Mr Teddy Grows Indoors & Out In 2015

:cheer: neighbour. I've been keeping an eye on your place. Kinda glad it's not just me the postal system here keeps waiting. :cheer:

i know i saw you lurk in my gardens :smokin: always nice to see a neighbour drop over for a peak :high-five:

it took me like 10 days for my beans to arrive, and the order was placed right before pascha too, so kinda ok-ish delivery time.

i payed for a secure mail of course and could track it the whole way, it took 2 days to get in the country tho and another 8 for them to pick a freaking envelope and bring it to me, so you kinda see my point in there too.

mostly depends on the place you live, thats the reason i guess you get beans so late, being hidden from civilization in a secret sweet spot, but mostly they dont work that fast. Then again can you blame them for what the goverment pays them, but thats a whole different conversation.

on a different note, i think i have found my strain that ill go perpetual with. more on that later on the road :smokin:

God speed


:ciao: Playmates.

Yesterday. Everybody outside for watering.


Action photography. Spring water and nettle & borage tea. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Blueberries, Mazars and Master Kushes.


Here's the spot in the raised bed where I'm going to try a Desfran. It's a little shady under the Judas tree, whose falling purple blossom is everywhere, but I'd like to see what happens. The soil is scrummy.


Whilst the big girls are draining, let's check on the 16 babies. They are staying out overnight now. I wish the herd of Nazi kittens would do the same.


Now over to a shady spot for a bit of final training on a Blueberry and Master Kush and my trusty Kelp foliar feed for everyone. Don't want anybody to get sunburn from the droplets.



My boy and my girls.


And then everybody went home.


Bless you all.

Pip Pip! :love: Mr Teddy
I'm loving the stairs & retaining wall... that is a hammock? be laying back in that, blazing.. Nice plants as well...
Looking very very nice Teddy!

:thanks: Jade. Lovely to see you as always. You know, you've been with me since Page 1 of my first journal. I really appreciate that. You must be as tolerant as Mrs Teddy. :laughtwo:

For the first time I've had zero problems with the growing girls. I can only put it down to the LOS-based soil mixture and the use of only nettle & borage tea for feeding. I'm not anti-nutes - everyone should do what works for them. But this seems to be working for me. Or rather, for the plants.

Lovely looking girls! Beautiful garden and nice dog.

What are Nazi kittens :rofl::rofl: black shirts?

:ciao: Bappie. I see you are enjoying the same good weather now. Nice dog? NICE DOG? Surely you mean "Best dog in the world". :cheesygrinsmiley:

Long term readers know that last year we were invaded by kittens who walked up our drive. In return for food and board they behaved like the Germans over here in 1943. I tried to cut off their supply chain by taking to the hills and shooting down their KiteKat delivery vehicles. Now they've had kittens themselves. There are 11 cats now in and around the house. Give nature and inch and she'll take the lot. :cheer:

Maus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This might be the literature of the Nazi kittens

Watch out for those off-site links. Got to keep this all on-topic. Bad Mod. :laughtwo:

What a pleasant and relaxing garden. I was transported :clap::rollit::peace:

:thanks: Rad. I see we share the same wedding anniversary. We hit 15 years yesterday. I can't wait to get the little ones potted on outside. The garden's in three sections. Unfortunately the permanently sunny part is right at the front of the house which, if I got lucky with a big old Desfran sativa, just might be visible. That's why I'll be trying one in the back veg plot. It gets about 5 hours direct sunlight. Tomatoes do brilliantly in it. Worth a try, don't you think?

I'm loving the stairs & retaining wall... that is a hammock? be laying back in that, blazing.. Nice plants as well...

:cheer: Grizz. Yep, that's Mrs T's hammock in the shady garden. She was briefly ejected for the photo. :cheesygrinsmiley:
hey there neighbour. you really outdid yourself this year didnt you :smokin:

lovely garden, very peaceful and vibrant

i like how lil Teddy is looking at the plants, like he is the guardian of the herb :rofl:

nice update buddy, one can tell that you've got your hands full

I adopted 3 sick stray cats when we first moved here! 4 years ago. Took them to the vets got their shots and had them all fixed. Last year took on another 4 sick strays same procedure shots and everyone gets fixed. They are only fed every other day cos I need them as mousers. my 4 very large outdoor dogs have been trained not to attack the seven that are part of of our property, but everything else that comes unto the property without permission man or beast is fair game. Every so often we find a savaged kitten/cat that the dogs have torn to's not nice, but there is a serious stray dogs and cats situation here and seven is the limit of my charity and resources.

And yes the weather is gloriously hot here, upper 20's already and only early May. My plants are loving it, but I might have to up watering to 2ce a week.

Regards to you and Mrs T :high-five:
Oh, Mr. Teddy, I absolutely love cannabis leaves beyond reason and your update was overflowing with beauty! You drop those seeds in and hope..... to be smitten as they develop. It has to make you smile, eh?

Do you do a kelp foliar every watering?

