without caring for four days. looking forward to the flower stage. :morenutes:
So came back from a 4 day trip to Chicago leaving my plants in the hands of the Mars Hydro lights and the Marijuana Goddess, something so beautiful has to be female.

I just wanted to post this picture because a friend of mine that swears against LED couldn't believe that my 144x5 reflectors could penetrate my canopies. I grow my plants sideways by bending the main stem horizontal and curving the the stems around the inside of the pot (LST). This causes my plants to be low profile and bushy.

These go into flower on Wednesday

:thanks: thanks for the info, LEDBud. :thumb:
A seedling/plant that I am growing under a predominately blue light with IR and white perhaps a few reds in the blend has grown about 10% faster and slightly wider/ taller and has 7 sets of leave compared to its twin (same everything) with 6 sets of leaves and nearly 2" less width that was grown under a predominately Red light.

The blue light plant looks stronger even if slightly so, I think there is something to the bloom grow switches that has real world effect.

The bloom / grow blend just appeals to my senses. For years I used a full spectrum Son Agro HPS bulb for my grow / bloom light with good results. That light being hps had a stronger Red spectrum then blue and produced healthy harvests.
:circle-of-love:thanks for the help, WJ. How is your grow now :love:
Think energy savings. I run my reflector with both switches on. A plant needs full spectrum.

Griz, I have done a little research. Most is in theory not in practices. A predominantly blue spectrum is good for strengthening seedlings and encouraging compact, leafy development. Not sure of the big difference when red is added during veg. :Namaste: I will dig up more info.
That didn't answer my question but thanks.

I run my switches both on as well. Colorado has pretty good pricing on utilities compared to most states and the energy savings is so small that it makes little to no difference if I run one switch on or two. The lights my kids leave on in the house use more electricity than my grow room.

Personally I have not seen a side by side to demonstrate the difference in veg running just one switch on or both so it's pretty much just differing opinions.
:thumb: thanks for the practical explanation. well said.:circle-of-love:
I have run young plants in both Veg and both switches on and while growth was good in either setting the plants just looked better with both on, a bit fuller and reaching for the light. I have seen it said that the red spectrum aids in root development better roots equal better growth. I always judge by water uptake and growth and for me the more light the better that said it will be interesting with the new lights and more power how it turns out using the growth program

I think a lot of the questions come from the ideas of old growers who thought the increased red from winter sunlight was what caused flowering and now we know it is the light cycle but like a lot of old beliefs they linger and yes the red light helps and is needed
:thumb: good, I want to see them. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I've been vegging under 600 equiv watts of (6) 100w rated Cree screw in bulbs that home depot was selling for 4.97 (now 29.97 lol). At 17w input, and 5000k I like it and the plants jump to the light. The Veg space is 20"x20"x 50". The strain is unknown , There in 2gal cloth bags with black gold seedling mix, FFOF and , extra perlite.
They suck water like you read about and the nodes are very close, But they are also clones. LoL blowin smoke :volcano-smiley:
WOW second grow, ganjazz, thank you for sharing.:party::party::party:
Highhh Sarah,:blushsmile:

2nd grow Mars-Hydro :cheer:

Current first grow, almoast finished.


Harvest from 3 plants + baby plant, 1 jar already up in smoke :ganjamon::tokin:

db! so I am sitting in front of the computer at the office :nomo: almost dozing off and then I see these colorful sweet dessert with chocolate, chocolate, chocolate....:drool: they look so...yummy! What's amazing is that you made them on your own. It's so sweet. I wish I was your neighbor:yahoo: I have no doubt that a man who can make food will have a good grow! Show me the brownies... :party:

Just for the fun of it...
Rice Crispy/puffed rice treats


3 tablespoons butter
1 package (10 oz., about 40) JET-PUFFED Marshmallows or an equivalent
4 cups JET-PUFFED Miniature Marshmallows or an equivalent
6 cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal or an equivalent

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.

2. Add KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES cereal or equivalent. Stir until well coated.

3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares. Best if served the same day.

In microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Microwave cooking times may vary.


-For best results, use fresh marshmallows.
-1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow crème can be substituted for marshmallows.
-Diet, reduced calorie or tub margarine is not recommended.
-Store no more than two days at room temperature in airtight container.
-To freeze, place in layers separated by wax paper in airtight container. Freeze for up to 6 weeks. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.
- add your choice of chocolate pieces after step one

- Measurements listed above are in the U.S. standard feel free to use the U.K. standard of measurement if you wish.
Hi All,
I would like to tell everyone about my recent experience with Mars Hydro and a warranty issue I had about 2 months ago.
Early last year I bought a M2 700 for my first indoor grow, all went well, and I packed it away for the summer. So in June I set back up, and again all was well. About the start of June I happened to notice that a bank of 25 LEDs was no longer functioning so I contacted Sara to start a warranty claim. She was very fast in her reply, requesting pictures of the fault and all the relevant details, she then forwarded my case to Sean who took over from there, confirming all the details and requesting pictures, 2 days later, and everything was sorted and a medium sized envelope with all my new parts was on its way by China post. Everything arrived safe and sound 4 business days later, to be honest, I was astounded, as I had shipped things from China before by China post and waited up to 2 months for it to arrive, definately a new delivery record as far I was concerned, anyway I digress. Because I am in the middle of something at the moment, I didn't do the repairs immediately. Tonight I noticed another 50 LEDs not working, so apparently fate had decided I was doing the repairs tonight, and so 2 hours ago, I unhooked the light, turned the solering iron on, stuck 2 AA batteries together for testing and grabbed my number 2 phillips head screwdriver. I am happy to say that not only is the build quality of the light very high for its price point, but the replacement of what turned out to be 4 warm white LEDs and one diode was one of the easiest repairs I have ever made to anything, seriously, anybody with basic skills could do it unassisted. Unfortunately, because I am clumsy, and reckless, I melted the lenses on 1 blue LED and 3 red ones which then also needed replacing, but, you know, shit happens.
Anyway, all went well (although I no longer have any spare white LEDS because I was only supplied for the original repair) and I would like to thank both Sara and Sean for their exemplary customer service, Mars Hydro is definately a standout Chinese supplier, and if this level of service and quality continue they will be a majar player for some time.
So, in the words of the legendary Denise "I love my Mars Hyro lights, and I am a real person".
There were questions about the grow bloom switches on the lights and what they do and today I spoke with a friend who is a long time grower and regularly attends class on the science of growing all plants not just MJ his comment was the blue spectrum promotes the stem,branch, and leaf growth and is great for young plants but the red spectrum develops the plants ability to change over to flower and if it is either not given or held till the plants are well into the growth cycle will cause the plant to have a reduced flower output and development. He recommended only using predominate blue for the first week or two (I know he uses clones so longer for seeds)then a full spectrum or at least a mix till near flower then only full spectrum, predominate red from there on. Hope this helps those who have wondered about the switches and it will be interesting to hear what Sara finds out
EEEK! I have a problem my first one! :bitingnails:

OK so one of my LED's it looks like the little lens over it is burnt somehow, but I can still see the blue LED behind it going. Does this mean its burning out, or what does that mean?
:rollit: you are welcome, LEDbud I also feel good to say it.:hug:
Thank you for the 'compliment' and GREAT to hear about the Prices
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