Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I may be wrong, but I think more plants under light will get you higher yield than more light on the same plants.

I did very well with a 600W hps in a 4x4 for 37w/sqft, but that particular hps puts out more lumens/watt than the other sizes.

I don't need yield, so I'm headed the other direction. I'm going to end up with 60+ LED watts/sqft when I'm finished. One medium panel in the center, surrounded by small panels in the corners. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looking forward to watch some PAR-meter readings vid with the new panel!
And I really hope the new fans are more quiet, getting 52db out of my Mars II 400, same db with my Mars II 900s too.
Other than that I cannot complain :)

I replaced the fans in mine with super quiet dynamic float type bearing pc fans, you cant even hear it run now, I have photos of this replacement operation if anyone is interested in seeing it
This may be sloppy ....... from phone :)

1: Thank you - I like it :)
The hard part now becomes when does a person lose their ROI (return on investment) by adding more light. Keeping in mind that number would different for those that could add more space than those that can't. IE I have more room to grow than I have comfort zone in drawing power to my house with drawing raised eyebrows. I know this will get complicated but the current standards of answering this just seem way too inadequate. Being new.........I am just learning how to answer them for myself.

2: Understood. Since plants do not grow on watts - equations to how much is needed should be by model of LED where the PAR/spectrum remain fixed. I doubt few would argue that a reflector watt (love these) equals a Budmaster GOD. Watt.

3: Exactly! Not to mention veg time and the schedule for it. So when some one tells me they grew 1g per watt........I just sigh..........

My project also includes water, nutes, initial investment ...... all the basic principles of TCO and ROI. All things I need to start tracking....and will once I am a bit more solid with my actual growing and can free up the time do so.

First, grats on harvest :thumb:

KJC did a great first reply. Pretty much what I would have said :blalol:

1. I suspect we all calculate ROI a little different. I just did my calc. I'm at ~35W/sq ft. Seems to work fine for me. I would start there and then, after a couple harvest, add lights if needed.

2. Watts are the best we have to go on. PAR would be great but it's very hard to measure accurately. There is actually a fair amount of controversy and/or disputes about some PAR data. The most commonly used sensor has some flaws inherent to how it works that can make some lights give higher relative readings than another lamp, even though the second lamp produced more actual PAR. Like KJC said, there are a lot of wavelengths that are not detected.

You can use grams/watt as a way to compare different lights. Like you said, 1W from one light is not necessarily the same as 1W from another light. Let's assume we're talking LEDs only here, then comparing actual draw watts and the yield they produced can provide valuable information. Sure, there are lots of other variables, but with enough examples, we can see differences/trends. This IS a valid measure/calculation to make comparisons with.

My favorite measure is oz/sqft. Combined with above, I think the two #s give an excellent measure of yield that is very comparable to other grows.

3. Why sigh? It's is still a valid measure. Sure, you need to be aware of all the details that resulted in that number. Invariably, the calculation is flowering watts. While veg watts may matter for someone trying to write a business plan, it's never factored into this calculation. Here is why...

Let's say we have an 4' x 8' growing area (32 sqft) and we light it with 6 MH II 400's (~200W actual x 6 = ~1200W actual). If I get 1 oz/sqft (very easy to achieve), that's 32 oz or 896g which means we get 0.75 g/W. Notice I never mentioned how many plants? You can do this with 128 plants (sog), 6 (I run one plant per MH II 400), or 1 giant monster (scrog or training). BTW, this also works out to (1200W/32sqft) 37.5W/sqft. Just barely above the minimum KJC recommended.

There are many many ways to veg plants. Which is best really depends on your flower setup. So we really only compare the results of flowering. Once you decide how you will flower, that will dictate your veg area requirements.

I get your goal. I'm an analytical type person too. Use oz/sqft AND oz/W for your estimates. Keep in mind that it will take some time to dial in your space as well. I was able to get a great first harvest in my basement space, but it's only gotten better every harvest since. That's hard to predict and put into a business plan. :winkyface:

Good luck.
Hey guys ,

i ordered the mars hydro 300w (old) LED model from AliExpress , but one thing that has been keeping me worried is i don't see no IR bulbs ??

I sent an email to mars hydro asking them if the seller from AliExpress (Top LED Grow Light Co., LTD) is the same as the actual seller . Its been 2 weeks and i had no answer so service seems to be GREAT !

Here are some pictures i took . Hope i can get some help from you guys .


Yeah, that's not Mars-Hydro's current spectrum - the layout is obviously different.

