My First Closet Grow! Marshydro 300W: Bag Seeds

So as I was going to do what nobody wants to do, I gave her one final look over and here's what I found


That looks like a white hair to me lol maybe it's a he/she?? I'm glad I looked it over, what are yalls thoughts??
Hmm yea thats why i didnt say anything loll seems like she is popping pistils to me but im not familiar with a plant that is a hermie so its possible that its a shemale..

Fingers crossed for you my friend :thumb:
Great news everyone!! Went back and checked the GIRL in question while watering just now and that same ball preflower now has a single white hair poking out.. I guess the shape isn't always a sure thing. I love learning and figuring out new things, this just made my day!! Gonna clear out a corner in the spare room this weekend and get this ladies out of the tight quarters.

So here's my next question, would it be a waste to throw a scrog net in there?? I know LST'ing is suppose to do pretty much the same thing, but as you can tell from my pics the canopy still isn't even. I'm thinking about building one with my weekend off
Great news everyone!! Went back and checked the GIRL in question while watering just now and that same ball preflower now has a single white hair poking out.. I guess the shape isn't always a sure thing. I love learning and figuring out new things, this just made my day!! Gonna clear out a corner in the spare room this weekend and get this ladies out of the tight quarters.

So here's my next question, would it be a waste to throw a scrog net in there?? I know LST'ing is suppose to do pretty much the same thing, but as you can tell from my pics the canopy still isn't even. I'm thinking about building one with my weekend off

Congrats!! Take good care of her. :)

If you are satisfied with the position of your pots for the rest of the grow, you could try scrog. Personally, I'm always shifting things around a bit, turning a pot, taking a pot outside the tent for examining/photo op. To me it's more of a personal choice.
Congrats!! Take good care of her. :)

If you are satisfied with the position of your pots for the rest of the grow, you could try scrog. Personally, I'm always shifting things around a bit, turning a pot, taking a pot outside the tent for examining/photo op. To me it's more of a personal choice.

I'm gonna do my best!! Haha

Now that you say that, I'm the same way. Didn't really think of that lol I like to water in my bathtub, that way the runoff is easy to clean up.
That is smart to water in your bathtub.. i like to leave my plants alone, i try not to move them around too much. I read they dont like that in flower.. but idk maybe it doesnt matter lol im just nervous that i would hurt them or something.

I've heard that too, but haven't seen any reasoning behind it other than one person said that it can destroy roots in smart pots. If you are lifting your pots to check weight for watering, you are moving your pots. Gently moving your plant out of the tent to examine the side you never see, or to do some grooming seems to be less strain on the plant than some of the fumbling around trying to get to hard to reach places.
If anyone has some solid facts that it is detrimental to move your plants occasionally, please inform me.
If anyone has some solid facts that it is detrimental to move your plants occasionally, please inform me.

SnarlyWeed the way I look at it for all environmental changes is - in this case - plants are grown naturally in the ground. Plants in the ground don't move. Mimic nature and you will have less issues. My 2c
I dont really lift my pots to check if they need watered, only like once a month will i see how light they are to check if i need to be watering more. I always stick my finger in the soil to see how moist it is an inch down.. usually like it to be almost dry one out of the two waterings per week. The fabric pots do shift around when you move them so i guess it is possible it could damage the roots if you were rough with it.
SnarlyWeed the way I look at it for all environmental changes is - in this case - plants are grown naturally in the ground. Plants in the ground don't move. Mimic nature and you will have less issues. My 2c

Ah. Apples to oranges. We grow inside. We feed. We water. We groom. We throw all different types of light on them. We LST, Fim, mainline. We manipulate our plants. If you want to call that natural you are certainly entitled to. :peace:
I dont really lift my pots to check if they need watered, only like once a month will i see how light they are to check if i need to be watering more. I always stick my finger in the soil to see how moist it is an inch down.. usually like it to be almost dry one out of the two waterings per week. The fabric pots do shift around when you move them so i guess it is possible it could damage the roots if you were rough with it.

We all do what works for us :)
Wow! Alright boys I know you don't hear women say this too often so listen clear....

I'm sorry! I was wrong.

Congrats on the girl Bryc .


At a loss for words :thedoubletake:

But seriously. You're a good sport, kitty :high-five:
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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