New grower, advice welcomed!


New Member
Hi everyone, I've got a jackflash (JF) whitewidow (WW) and a fruit spirit (FS) on the go at the moment. WW and FS planted end of September, and the jackflash planted a couple of weeks before them. Soil grow (bio mix) with biogrow and bio heaven, under two lights. All feminised.
Photos should be below...

JF was all going fine, until I carelessly let the tops crisp a little!! Should I cut out the bad stuff or let it heal by itself? I think this occurre when I moved it into a bigger pot and didn't adjust the lamp height, so therefore burnt it. Or could this be something else like a nutrient build up?
WW is going ok, had some yellow leaves at the bottom, got rid of them and seems to have perked up now, have increased pot size three times now (all of them) but roots are already growing out the bottom, should I go for a deeper pot again?
FS is quite a dark green colour, and has been quite slow in growing, it has also been very droopy all the way through. It is starting to grow a bit better, perking up a little. But not quite as pert as it should be?

I think I was over worried before about salt build ups in the soil and over feeding. And therefore used plain water with no nutrients quite often. I flushed them all through aswell. I have put them back on there nutrients again, and seems to be improving.

I have given each plant a little bit of pruning, after pruning it seems to wake them up, and there are generally quite perky the day after a (light) haircut.

Any advice and help would be much appreciated!

In the picture of the three together - left is the jackflash (tallest), middle is whitewidow (shortest), right is fruit spirit (middle)

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high man

U can cut of dead leaves and grow.. it look like u burned ur girl with the lamp
I think so too...

Take it easy with EVERYTHING, light, nutrient, water and handling then U shall see that your plants will flourish & thrive! Then after A while you can work more "on the edge" to increase yield. :goodluck:
Definitely trim the damaged leaves, anything that isn't green isn't photosynthesizing. The dark green, droopiness could be excess nitrogen. Back off a little with the nutes and let the plants do their thing. It is better to feed the soil than feed the plants. Feeding the soil means getting some mycorrhizae, worm castings, other organic materials into the soil. Remember, you want a gallon (~4Liters) of bucket for each foot of growth. So if you want 3-4 foot plants, you want 3-4gallon buckets (~12-16L). Your plants look great, you're off to a good start. I would re-transplant into bigger buckets and then veg for a couple more weeks to let them adjust. After that, bloom them out and watch the magic happen! A grow journal is a good idea!
Your actually lacking nitrogen. Yellowing from bottom to top, also yellowing is inward on the leaves is a sign of lacking nitrogen. What kind of soil are you using? They look to be over watered. How long does it take for the soil to get bone dry or the pots to get light weight? The browning of the tips and yellowing could be lack of sulfur/iron. Rarely happens but its a possibility. Your room humidity could play a major part in this happening. You dont want your room to be to dry.

I would clip all of the damaged leaves off and since you just flushed and started on a small amount of nutes I would let the soil go bone dry. Dont water at all. The leaves should bounce back and be perky again. And keep an eye on the new growth to see if the problem has been fixed and adjust from there. Usually plants will fix them selves with time so dont try rushing to fix any problems. Soil is very forgiving.
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