IDK Gray... Look at the 4th pic and the little sticker on there says "scam" me for the best price or something like that and I corrected this with Sara on my last delivery and that has been a couple of months ago probably.... Mine said the exact thing and I thought it was probably something that should be corrected and I would have a hard time believing if someone was copying the lights they would copy the same error in the sticker.... I honestly don't know... I only have 1 old model and it is a all red spectrum for bloom so I don't know what the normal spectrum looks like on the old models....
guy.... It is Some early hour of the morning in China right now... Actually Sat. morning but I'm sure Sara or her assistant will be on here later tonight.... Usually around 8 pm eastern time... I wouldn't freak till I talked to Sara..... I can't answer to why they have not responded to your emails but she will respond to you here I'm sure.... She responds to every post......:circle-of-love:
Hey guys ,

i ordered the mars hydro 300w (old) LED model from AliExpress , but one thing that has been keeping me worried is i don't see no IR bulbs ??

I sent an email to mars hydro asking them if the seller from AliExpress (Top LED Grow Light Co., LTD) is the same as the actual seller . Its been 2 weeks and i had no answer so service seems to be GREAT !

Here are some pictures i took . Hope i can get some help from you guys .


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I replaced the fans in mine with super quiet dynamic float type bearing pc fans, you cant even hear it run now, I have photos of this replacement operation if anyone is interested in seeing it

Just curious what exact fans (brand/ model) did you use? Are they typical 120mm PC fans?

I just received the 1200w model today and the noise doesn't bother me, but I may swap them out. I'm not quite sure with the hanging of the unit.... Right now I've used two of the leads at each corner to a yo-yo, but I can see I'm going to need to change this up to get more clearance later on. Suggestions???
I am not going there, but my boss Mandy will, I am sure she will take some pictures, and I would like to share with you when I get them. :cheesygrinsmiley::circle-of-love:
Take pictures and post them for those of us that can't make it!!!:circle-of-love:

By the way, the booth number is: M6D :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello everyone here, we are going to attend the Canabis Cup in LA/San Bernardino from Feb. 7th ~8th this weekend. :circle-of-love: Everyone is welcome to visit our booth. :cheer::cheer:
Always appreciate these professional questions :circle-of-love:
Sorry if my post sometimes comes across as ungrateful because I am truly very thankful for the that sooooooo many of you give such great help. The main reason I think i get frustrated with some of these statements/equations is because the are simply not defined well.

What does productive growth mean?
Why are watt equations used vs PAR?
When using Watt equations why is not the actual time integrated into it. IE total Kwatts used?

Not trying to be difficult here and rock the boat but as Tech PM, THESE are the simple questions I would ask team on a new project.

Sincerely :)
And professional answers here. :thumb:
I never mind questions!

1) I define productive growth as producing vigorous flowering vegetation. When a illumination source is either too far from the plant or too weak to produce productive growth a plant begins making light airy popcorn bud instead of dense large buds.

2) While PAR ratings can tell you the amount of illumination a object is getting at measured distances a PAR meter is expensive equipment. PAR also does not measure either Ultra Violet or Infra Red light only the narrow bad of solar radiation from 400 to 700 nanometers. Actual watt per square foot recommendations are more easily used to calculate power needed for coverage. Photosynthetically Active Radiation

3) Time is not factored into the equation as the duration of light in flower 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is consistent to induce flowering and most commonly used regardless of illumination source. Total Kilowatts of energy would vary to greatly with the illumination source, design and efficiency to give a standardized number.

This may be sloppy ....... from phone :)

1: Thank you - I like it :)
The hard part now becomes when does a person lose their ROI (return on investment) by adding more light. Keeping in mind that number would different for those that could add more space than those that can't. IE I have more room to grow than I have comfort zone in drawing power to my house with drawing raised eyebrows. I know this will get complicated but the current standards of answering this just seem way too inadequate. Being new.........I am just learning how to answer them for myself.

2: Understood. Since plants do not grow on watts - equations to how much is needed should be by model of LED where the PAR/spectrum remain fixed. I doubt few would argue that a reflector watt (love these) equals a Budmaster GOD. Watt.

3: Exactly! Not to mention veg time and the schedule for it. So when some one tells me they grew 1g per watt........I just sigh..........

My project also includes water, nutes, initial investment ...... all the basic principles of TCO and ROI. All things I need to start tracking....and will once I am a bit more solid with my actual growing and can free up the time do so.
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