Mimosa, Runtz, Wedding Cake Medley


420 Member
Pleased to meet you all. I'm Kevin, Central New York. My usual the last 3 years has been to tent raise about 20 girls for 6 weeks to be planted outdoors either in ground or 10 gal. cloth pots. Works fairly well, myself and a couple others never run out of good freshly cured weed. You are at the mercy of Mother Nature in Central New York. My 1st indoor grow was in the early 80's . 10x10 room, 1000w MH. Miracle Grow was the fert of choice in a mix of vermiculite and perlite. It was smokable, barely. We have come a long way with this plant and how to make it create the buds we so desire if for meds that make our joints feel better or relax in the evening or just for fun. I'll be 65 when the next plants go in the ground in June.

So anyway, on to 2022. I had MSNL send me my choices for the season. This year it will be Mimosa (5 beans) Runtz (5) and Wedding Cake (5). Extras that came were Green Crack (2) THC Bomb (2) and White Widow Max (3). I needed a taller 2X4, I had been using a 5 foot tall tent. 240 w blurple was doing fine for 6 weeks growth then outside but nope, needed a new stronger white type light. Instead of planting in April I was going to pop 3 for the new, better tent and light set up.
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Nice to meet you! Of the strains you mentioned I have grown mimosa and was very impressed. I have slightly different growing conditions, semi coastal central Calif. congrats on the upcoming birthday, I’ll be 65 next week myself. I also grow indoors in winter in a 6.5 X 6.5 X 7 tent. I spent a lot of time in Humboldt Co. back in the 70’s, so I really like outdoor growing. Welcome aboard, take a seat on the bus, hang on!
This is all counting on an 8 week flower. Or so I guess. That would finish them about April 10 if the ladies play by my rules and timeline. I'll try to explain it to them. They just laugh and laugh. This will be 8 weeks tomorrow, 2 in flower. I'm a bit disappointed, they never really filled out as I had wanted. I'll get to what they are in and under. This is an organic grow. Always used the liquid FF, the trio. The only thing in the R/O water is NH a fish and sea weed mix. 2-3-1. Gave 'em 1/2 dose most watering's until flower week 2 weeks ago. Then 1Table/gallon. I water till light about every 5 days. On top every 2 weeks in flower I dress with Geoflora bloom, I perhaps should have used a bit of their regular grow mix but im thinking the FFOF and CoM 50/50 mix would take them to the 6 weeks to flower growth. Tomorrow is the end of 8 weeks for them, 2 in flower.

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Nice to meet you! Of the strains you mentioned I have grown mimosa and was very impressed. I have slightly different growing conditions, semi coastal central Calif. congrats on the upcoming birthday, I’ll be 65 next week myself. I also grow indoors in winter in a 6.5 X 6.5 X 7 tent. I spent a lot of time in Humboldt Co. back in the 70’s, so I really like outdoor growing. Welcome aboard, take a seat on the bus, hang on!
Thank you and pleased to hear from you. The outdoor conditions may be challenging for those. They will give up something.
R/O water Following the Emilya method
320 watts 320xl r
4 inch pipes up and down, the lower has a cheap can fan for air intake. Is adjustable but its wide open all the time as is the upper exhaust. I control the heat by keeping the room around 68 and adjusting the intake in the tent for outside air. Right now 11:25 at night it's running 72.3F, 42% 35 minutes before lights out.

Started off with a disaster right off the bat. My objective was to pop 3 seeds. 1 each the Mimosa, Runtz and a wedding Cake. Paper towel method. I prefer the drop it in water method but guided by some kush or something I took the paper towel, wet them and tucked the girls away for a few. Next morning I had put them wrong place wrong way and bone dry. Soooo, I wrote those 3 off and plopped another 3 in water along with the dry 3 from the paper towel stunt. I thought the dried out 3 seeds were shot but the water seed CPR must have, well, did produce me 6 sprouts. The Mimosa off the bat started as the runt of the 3. Poked up a bit slow, the other Mimosa (I now have 2 of each) had a membrane problem and couldn't pop the head off and trying to help it led to it's early demise. So 1 Mimosa down, the other kind of a runt. I think she wants more than I have given her. I think all 3 may be a root thing. although I think I have treated them well.

Jan. 9th They showed their heads.... Day 1
A week into it I transplanted to a cup of FFHF with a touch of CoM soil in the bottom.
2 weeks after that into 1 gal. cloth pots
The soil for them was a 50/50 mix FFOF and CoM
I added Dynomyco at this point, I might have put some in the cups also but I'm not sure if I did.
3 Weeks in the 1 gal. , a few days shy I transplanted to 5 gal. 3 of them went to 5 gal., 2 went to 2 gal. just a few days ago. Hate to kill them so I figured I'd stick them in the back and do as they may. I don't treat them as well. no room for 5 5 gal. pots. I figure if they get in the way, I tried. So far they haven't.
Jan. 9th They showed their heads.... Day 1
A week into it I transplanted to a cup of FFHF with a touch of CoM soil in the bottom.
2 weeks after that into 1 gal. cloth pots
The soil for them was a 50/50 mix FFOF and CoM
I added Dynomyco at this point, I might have put some in the cups also but I'm not sure if I did.
3 Weeks in the 1 gal. , a few days shy I transplanted to 5 gal. 3 of them went to 5 gal., 2 went to 2 gal. just a few days ago. Hate to kill them so I figured I'd stick them in the back and do as they may. I don't treat them as well. no room for 5 5 gal. pots. I figure if they get in the way, I tried. So far they haven't.
Good morning @honeeye hope you are having a good day my friend.
Great start to your garden.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:

Stay safe
Welcome to 420 Magazine @honeeye

It looks like you are off to a good start with a fine group of ladies.
If you start a grow journal we will be able to follow along with you. Here's the link.

How to Make a Grow Journal

Also, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
This kind of thing on the lower leaves is all I've run into nothing else leaf wise except one of the 2 gal. pot plants got all kinds of over dosages. When I transplanted to 2 gal. I just kind of thru the stuff in. I think it got shocked and burned, it's ok for the most part.
Good morning @honeeye hope you are having a good day my friend.
Great start to your garden.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:

Stay safe
Thank you Bill. Look forward to a smooth sail in flower


Tomorrow is day 1 of week 4 flower. The order L-R is Runtz, Mimosa and wedding cake with a Wedding Cake and Runtz in back. The Wedding Cake took about 10 days longer than than the other two to start flowering and seems to continue to just be behind for some reason. Genetics I suppose.

In the back I have my 2 extras. The wedding cake got fried with something. I think it was a soil mixture thing. something must have gotten into a clump perhaps. Too great of a concentration in one place maybe. Took the fried leaves off and it seems to be flowering.

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