New Grower Bag Seed

Re: New grower bagseed

that's possible? o.o

here is the research

It is possible to breed and select cuttings from plants that grow, flower, and mature faster. Some plants will naturally be better than others in this regard, and it is easy to select not only the most potent plants to clone or breed, but the fastest growing/flowering plants as well.

Find your fastest growth plant, and breed it with your "best high" male for fast flowering, potent strains. Clone your fastest, best high plant for the quickest monocrop garden possible. Over time, it will save you a lot of waiting around for your plants to mature.When a male is starting to flower (2-4 weeks before the females) it should be removed from the females so it does not pollinate them. It is taken to a separate area. Any place that gets just a few hours of light per day will be adequate, including close to a window in a separate room in the house. Put newspaper or glass under it to catch the pollen as the flowers drop it.

Keep a male alive indefinitely by bending the top severely and putting it in mild shock that delays it is maturity. Or take the tops as they mature and put the branches in water, over a piece of plate glass. Shake the branches every morning to release pollen onto the glass and then scrap it with a razor blade to collect it. A male pruned in this fashion stays alive indefinately and will continue to produce flowers if it gets suitable dark periods. This is much better than putting pollen in the freezer! Fresh pollen is always best.Save pollen in an air tight bag in the freezer. It will be good for about a month. It may be several more weeks before the females are ready to pollinate.

Put a paper towel in the bag with it to act as a desecant.A plant is ready to pollinate 2 weeks after the clusters of female flowers first appear. If you pollinate too early, it may not work. Wait until the female flowers are well established, but still all while hairs are showing.Turn off all fans. Use a paper bag to pollinate a branch of a female plant. Use different pollen from two males on separate branches. Wrap the bag around the branch and seal it at the opening to the branch. Shake the branch vigorously. Wet the paper bag after a few minutes with a sprayer and then carefully remove it. Large plastic zip-lock bags also. Slip the bag over the male branch and shake the pollen loose. Carefully remove the bad and zip it up. It should be very dusty with pollen. To pollinate, place it over a single branch of the female, zipping it up sideways around the stem so no pollen leaks out. Shake the bag and the stem at the same time. Allow to settle for an hour or two and shake it again. Remove it a few hours later. Your branch is now well pollinated and should show signs of visible seed production in 2 weeks, with ripe seeds splitting the calyxes by 3-6 weeks.

One pollinated branch can create hundreds of seeds, so it should not be necessary to pollinate more than one or two branches in many cases.When crossing two different varieties, a third variety of plant will be created. If you know what characteristics your looking for in a new strain, you will need several plants to choose from in order to have the best chance of finding all the qualities desired. Sometimes, if the two plants bred had dominant genes for certain characteristics, it will be impossible to get the plant you want from one single cross. In this case, it is necessary to interbreed two plants from the same batch of resultant seeds from the initial cross. In this fashion, recesive genes will become available, and the plant character you desire may only be possible in this manner.

Usually, it is desirable only to cross two strains that are very different. In this manner, one usually arrives at what is refered to as "hybrid vigor". In other words, often the best strains are created by taking two very different strains and mating them. Less robust plants may be the result of interbreeding, since it opens up recesive gene traits that may lead to reduced potency.Hybrid offspring will all be very different from each other. Each plant grown from the same batch of seeds collected from the same plant, will be different. It is then necessary to try each plant separately and decide it is individual merits for yourself. If you find one that seems to be head and shoulders above the rest in terms of early flowering, high yield and get buzz, that is the plant to clone and continue breeding.In depth genetics is beyond the scope of this work.

See Marijuana Botany; Smith, for more detailed info in this area.
Re: New grower bagseed

Yes JBC420

And GS, I stripped a male to just one main stalk to save space and to control the pollen sacks.... once they broke open and started to spill the goods, I tapped it into a plastic tupperware and kept it in the fridge. To apply it to my lower branch(s) of the female plant I would mark them with a colored zip tie or twisty tie, mist with water. Then pull the top of a Q-tip so to get a "brush" to scoop up some pollen and then "paint" it on to the marked bud sites. That's just what I can apply any tek that you feel will be good for you of course.

Good luck! :;):
Re: New grower bagseed

so a little bit of good news and a little bit ofbad news.

good news the plants in flower are doing great. bad news, the clone and seedling not so much.
I over watered them last night and the clone does not look good. extremely droopy. im not happy with myself but id rather
make mistakes now with bag seed then on my order of white rhino.
Re: New grower bagseed

hey man. droppin in on your grow! the only logs i tend to read are first timers: that seems to be where you learn the most stuff. my first time came and went late last year so i'm on my second first try ;) you don't seem to be doing to bad at all. i daresay you have a natural knack for it. i'll definitely be following along.

i'm thinking about lst'ing my plants in a similar fashion to yours. it really depends on where their final home ends up.

