New Grower In MD


420 Member
🥯Morning fellow grower's and smoker's💨..I'm 💯 new to growing Marijuana and I'm addicted as most are who grow...I live in Cecil county MD and it became legal in July..I live on the Chesapeake Bay and open of the Susquehanna River.. I'm the closest to the east Coast as you can get...Growing in MD outdoors is almost impossible given our climate's Bi-Polar issues;🙄 but I'ma make it happen with my unknown feminized seeds...😂Nice to meet everyone....


Thank you...They are about 2 weeks old. I just started week 3 or 4 of flowering (not sure) and I think I'm taking a magnesium hit..and fast! I'm going to take a few pics here soon to upload for some advice..
2 weeks old? Presume you mean 2 months from seed?
Welcome to the group.

Great looking plants . Can't tell for sure but looks like they have started flowering, at least in the second photo.

Growing in MD outdoors is almost impossible given our climate's Bi-Polar issues;🙄 but I'ma make it happen...
Not to worry. The weather there is not all that different than just about any other places in the US. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

For outdoor growing the important thing is not temperatures but to learn about the length of available daylight. That helps the grower put plants outside at the right time for the best in flower development.
Hello and thank you. I just checked my pic info and they were taken on Aug 9. Aug 2nd I noticed they had in fact gotten 12 hrs of dark and started the flowering process..So I think I just started week 4. I count from the day I planted my seedlings into pots...Is that correct? Here are pics I took just yesterday. The first one is all 3 that I'm growing..The second is just a pic of one top on 1 plant.


Welcome to 420 Magazine @drkpink1977

Will you be growing indoors during the colder months?
Do you have the equipment to grow indoors?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Hello and thank you for the info. I'm actually growing outdoors at the moment because I'm all about the natural aspects of growing outdoors and also I tend to a Backyard Nursery we run all day long ...However, It rained the entire month of June and I do mean everyday of straight down pours, except 6 days out of the month. I took a MAJOR light stress hit ( as in no sun) as well as 3 soaked 5 gal pots that drain..It was almost impossible to get out and tend the Nursery and My Girls .SMH...As you can see I've kept then alive despite my Bi-Polar climate ( I check them thoughly 5 times a day including nutes, PH and Mositure) It's now In the 90s with RH anywhere from 30 to 70..There loaded in dew in the AM given Its getting down to 58 at nights already!! 😂 I am going to try and buy some Autos over the winter. I was given a 2x4 grow tent and I bought full spectrum LED lights, a hydrometer, and Also a garden tester for light, moisture, Nutes and PH. we'll see how it goes first with my first ever grow outdoors.
Welcome to 420 DrkPink!

You've got some survivors.

Good luck on your first grow! :Rasta:
Hello and thank you. I just checked my pic info and they were taken on Aug 9. my seedlings into pots...Is that correct? Here are pics I took just yesterday. The first one is all 3 that I'm growing..The second is just a pic of one top on 1 plant.


Here’s a little advice about growing outdoors and now especially since they’re flowering every pest in the area will be attracted to them. If I were you I would start them on @Sierra Natural Science 209 Systemic Pest Control. The plants absorb it and they no longer taste good to pests. I grew outdoors last year and was attacked by every pest in the Chicago area. Btw your plants look awesome and welcome to the @420 Magazine family @drkpink1977 CL🍀. :thumb: :welcome::circle-of-love::theband::cheer::party:
Welcome to 420mag bro :welcome: plants ar looking beautiful 👌
Here’s a little advice about growing outdoors and now especially since they’re flowering every pest in the area will be attracted to them. If I were you I would start them on @Sierra Natural Science 209 Systemic Pest Control. The plants absorb it and they no longer taste good to pests. I grew outdoors last year and was attacked by every pest in the Chicago area. Btw your plants look awesome and welcome to the @420 Magazine family @drkpink1977 CL🍀. :thumb: :welcome::circle-of-love::theband::cheer::party:
Thank you!
🥯Morning fellow grower's and smoker's💨..I'm 💯 new to growing Marijuana and I'm addicted as most are who grow...I live in Cecil county MD and it became legal in July..I live on the Chesapeake Bay and open of the Susquehanna River.. I'm the closest to the east Coast as you can get...Growing in MD outdoors is almost impossible given our climate's Bi-Polar issues;🙄 but I'ma make it happen with my unknown feminized seeds...😂Nice to meet everyone....


hi there, I'm in east Virginia and no worry, we can grow just fine here on the east coast.

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