My best to Mrs. Teddy and the best dog in the whole wide world. Cuddle a nazi kitten for me. Bet it purrs. See? Love personified. :laughtwo: :love:
hey there neighbour. you really outdid yourself this year didnt you :smokin:

lovely garden, very peaceful and vibrant

i like how lil Teddy is looking at the plants, like he is the guardian of the herb :rofl:

nice update buddy, one can tell that you've got your hands full


:ciao: Kali mera. 420brother. Kala? Yes, Teddy helps me guard against trolls, spammers and negative energy. :cheesygrinsmiley: And inquisitive kittens.

I adopted 3 sick stray cats when we first moved here! 4 years ago. Took them to the vets got their shots and had them all fixed. Last year took on another 4 sick strays same procedure shots and everyone gets fixed. They are only fed every other day cos I need them as mousers. my 4 very large outdoor dogs have been trained not to attack the seven that are part of of our property, but everything else that comes unto the property without permission man or beast is fair game. Every so often we find a savaged kitten/cat that the dogs have torn to's not nice, but there is a serious stray dogs and cats situation here and seven is the limit of my charity and resources.

And yes the weather is gloriously hot here, upper 20's already and only early May. My plants are loving it, but I might have to up watering to 2ce a week.

Regards to you and Mrs T :high-five:

:ciao: Bappie. Well, that's one tale I won't be sharing with Mrs T. :cheesygrinsmiley: And yes, I should have had the cats 'done'. Just so blooming expensive. But I'm paying for it now!

Thats it you got it 420 brother:high-five:I was thinking he looks very attentive ,,he is guarding
Loving the action photography:rofl: I always get a great feeling here :420::circle-of-love::love::circle-of-love:

:ciao: amigo. Always makes me smile to see you here with your lovely energy. :thanks:

It's very excellent to see you active here Mr. Teddy. Sorry I'm late to wish you happy anniversary, but I totally forgot last year.. so that is that.

I am sitting in the garden at sundown with about 100 tulips and no mosquitos.... it won't last but it's good right now :thumb:

:ciao: Rad. :thanks: Our tulips have gone now but the carnations, camelias and clematis are splendid - and something bit my left foot so much last night it's actually glowing. :laugh:

Oh, Mr. Teddy, I absolutely love cannabis leaves beyond reason and your update was overflowing with beauty! You drop those seeds in and hope..... to be smitten as they develop. It has to make you smile, eh?

Do you do a kelp foliar every watering?

My best to Mrs. Teddy and the best dog in the whole wide world. Cuddle a nazi kitten for me. Bet it purrs. See? Love personified. :laughtwo: :love:

:ciao: Sue. Loving your own leaf porn on your journal too. I use the kelp spray, with its lovely micro-nutrients, especially on the underside of the leaves which is where the receptors are (credit: PeeJay), about twice a week. The tea goes in every other watering.
Mr. Teddy, the big girls are looking quite robust! I do think that your seedling mix is a little hot for babies, however. You are not getting out of the gates as quickly as you could. I'll justify that comment with a comparison.

By my reckoning your babies are about 11 - 12 days out of the dirt in this picture. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Here is my current brood of babies @ 15 days.


I know that you have embraced the idea that we don't want to feed the babies steak and Bearnaise or you wouldn't have made a specialized seedling mix. Based on your first post in this journal the mix you are using is roughly equal parts of peat, perlite, and forest humus. Let's contemplate the humus.

That humus mat on the forest floor is strong stuff! It feeds the soil underneath from the top down. In the forest environment it does not get spaded into the soil. Respect it for it's power! A little dab'll do ya. Next time try something like 6 liters of peat, 4 liters of perlite, and about 1 liter of humus. That would be about 9 % humus by volume and might even be a bit too much.

In general, soil builders rarely err on the side of prudence. Same with the bottle crowd.
Ah, prudence, PeeJay. A rare virtue. Or as William Blake wrote: "Moderation in all things. Especially in moderation."

You are, as ever, spot on, on point and bang on. Thank you so much for the guidance. Given they have all summer, I trust too much harm has not been done. But I look at your girls and I flush with shame like a schoolboy caught doing what schoolboys do. :thanks::thanks::thanks:

Last night a wind got up here on the mountain and it's been raining sideways all day. My poor little outdoor spindly sprouts were battered but unbowed. They are sitting indoors next to the window now. Sunshine and warm temps are forecast for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in the tent.....

"In our end is our beginning and our beginning is our end."





Let's make some buds.

:circle-of-love: to all.
Pip Pip! :love: Mr Teddy x
Yippee! The lovely aromas of flowering cannabis are about to envelope you. So excited for you and Mrs. T. They look fabulous!

A quick thank you to PeeJay for that superior teaching moment. It was your style of journaling that made me want to do one of my own PeeJay. I try hard to make mine somewhat worthy of comparison to yours, trying to further the understanding of the process.

I was reading that post and wondering..... I like to plant my seeds directly into the final pot and I've been thinking from the beginning that a way to get around the need to transplant from a germination soil would be to create a well of seedling soil where I intend to plant. I'm still wet behind the ears here and have waited for the opportunity to ask you what you thought of the idea?
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