Re: New grower bagseed

hey dude,
your doing realy well, Ive got a simular space and I think you could maximise your yield by scrogging next time, itll look then something like this.
Re: New grower bagseed

It takes a few "trial and error" runs but it happens. You don't need to water cuttings, you need to be patient and trust your dome to keep the moisture in...maybe try a smaller size cloner...Good luck and FORWARD.

thanks man, I was only spraying them twice a day but then noticed that they were almost drying out. I then watered them
to give them more moisture but I think I over did it. like you said trial and error.
Re: New grower bagseed

hey dude,
your doing realy well, Ive got a simular space and I think you could maximise your yield by scrogging next time, itll look then something like this.

the only thing is I need my plants to be portable and scrog would not allow me to take them in and out of the closet easily
love your grow though.
Re: New grower bagseed

hey bro, you could make a simple little CO2 generator to plug into your dome and that'll help your plants a long a bit. just a few household items and you'll be able to give them a constant supply of CO2 for very little cost. sure, it's not going to output what an actual generator would, but it's enough to get seedlings and clones a head start.

it's the 13th post down in this thread.

he's gotta handy youtube video on it.

this guy has a picture tutorial for a bit more in-depth CO2 generator but it involves the use of blow torches and whatnot. if you have the inclination, go for it. it's post #450.

good luck!
Re: New grower bagseed

hey bro, you could make a simple little CO2 generator to plug into your dome and that'll help your plants a long a bit. just a few household items and you'll be able to give them a constant supply of CO2 for very little cost. sure, it's not going to output what an actual generator would, but it's enough to get seedlings and clones a head start.

it's the 13th post down in this thread.

he's gotta handy youtube video on

this guy has a picture tutorial for a bit more in-depth CO2 generator but it involves the use of blow torches and whatnot. if you have the inclination, go for it. it's post #450.

good luck!

great video on that thread. I will have to try it out when my order arrives. does anyone know how long a o2 generator like that will last?
how often do you need to replace the mix?
Re: New grower bagseed

not sure how long it lasts as i've never done it. but i'll be building one along with my cloner.

when the mix is gone, it needs to be replaced. you'll know. the yeast wont be bubbling anymore. if you put the end of the tube in a glass of water, and no bubble comes up after a few seconds, then there's no CO2 coming out and its time to replace. it's all about trial and error.

if you end up doing it, snap some pics and let us know how it goes!

good luck!
Re: New grower bagseed

after much thought I decided to take the males out of the closet. I dont want to risk my only female by keeping them in there.
yup thats right I just found out that gimpy is also a male. so all that is left is lonely Lolita. the males are going to be stripped
down and saved for hash. I was going to pollinate but instead im going to keep this grow simple.

my order has not shipped yet but I have already started a new batch. im not sure if my clone is going to make it so I have
seeds started and ready to go. these seeds are more from the bag of mystery lets see if this new batch can do better than the
first round.

stay tuned for pics
Re: New grower bagseed

here is the pic of the cabinet after I raised up the shelf. so now I have 2ft up top and 4ft at the bottom.

here is my lady "lonely Lolita"


Re: New grower bagseed

Lolita looks real good, you can see what your LST work has done. Can't wait to see her flower.
As you may know I am using a makeshift CO2 generator in my little closet grow.
Here is a link that may help DIY Yeast CO2 - The Planted Tank

The batch of brew, in terms of CO2 generation, typically lasts about a week according to the link's proportions.
Re: New grower bagseed

thanks for th info RL. im going to be making one for my seedlings soon. knowing how long it last and how much yeast to
use in each batch will give me an idea of how much to yeast to buy at the store. I hate running out of something and need
to keep making runs to the store for supplies. but I also dont like to over spend if I dont have to.

glad you like the LST. Lolita is loving it too. at this point im making sure all the shoots have their own space and plenty of
light as they continue to grow
Re: New grower bagseed

so id just like to mention that one of the seed banks that is a sponsor on here has the best
customer service that ive ever seen in any company. I dont recommend many companies but I have to give credit
where credit is due. the admin responds to all questions quickly and will keep you informed along the way.

kuddos dutch seed shop
Re: New grower bagseed

hey green your grow looks great sorry to hear about about the clone i hope it pulls through .... also sorry to hear about the males.... damn it right ? hahaha... sounds like you don't want to deal with pollinating this time around i don't blame you especially if your limited on space it can get out of control. your new set up looks great tho are you gonna veg on top and flower below? and your lady looks healthy too. and i guarantee she will fill out your whole grow space..... how far into flower are you now?
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