My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium - Advice Welcome

Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

hey there ilikebike thanks for taking an interest man, i feel fortunate i have that space to work with and expand into. The sinks awesome i've had to carry water up to a kilometre on my outdoor grows lol so yeah the sinks very handy there and a water pump beside both screaming HYDRO at me, thinking maybe in a couple of grows when i got a better handle on the whole indoor thing.

So in my flowering room i have temps of 24-26 during lights on and it drops to 18-20 overnight. RH% hovers between 55-65.
Im watering them when i think they need and trying to keep it keep it slightly on the dry side, the pots i have them in are too small and theres not alot of holding area for moisture so im down to giving every plant 2 ltrs water every second morning. They have only been in flowering for 10 days and have ferted them once at day 5 with a store tomatoe fertilizer 2 , 1 , 3.4 at half strength, and again today with full strength. Do you think this fertilizer ratio 2, 1, 3.4 is alright or should i look for something more suitable ?

My veg room (bathroom lol) plants at day 10 the temps are 27 -30 during lights on and down to 18 - 20 overnight. RH% around 50 -55. Im watering these every 3rd morning morning have only given these one fert 12, 1.4, 7 at around 1/8 strength figured there was enough fert in the fresh potting mix when i transplanted to do them for a little while, thinking of giving them 1/2 strength tomorrow morning and up to full strength the following watering all things looking good. Dont know what my PH is, water or soil, im on rainwater here so im just hoping thats around what id want it being natural and all. Im just guessing with ferts at the moment trying to introduce them fairly slowly and watching for signs, once again id ask if that fert ratio is ok, im happy with their growth rate but you know if they could use a different ratio or increase fert frequently im up for it.

Thanks for that mate and let me know if there's anything in that info you think i should change or modify im always looking for good advice. :nomo:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Might be jumping the gun but im calling this "first Bud Porn" :;): Cream Caramel Day 10 Flowering.

Temps and RH% - In/Veg Room, Out/Flower Room.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Thanks nhgrow, When im not looking over my shoulder im enjoying growing indoors. Not counting chickens but im happy with their progress my first time under lights, done a few outside under the million watta but never had the chance to really take care of them so balancing that with trying not to kill these with kindness as well.
Thanks for popping in mate :thanks:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

woot! first bud porn! :cheesygrinsmiley: :party:

in your flowering room i think you will be safe to turn the heat up a bit with going closer to full strength, if you have a good start with a nutrient rich soil in veg you shouldnt really need to worry much about food for a couple-few mnths.. it SHOULD all be in the mix.. but when you move into flowering.. their needs will up the anti a bit with the extra requirements for phosphates etc.. all the good stuff for budding, u can see it in your fert NPK ratios of course... the flowering nutes will ALWAYS contain a shitload less N and generally a bit heavier on the P and K.. or some will merely drop the N and maybe just lift one of the p or K ratios.. but i think if you are concerned just up the strength a quarter to a third every week- like you have been doing, till full strength. after week 3-4 of flowering you can expect to be at full strength, the plants would have slowed from their initial flowering stretch and start to really thicken up in size so you can be on full bore from then on.. you are spot on bro, just keep doing what you're doing and i think you'll be pumping out pounds of beautiful indo in no time! :cheesygrinsmiley:

all the best bro! :Namaste:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

:yahoo: Yep thats the first time i've uploaded not downloaded porn too haha thanks bro.

Yeah gonna continue slowly in the flowering room i 3/4 recommended ferted this morning and they look happy they're showing little buds all over now. Actually hit my veg with full strength fert this morning i figured because they're in such small pots and they're using so much water i might just push on them and it seems they've handled it well and looking perky so thought from now id spread the fert 1/3 strength every water rather than the one dose every third watering and up the conc slowly id feel safer that way.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Unknown/Ice Veg Day 12.

Unknown/Ice Flowering day 12

This is from my flowering room all three plants have had it to some extent since i put them in there but seems to be getting worse now, is accompanied by slight curl that gets more pronounced as u move down the plant. :helpsmilie:

If anyone could tell me whats doing this id appreciate it. :thanks:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

:thumb:looking good.... mine grew alot since yesterday too. Keep it up bro!

Cheers BluDreamz. Ain't it a beautiful thing :dreamy:

Yo man some of the tips of my leaves do that too, im almost certain it may be some kind of nutrient burn but im not sure? i hope some one will chime in that knows a thing or two about discoloration in the tips of the leaves, because aside from that everything looks healthy!

Thanks mate me too, was thinking i might do what you did and flush, probably tomorrow morning, they haven't had one yet and that should take nute burn and salt build up out of the equation, i think.... Got to get me a ph kit or pen, i'd really like to know where my soil and waters at.

We shall see what happens.... Grow hard my friend :headbanger:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

That is definitely nute burn. Nothing too bad though. It's just the plant's way of telling you to back off a little. If you're in soil, just skip a couple feedings and give plain water.

That fertilizer is not ideal for flowering cannabis. You want much less N and more PK. The big box stores sell stuff that works. I've not sued it, but there is a thread about using Ozmacorte (or something like that) which an be found at walmart.

They look very good though! Excellent first grow!
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Overnight they seem to have taken a turn for the worst...

This whole branch seems to be most effected but same signs of slight twisting on other Unknown/Ice as well. Caramel Cream seems fine.

Starting to freak out, would love to hear some suggestions on what this may be guys.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Overnight they seem to have taken a turn for the worst...

This whole branch seems to be most effected but same signs of slight twisting on other Unknown/Ice as well. Caramel Cream seems fine.

Starting to freak out, would love to hear some suggestions on what this may be guys.
The yellow tip thing... I've had that alot with soil.. its a minor nute burn. As long as it don't get worse it'll be fine. I've had them all the way through a soil grow. And the flowering plant looks a little overwatered. The curling up means something but I can't remember. Only had that problem once. Pretty sure its a over fert of N thing. Looks like the starts of "the claw"
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

i got my fingers crossed for you buddy, hope the flush turns them around!
Thanks for cheering for me ilikebike, things haven't gotten any worse so hopefully things are back on track.

The yellow tip thing... I've had that alot with soil.. its a minor nute burn. As long as it don't get worse it'll be fine. I've had them all the way through a soil grow. And the flowering plant looks a little overwatered. The curling up means something but I can't remember. Only had that problem once. Pretty sure its a over fert of N thing. Looks like the starts of "the claw"

yeah iv'e had that tip burn and a little leaf claw towards the bottom of the plants right through but didn't worry to much about it, been increasing their fert towards the recommended but after their 1st 3/4 strength dose the other day the tip burn got worse then the leaf twist appeared.
As you say mate seems N is the problem and my bloom fert is quite high in it 2, 1, 3.4 so ill be backing of it and looking for a different fert ratio next grow i'd like to try something around 1, 2, 4.

Thanks for your concern and support guys i'll get the hang of this growing caper one day. :scratchinghead:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Sorry for changing my avatar so much guys:sorry: this is final dasher.

So after flushing the ?/Ice and CC i have transplanted the 15 ?/Ice plants (2 Weeks Veg) that are into PB28's or around 8 litre plastic bags, I have placed them straight into the flower room and im going to close the veg room down for a few weeks.
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